Longevity Tianque

Chapter 2013 The Ranger Picked Up the Treasure

As the great elder of the Shangyang lineage, Li Zefeng knows more things than ordinary monks, even for ancient methods, Li Zefeng also has some understanding.

Practicing ancient methods can indeed condense small worlds, but there is also a gap between small worlds and small worlds!

Why do you say that?

For example, Li Fusheng's Flame World, this small world is of great use to Li Fusheng himself, and it is also very useful to the monks of the Li family in Shangyang. Even if Li Fusheng dies, as long as the small world stays, the The Li family lineage in Shangyang will also have one more holy place for cultivation.

And what about Xingyu World?

The star world is the most common, but it is also the most precious!

Because, in the Xingyu World, there are no powerful spells, at most, the monks' own spells. However, the most precious thing about the Xingyu World is that the Xingyu World is suitable for all monks.

In other words, after Wang Changsheng's death, the Xingyu world left behind is equivalent to an ordinary small world, and can become an existence with the background of various supreme teachings.

Because, Xingyu World has no attributes!

"It's terrible, the mountain patrol has found a treasure..."

Li Zefeng said in his heart.

If Wang Changsheng can continue to practice, he will definitely become a top powerhouse in the end. Even if he dies halfway, the small world left by Wang Changsheng can still make a lot of money for the mountain rangers.

"The Patriarch was too late..." Li Zefeng said in his heart, "If the Patriarch had gone earlier and made a move before Hu Zun, then Wang Changsheng would be a member of the Li family in Shangyang!"

Wang Changsheng was picked up by Hu Zun at the beginning because Hu Zun made the move first, and the two are related, so Wang Changsheng naturally believed in Hu Zun even more.

However, once the Patriarch made a direct move in the Sanxian Ruins and robbed Wang Changsheng halfway, there would be no chance for Hu Zun at all!

The main reason is that the Patriarch of the Li family didn't pay enough attention to it. At that time, only one elder was sent there, so the following things happened.


In the end, Li Zefeng could only sigh helplessly.

Wang Changsheng has already joined the Mountain Patrol, and he has been awarded the Mountain Patrol Order, and he is the City Lord of the Patrol City. Now he has become a strong man in the realm of Dazun. If he wants to pull Wang Changsheng into the Shangyang vein, it is simply impossible. Too likely.

Li Zefeng can only watch such an excellent junior become a monk of other forces, and this excellent junior has the power of his own bloodline, Li Zefeng is also very heartbroken!

After the heartache was over, Li Zefeng also looked towards the battlefield. In this battle, Li Zefeng still hoped that Li Fusheng would win, because the current Li Fusheng is the young master of the Li family, and Wang Changsheng is just an outsider with a good relationship!

No matter how strong the blood is, no matter how talented the monk is, it is useless if he is not a monk of the Shangyang lineage!

Even, the Li family in Shangyang did not investigate the origin of Wang Changsheng's blood power, and even did not take action against Wang Changsheng, which is considered good.

"Look, the starry sky seems to be moving..."

"Don't doubt your eyes, the starry sky is indeed moving, and I noticed it too!"

"Among the stars, only starlight can flow, and the stars themselves don't move!"


As for whether Xingyu was moving or whether starlight was moving, everyone could still see clearly.

Everyone was very sure that Xingyu was moving, not Xingguang!

Combined with Li Fusheng's attack on that piece of Xingyu just now, everyone can already understand the problem.

Xingyu is Wang Changsheng's small world!

Sure enough, when Li Fusheng's flame world was suppressed, Xingyu stopped suppressing the flame world, and a hole was torn in Xingyu.

The figure of Wang Changsheng came out from the opening, looked at Li Fusheng's world of flames, and smiled.

"Old Li, tell me, what about my Xingyu world?"

With a wave of Wang Changsheng's hand, the starlight surged, and Xingyu also began to riot.

When Xingyu started to riot, everyone could see more clearly that the Xingyu world sacrificed by Wang Changsheng actually covered the sight of all the monks present.

That is to say, when Wang Changsheng and Li Fusheng collided for the last time, Wang Changsheng got away directly.

No, no, definitely not getting away, if Wang Changsheng used magic to get away, everyone would definitely find out!

Even if everyone can't find it, then Li Zefeng will definitely be able to, because the gap in cultivation base is too big.

Even Li Zefeng didn't notice it, which is enough to show that at the final collision, Wang Changsheng had already sacrificed the Xingyu World, and directly covered it at the moment of the collision.

Even, Wang Changsheng sacrificed Xingyu earlier, but everyone didn't notice it!

If it was in the Nine Heavens Realm, it would definitely be difficult for Wang Changsheng to achieve this kind of deception effect, but this is the place of the Shangyang Clan in the depths of Xingyu, it is absolutely possible!

The moment Wang Changsheng walked out of the crack, everyone's understanding of Wang Changsheng became deeper.

"With strength and strategy, this kind of person is terrifying!"

Many monks believe so.

I don't even know when Wang Changsheng sacrificed the Xingyu World. If Wang Changsheng has any evil intentions, wouldn't it mean that the monks present who are not as powerful as Wang Changsheng will be ruined?

"Old Wang, your Xingyu World is very powerful!"

Li Fusheng said.

Just now, when Li Fusheng was still in doubt, he had already used the power of the flame world to attack Wang Changsheng's Xingyu world.

Having seen Wang Changsheng's dantian Xingyu before, Li Fusheng naturally knew the characteristics of Li Fusheng Xingyu.

It's just that after so many years of cultivation, as Wang Changsheng's strength broke through to Dazun, Xingyu World became even more terrifying.

Wang Changsheng's star world looks very ordinary, not at all as coquettish as Li Fusheng's flame world. However, in Wang Changsheng's star world, Li Fusheng felt a deadly threat.

Moreover, there is more than one kind of deadly threat.

"If I'm not mistaken, one of the deadly breaths should come from Huangquan..."

"The other deadly breath should be Jiuyou City!"

"What's another deadly breath?"

Li Fusheng looked at Wang Changsheng's Xingyu world, full of fear.

"Do you need to say it?" Wang Changsheng said: "My small world is definitely better than you!"

This is not a dispute of tongues, just collided, who is strong and who is weak, other monks can't tell, don't the two of them directly understand?

Underworld, Nine Nether City, Xinghe Shenzang...

These are all things that can threaten Li Fusheng's existence.

the most important is…

In Wang Changsheng's Xingyu, there are Jianmu seedlings suppressing it!

After breaking through to Dazun, Jianmu seedlings also ushered in explosive growth, and now they can no longer be described as seedlings!

These are all things that Li Fusheng can't compare to!

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