Longevity Tianque

Chapter 2012 Star Universe World

"Look over there!"

Suddenly, a Dazun early-stage monk pointed to a cluster of sparks not far away and said, "That cluster of sparks has not dissipated, and it feels a little different!"

The monks of the Shangyang lineage, especially the monks of the Li family of the royal family, are more sensitive to flames. When someone pointed it out, many monks also felt that there was something wrong with the ball of sparks.


With the sound of a roar, the flames that were originally floating in mid-air instantly approached the flames that everyone found abnormal, and finally condensed into a ball.

Then, the flame spread instantly, turning into a sea of ​​flames.

boom boom boom...

The flames are constantly transpiring, and the roaring sound is constantly ringing. It is the flames colliding. In the flames that are like entities, the golden light has completely disappeared, and the heat spreads.

A figure slowly condensed in the sea of ​​flames, becoming clearer and clearer. After everyone saw the figure in the flames, they all showed doubts.

"Who is that? I haven't seen it before!"

"Not Li Fusheng, nor Wang Changsheng, who the hell is it? Is there a third party in the battlefield?"

"There can be no third party, and the Great Elder is watching over there. It shouldn't be as simple as what we saw!"


Everyone made voices of doubt.

The condensed figure was neither Li Fusheng nor Wang Changsheng, and everyone was not familiar with this figure.

"It's Li Fusheng's body!"

Li Zefeng looked at the figure in the flame world and said in his heart.

Li Zefeng knew Li Fusheng very well. Li Fusheng was a very cautious person, and he often showed others with a fake face. Even the fat face that appeared in the Li family in Shangyang was fake!

This is Li Fusheng's real face!

Not only Li Fusheng, but even Wang Changsheng has the habit of changing his face and identity every once in a while. This kind of caution has already penetrated into the bones of the two of them.

"The ancient world is very mysterious!"

Li Zefeng looked at Li Fusheng's world of ancient methods and said: "This kind of flame world, even if it is extracted, is also a holy place for cultivation of the Li family lineage in Shangyang!"

Of course, Li Zefeng just thought about it, and he didn't think about extracting this flame world at all, because Li Zefeng knew that this world is the root of practicing ancient methods.

After Li Fusheng condensed his body, he looked at the surrounding situation, and he was also constantly sizing up. He was looking for Wang Changsheng.

At the last moment of the collision, both of them dispersed the Huofeng avatar, because they knew very well that with the means of the Huofeng avatar, it was impossible for them to tell the winner.

Therefore, both of them have to show their cards!

However, this hole card is not the final hole card of the two of them, but a hole card that everyone knows!

Ancient World!

As long as the monks who are familiar with Wang Changsheng and Li Fusheng know that they have practiced the ancient method, Li Fusheng has practiced the Fire Phoenix Jue inherited from the Li family of the Shangyang royal family, and it is the original version of the ancient method!

And what about Wang Changsheng?

He even practiced the longevity skill of Rotten Street!

The two of them cultivated to the realm of the great venerable, and they must have evolved the world of the ancient law. Everyone knows this, but what everyone wonders is, what is the world of the ancient law practiced by the two of them?

But now, Wang Changsheng and Li Fusheng plan to show it generously. Although this will expose part of their strength, as long as they are not monks who practice ancient methods, how can they understand the mystery of the world of ancient methods?

"Old Wang, come out, stop hiding!"

Li Fusheng said.

Because Li Fusheng searched, but did not find any trace of Wang Changsheng.

"Aren't I here? You can't see me..."

As soon as Li Fusheng finished speaking, Wang Changsheng's voice rang out in all directions. Immediately afterwards, everyone could feel Wang Changsheng's aura overwhelming, as if it was everywhere, but they didn't know where Wang Changsheng's real body was!


Li Fusheng's expression also changed. Even if Wang Changsheng made a sound, he could feel Wang Changsheng's aura, but Li Fusheng did not find Wang Changsheng's real body.

They all practice ancient methods, and Li Fusheng also has a certain feeling for the world of ancient methods.

"The only missing direction..."

After thinking for a while, Li Fusheng raised his head and thought of a possibility.

When they were in Shen Tianjing, both of them cultivated the world of ancient methods, and they also verified and communicated with each other. Li Fusheng knew a little about Wang Changsheng's world of ancient methods.

Similarly, Wang Changsheng is no stranger to Li Fusheng's ancient flame world, he has seen it back then, but it was not as grand as it was back then!

After Li Fusheng hesitated for a while, the world of flames was transpiring, and the power of the powerful flames radiated blazing heat, which was three points hotter than the sky fire, and it directly surged towards the sky.

"What is he doing? Is he planning to force Wang Changsheng out by stirring up Xingyu?"

"Isn't it realistic? Wang Changsheng must have used some kind of trick to deceive people, otherwise, it's impossible for no one to find him..."

"Anyway, I don't quite understand it, let's read it carefully first, this is a good opportunity to understand the ancient law..."

"There are too few people who have succeeded in practicing the ancient method. What's the use of knowing it?"


Many onlookers started talking about it.

There are too few monks practicing ancient methods, and even fewer are able to practice successfully.

According to everyone's knowledge, there are only a handful of people who can cultivate the ancient method to the level of a great master. How many of them have disappeared in the Nine Heavens Realm, and they don't know whether they have retreated or died?

Indeed, in this era, the ancient law is not obvious, and everyone does not need to know too much.

What if, one day, this era develops into a great world?There are already Jianmu who have entered the Tao, and no one can deny that this era can enter the Tao!

Once it becomes a great world, those old things that have been buried for countless ages will break out and compete with the powerhouses of this era. At that time, if you understand the ancient methods, you will definitely have a certain advantage.

Although the chances are very small, you have to guard against it!

What's more, there is nothing wrong with learning more about ancient methods, even if it is useless!


Amidst everyone's surprised expressions, the flame world and Xingyu collided together, making a huge roar, and immediately after, everyone saw Xingyu sinking under the flame world's pressure!

"Something's wrong, this Xingyu, something's wrong..."

A knowledgeable monk immediately noticed something was wrong at the moment of the collision.

How could an ordinary Xingyu fight back?

It is even more impossible to sink under Li Fusheng's flame world!

"Star Universe?"

Seeing such a situation, Li Zefeng's expression immediately changed. Looking at Xingyu who suddenly changed, his expression became extremely dignified!

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