Luan Ling Qixia

Chapter 134

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Shi Hepu nodded, and said: "There is still a problem right now, the prince is very strict with the disciples, and I am afraid that he will not be allowed to get involved in such Jianghu affairs. For the current plan, Shi can only escape from the palace secretly, so that he can follow everyone. Let’s go find a mentor together.”

Zhu Yi suddenly said: "Mr. Shi, you just need to tell us the whereabouts of the respected master, and Brother Luo and the others can find Senior Lin to save people. This way, you don't have to risk running away. The prince is very strict, as if If you leave without saying goodbye, you are afraid that he will let you go in a fit of rage." The two of Luo Jing agreed with each other.

Shi Hepu shook his head and said: "I have something to do. How dare Shi Mou let his mentor be exposed to dangers and thorns, but shrink into the palace? I would like to go to see my mentor with you. This life is not in vain for my mentor to cultivate me for many years." Luo Yushu sighed: "Senior Shi puts light on body and values ​​righteousness, which is very admirable. If everyone is like this, why are there so many quarrels and misfortunes? "

While the four of them were talking, someone knocked lightly on the door outside, Luo Yushu was startled, and stretched out his hand to press the hilt of his sword.Shi Hepu waved his hand and asked: "Who is outside?" The old servant Zhongshu said: "Doctor Shi, the patient next door needs to change his medicine." Shi Hepu said: "Understood, I will go right away. Uncle Zhong responded, then turned and left.

Shi Hepudao: "This is an injured person who was sent to the prince's house three or four days ago. The prince is always careful, and I don't know why he took in a Tartar." Luo Yushu's face changed, and he said: "Senior said that the injured person is a Tartar. son?" Shi Hepu nodded and said: "That's right, this person suffered a serious sword wound, fortunately he had been properly diagnosed and treated before being sent here, his life is safe for a while, but...just..." He frowned Deep locked, looking very worried.

Luo Yushu asked: "Senior Shi, is there anything wrong with this?" Shi Hepu pondered for a long time, then sighed: "This man was seriously injured and was dying, but fortunately he was rescued by a good doctor with different skills. From the doctor's point of view, It seems to be Uncle Guan's Xuantian acupuncture."

Luo Jing and the two looked at each other, and said in a voiceless voice: "It's the sea of ​​trees!" They were both extremely shocked.Luo Yushu secretly thought: "Shuhai was rescued from Taibaiding by Songyun and Tongbai a month ago, how did he come to King Ning? Could it be... Could it be that King Ning has something to do with Wuwei Sect?" confused.

Jing Lanzhou said: "Mr. Shi, I don't know if the younger generation can go to the neighboring room to have a look?" Shi Hepu said with a look of embarrassment: "The prince is very strict with this person, except for allowing Shi to visit and treat him, no one else is allowed Entering his room, if you want to see him, you are afraid of offending the prince."

Zhu Yi smiled and said: "Mr. Shi, since you have made up your mind to leave the palace, why are you afraid of offending King Ning?" If you know that I left to protect my benefactor, maybe you don't want to pursue it; but if I violate the prohibition order and leak the private affairs of the palace, I will die a hundred times."

Suddenly, a person outside the room sneered and said, "That's right, if you leaked the prince's secret, you can't survive. Doctor Shi, how can you explain what happened today?" Shi Hepu was startled, and jumped out of the window, seeing a A black-robed martial artist in his thirties stood holding a knife, his face was scorched yellow, and his pair of inverted triangular eyes were very vicious.Shi Hepu's complexion changed slightly, and he said in a low voice: "Teacher Tu, I have never had any grudges with you in the past. If you sell Shi a favor today, it will be repaid tomorrow."

Instructor Tu sneered and said: "Shi Hepu, today I will teach you to understand that Tu is none other than the younger brother of Tu Sanzhai Lord of Chiyan Village. Back then you slaughtered my village completely, how can you not avenge your revenge? It's a pity that Tu's martial arts are too far behind yours. In the past few years, I have visited many famous teachers, and I have finally achieved some success in learning martial arts. When I returned to Jiangxi, I found out that you had hid in the palace, so I committed myself to be a guarding instructor here, waiting for an opportunity to kill you. You violated the lord's prohibition by secretly interacting with the scholar surnamed Zhu. Do you really think that no one will see? It's just that you two talk about nonsense poems, writings and paintings all day long. If the lord knows about it, you may not be punished severely. Today, it finally fell into my hands! The lord has repeatedly ordered that no one should inquire about the origin of the patient, but you actually told a few outsiders about it, let's see if the lord will spare you?"

Shi Hepu frowned, and suddenly stretched out his finger and tapped the Tiantu acupoint on the head and neck.Instructor Tu waved his right hand with a single swing, jumped two steps away and shouted: "Shi Hepu! My martial arts are not as good as yours. Today it is easy for you to kill me, and the matter cannot be covered!" Just as he was about to open his mouth to shout, his body trembled suddenly, and he felt an embarrassment The back Lingtai acupoint is like pouring a line of ice water, although the mouth is wide open, there is only a lot in the throat, and there is no more sound.It turned out that Luo Yushu heard the two talking in the room, and at the critical moment, he used the superb kung fu of sword qi to acupoint, and then sealed Tu Jiaotou's dumb acupoint so that he could not make a sound or move.

Shi Hepu hurriedly dragged Instructor Tu into the room, and said in a deep voice: "Shi was negligent for a while, and the danger was calculated by Xiaoxiao. We set off right away while the prince is still in seclusion." Hastily put the few medical books at hand into the bag, The crowd said: "Listen to me, everyone, leave quickly now, and someone will come to meet you when you arrive at Shengmidu in the south of the city." Standing up and pushing the door outside, he staggered back a few steps like seeing a ghost, his face was terrified. Almost bloodless.

Luo Yushu looked out, and saw an old man with a square face standing at the door. He was dressed in a straight black silk gown, his face was so pale and blue, with a few gray beards scattered on his chin, a pair of ring eyes stared straight at Shi Hepu, slowly Slowly asked: "Doctor Shi, where are you going?"

Shi Hepu said in a trembling voice: "Mr. Fan, there has been a change in the lower division, please hold your hand high, I... I'm going to find my mentor and his old man." Mr. Fan pointed to the room and said: "Who are they?" Shi Hepu said: " It''s my friends from the rivers and lakes."

Mr. Fan said indifferently: "My lord has already stated that after entering the palace, he is not allowed to have any contact with any old martial arts friends, don't you remember?" Shi Hepu said: "They...they came here to report the news. Fan Sir, Mr. Shi kowtows to you, and Mr. Wanwang puts him on the next lifeline to see his teacher." Mr. Fan shook his head and said, "You only need to pass my test, and naturally no one will stop you." Shi Hepu's faces were ashen, and said: " How dare I be presumptuous in front of your old man?"

Mr. Fan said: "Don't blame me for being merciless if you don't want to make a move yourself." Suddenly he pushed his palm towards his chest.Shi and Pu were completely unprepared, and they were about to die on the spot. Luo Jing stepped forward, one left and one right, and handed out palms. Mr. Fan turned to both palms when he saw this, and only heard two slaps. Take two steps.Mr. Fan said "Huh" and said, "What a handsome skill! Rare, rare!"

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