Luan Ling Qixia

Chapter 131

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Zhu Panxuan, the eldest son of King Ning Zhuquan, died before his father during the orthodox period. His posthumous title was Zhuanghui.He originally thought that Luo Yushu would be frightened and beg for mercy when he heard his name, but unexpectedly the other party was not very scared, he was also taken aback, and asked: "Who are you, dare to talk to me like this?" Luo Yushu Said: "The next one, Bai Ding, speaks from the bottom of his heart, and I hope His Highness will deeply reflect on himself, and don't act evil for a while and cause the family line to be lost."

Zhu Dianlei saw that all the servants were beaten so hard that they couldn't get up, and their arrogance had already died down. Seeing that Luo Yushu's words were still polite, he said bravely, "What a big tone! Don't leave here if you have the guts, I'll go back and find someone Come to settle accounts with you!" Ignoring the injured subordinate, he walked away in a hurry, and the girl who was made things difficult earlier also ran away without a trace.

Gu Qingzhi complained: "Brother Luo, you are just too good-tempered, why don't you let me teach this kid a lesson?" Luo Yushu laughed and said: "We still have to ask King Ning, first beat his grandson with a bruised nose and a swollen face. It's not easy. Now that we've come across this, it's all right to make a move." Glancing back, he said, "Hey, where did Brother Zhu go?" Everyone looked back, but there was no sign of Chief Zhu.Yue Suqi said: "He was still with us before, and there was such a mess just now, I don't know where he got into. Since he is a local, he can't get lost, maybe he met an acquaintance and friend."

Only Luo Jing and two people present knew Chief Zhu's identity. Although the three had made a covenant with each other and planned things together, seeing each other's whereabouts so strangely, they still couldn't help but feel a little uneasy.Everyone had a commotion in front of Tengwang Pavilion, the surroundings were already crowded with people watching the excitement, Luo Yushu was afraid of causing trouble, so he pulled Gu Qingzhi and said: "Staying is useless, let's go!"

The five hurried back to the inn, only to see Zhu Yi sitting in the lobby drinking tea leisurely.Yue Su was very angry and funny, and said: "You kid, you put oil on the soles of your feet, and you slipped fast!" Zhu Chief said: "You see the injustice on the road, hoe the strong and shake the weak, I wish you a lot of admiration. Here, if you offend the palace with everyone, I'm afraid that catastrophe will come soon, and you don't need to stay in Nanchang from now on." Yue Su nodded and said: "Well, it makes sense. Although you are a coward , the brain is not stupid."

Luo Jing and the two guessed that Zhu Chief would never be afraid of dudes like Zhu Dianlei, and the reason why he slipped away quietly was probably because he didn't want to get involved in disputes.Jing Lanzhou asked him: "Brother Zhu, why don't you tell us how you will make an appointment to see the miracle doctor Shi, and I will make preparations." Sitting alone in the room and meditating, Fan and Yu will be guarding outside at that time, and they will not leave each other easily, this is the best time to meet with Mr. Shi, just follow Zhu Mou's camera."

Luo Yushu nodded and said: "It's not appropriate to make too much publicity about this matter, it would be disadvantageous if there are too many people. In my opinion, it's better for Brother Jing and I to accompany Brother Zhu, and the rest stay at the inn to wait for news. If this trip fails, then Move out Brother Zhao and Miss Yue to rescue the soldiers, or wait until we see the Daoist priest tomorrow, how do you guys think?" Seeing that she was not allowed to go, Gu Qingzhi was very unhappy, Yue Su smiled and said: "This book It’s a sneaky thing, so don’t let the big guys join in the fun, it’s easy to do things if there are few people.” It was agreed that Zhu Yi would take Luo Jing and the two to visit Zhu Quan’s other courtyard in the western suburbs of Nanchang at dusk.

The Nanning King's Courtyard was built on Jilong Mountain, ten miles west of Nanchang. The terrain is towering and beautiful. Turning around a tung tree forest at the foot of the mountain, you can see the pavilions and pavilions in the distance hidden among the green trees and white flowers. , It really feels like a paradise.The three of them saw that the time had not yet passed, so they rested and chatted in the woods first.Jing Lanzhou praised: "Ning Wangguo is an elegant man, and it is not a joy in life to get this fine cottage to study, play and play the piano all day?"

Luo Yushu said with a smile: "Brother Jing is very interested. But I'm afraid that the world will be turbulent and the family and country will be difficult. Brother and Taiwan are all amazing, so it's not convenient for Tao Qian to hide." Jing Lanzhou said: "My nature is rough, how can I bear it? Brother Qi Luo has deep expectations! As long as you act worthy of your conscience, it is enough to not insult the prestige of your teacher." Zhu Yi said with a smile: "You two are the proud sons of heaven and the best among men. There is no need to be too humble. There are so many people, it is not as good as the two handsome men. In the past, Cao Mengde cooked wine and talked about heroes, claiming that the only heroes in the world are the king and the ears; Zhu Mou is not talented, and today he dares to speak out. The two of you will surely be full of wind and clouds in the future. Will be the leader of the martial arts."

Jing Lanzhou smiled and said: "I know I'm not talented, so I dare not hear about such things. Your martial arts are very strong. I don't know where the famous masters are from? I don't know if I can tell you." Luo Yushu saw the chieftain Zhu the night before Taking Jiansheng lightly, although relying on a little bit of kung fu is strange and unpredictable, but his true ability should not be underestimated. I can't help but wonder about his teacher's background.

Zhu Yi smiled and said: "How can you dare to be arrogant in front of Luo Daxia and Mr. Si Guo's heirs after doing these three-legged kung fu? My enlightenment master is Wudang School Taoist Yunyan, but Zhu has no long-term nature, and he didn't follow the Taoist priest. Study hard for a few years, and then practice a lot of miscellaneous kung fu. It can be said that you can't eat too much. In the end, you can't get enough of it. I regret it when I think about it." Jing Lanzhou said with a smile: "Brother Zhu, why belittle yourself Your Excellency subdues Jiansheng with one strike, this kind of kung fu is already rare in Jianghu." Chief Zhu shook his head and said, "You have self-knowledge. Although Zhu Shuchi is two years older, he is far behind in terms of martial arts. The two of you have already cultivated so much today, how can they be compared a few years later?"

Both of them felt that Zhu Chief's conversation was graceful and elegant, and if he hadn't seen him possessing unique skills, he would be a noble son. They couldn't believe that the other party was actually an important figure in the number one evil sect in the world.Luo Yushu thought to himself: "He said he is from the Wudang School? Well, when he fights with Jian Sheng, he really knows a lot of Wudang Kung Fu." He knew that Taoist Yunyan is the senior brother of Taoist Huanghe, the current head of the Wudang School, Since the founding of Zhang Sanfeng, a Taoist wonderman at the end of Song Dynasty and the beginning of Yuan Dynasty, Wudang has always been the leader of the decent schools along with Shaolin and the Beggars' Gang for nearly 200 years.Although Luo Zhongyuan and Gu Dongguan are the masters of today's martial arts world, and the martial arts are so high that the world does not think of a third person, Luo Zhongyuan did not create a sect or establish a religion, and Kung Fu is just a family tradition; Because of him alone, he surpassed Shaolin and Wudang in the limelight.But both Luo Jing and Luo Jing knew that in the past 30 to [-] years, the talents of the Wudang School have withered. Although Huang He, Yun Yan and others are also top-notch fighters in the martial arts, they are not as good as Song Yun and Si Runnan. Such skills can be regarded as extremely outstanding figures in Wudang.

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