Luan Ling Qixia

Chapter 132

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The three of them were gossiping in the forest, unaware that the sun was setting and the setting sun was gradually falling, dyeing the veranda and veranda into a golden yellow.After waiting for a while, a few distant bells sounded from the front courtyard. Zhu Chief clapped his hands and said, "Okay! The prince has already entered the inner room. Let's go to find Mr. Shi." He took Luo Jing and the two to the east side of the other courtyard. , I saw a red lacquered wooden door inside the blue brick wall, the style is very simple and elegant.

Zhu Chief stepped forward and knocked lightly twice, and an old servant came out from the door in a short while, saw Zhu Chief and said, "Master Zhu, are you here to see Mr. Shi's calligraphy and painting again?" Zhu Chief handed over the ingot and broken silver and said: " Still trouble Uncle Zhong to pass on a word, a little thought is right to be used as wine." The old servant said with a smile: "Young master is so polite." Glancing at Luo Jing and the other two, he frowned and said, "Who are these two?" Zhu Chief said : "It's a friend of mine who is studying, and this time I'm here to visit Mr. Shi together."

Seeing that the two men were polite, the old servant didn't become suspicious, he just said: "My lord also knows that the lord doesn't like outsiders, it's very risky for this old servant to let you in alone, now I have to bring two strangers, I'm afraid It's not in compliance with the rules." Zhu Chief said: "These two are my best friends, Uncle Zhong can rest assured." He took out another big silver and stuffed it in his hand.The old servant hesitated for a while, and said: "Okay! The young master is so straightforward, there is nothing the old servant can't trust you, just remember to leave within three quarters."

Zhu Yi said happily: "Thank you!" He led the two of them into the side door, turned around the screen wall and entered a small courtyard with two wing rooms on the north side.Chief Zhu went to the room on the right and knocked lightly on the door. A middle-aged literati came out of the door. He had a white face and long locks, and he was very elegant in appearance.Both Luo Jing and Luo Jing thought in their hearts: "You can't be judged by appearances. Chiyan Village has been evil in Jiangxi for many years. Who would have thought that it would be such a frail scholar who wiped them out overnight?"

Shi Hepu raised his head and saw the three of them, he was slightly startled and said, "Brother Zhu, are these two your friends?" His tone was a little unhappy.Zhu Yi said: "Mr. Shi, my younger brother knows that you should not bring outsiders to you, but you will not blame me when you know these two identities later." Shi Hepu said: "Oh? I want to ask the two big names."

Luo Yushu took a step forward, bowed deeply and said: "Your junior, Luo Yushu, who is currently serving as the capital of Liaodong, has taken the liberty of disturbing Mr. Qingxiu today, and I am extremely terrified. This brother Jinglan Zhoujing is Mr. Si Guo's closed disciple. Shi Hepu was startled, and said: "It turns out that it is Gu, a senior student, disrespectful and disrespectful!" Zhu Yi said with a smile: "This General Luo is from a famous family in Hejian, and he is also one of the young talents in the martial arts." Shi Hepu said: "Hejian Mansion? Could you be the nephew of Mr. Luo, the hero of Heshuo?" Luo Yushu said, "It is the ancestor of the family." Shi and Pu Xi said: "You two are really rare and honored guests. It is a mistake to welcome you. A few Please come inside." The three of them were hurriedly welcomed into the inner room, only to see that the furnishings in the room were simple and the beds were clean.

The four sat down as guests and hosts, and Shi and Pu said: "It's useless for a good guest to have a good time. It's a pity that Shi is under the fence, so it's not convenient to make a big show, lest the host doesn't like it; I have to serve a cup of green tea. Let's chat and get together, don't blame me." Luo Yushu said: "An uninvited guest, how dare you disturb too much? This junior is here to have a life-threatening event and ask for Doctor Shi's help." Suddenly he got up and bowed down to Shi Hepu.

Shi Hepu was startled and said: "Why did Shaoxia Luo do such a great gift? Shi can't afford it." He stepped forward to help him up, and said: "Young hero has something to do, but it's okay to talk about it. Your Excellency is a descendant of the Luo family. Whatever Shi can do, You must not refuse." Luo Yushu then elaborated on the fact that his cousin was injured by the innate palm strength, and said: "Master Uncle clearly stated that only Senior Lin can save Sister's life in this world, and I hope that Senior will use the heart of hanging the pot to help the world. , to be able to tell the story of the respected master, the whole Luo family will be moved to tears, and will never forget the kindness of the senior." Said and knelt down to him again.

Shi Hepu was silent for a long time, and sighed: "Young Xia Luo, get up and talk first." Jing Lanzhou helped Luo Yushu up and said, "This junior has also seen it with his own eyes. Wanwang Mr. Shi will help Luo Gu and his family." Shi Hepu Nodding his head, he asked Zhu Yi: "Brother Zhu, how do you know these two friends from the rivers and lakes?" Thank you to the two of you: "I wish you brothers and I are friends, and Shi is very grateful for the two people's righteousness." It's also good to hide it from Dr. Shi, so I don't know what the intention is?"

Shi Hepu said slowly: "The two of you went to Jiangxi to find Shi, and I should be ordered. However, since this matter involves a mentor, Shi has to be cautious. What the uncle said is correct, and this is the case. Shi Mou has never learned the technique of dissection, pumping and cutting, and apart from my mentor, there is no other person in the world who has this ability."

Luo Yushu said: "We also know that our respected master has lived in seclusion for many years, this trip is also a last resort, and I want to ask him to come out to help." Shi Hepu shook his head and said: "To tell you the truth, my teacher has washed his hands in the golden basin long ago, and swore not to see him again in this life. As an outsider, Shi can make excuses that the old man has passed away; but his mentor was once benefited by the hero Luo Ze, and I can't lie to the two young heroes. The reason why the old man hibernates is to avoid a very powerful enemy. "

Luo Yushu said: "The juniors have also heard a little bit about this matter. Dare I ask if the opponent of the old senior Lin is the 'viper anaconda god' You Tianwu who everyone in the world has heard of?" The Bashan faction and You Tianwu formed a grudge, and the two indeed forged a deep and intractable enmity. The viper god is famous for his ability to poison poison, but his mentor is the first disciple of the ancestor Meishan doctor, and he is not afraid of it. His external tricks are just slightly inferior in martial arts."

Jing Lanzhou once heard his master Gu Dongguan talk about You Tianwu's martial arts, knowing that although his martial arts are strong, he is still inferior to first-class masters such as Songyun and Wu Lao, otherwise Bashan Gu is just an ordinary master in the martial arts He didn't have to seek revenge from the other party by poisoning secretly. The name of "Viper God Lord" resounded all over the world, and it was mostly due to his ever-changing and unpredictable poison-using skills.Although You Tianwu's unique technique "Bi Phosphorous Palm" is a unique and evil kung fu in the martial arts, if one's own internal strength is limited, and you will be restrained before you meet a real master, the Poison Palm will be useless, and you have to wear a mask The unrivaled masters like the strange guest are so powerful that they are rarely rivaled.Now Shi Hepu said that his teacher's martial arts skills are not as good as You Tianwu's, but Lin Yuetai's martial arts cultivation is indeed far behind his junior brother Guan Motong, so he cupped his hands and said, "Don't worry about Shi's genius doctor, we want to invite Lin Yuetai When the old senior comes out of the mountain, he will try his best to protect the revered master. The juniors have invited several martial arts masters to help, and we will never let the revered master suffer any damage."

Shi Hepu smiled bitterly and said: "Thank you for your kindness. Although You Tianwu is vicious, we lost to him without the joint efforts of our master and apprentice. The reason why my teacher can't live in seclusion, and Shi was forced to take shelter here in the palace, is to avoid others. Alone." Luo Yushu wondered: "Oh? Could it be that besides the viper god, there are more difficult enemies?" Shi Hepu sighed: "It is useless to talk about this matter, but the two young heroes came from thousands of miles away. It’s hard for Shi to hide the truth. This enemy is none other than Guan Motong, who instructed the two of you to come to Jiangxi to look for me.”

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