Longevity Tianque

Chapter 2014 2 Tianjiao

Li Fusheng did not answer Wang Changsheng's words, because what Wang Changsheng said was true, and Wang Changsheng's Xingyu World was indeed very powerful.

Not only is it very stable, but Li Fusheng speculates that there should be something more powerful suppressing Xingyu in Wang Changsheng's Xingyu, which makes it even more extraordinary.

"You have already walked ahead of me!" Li Fusheng said.

Wang Changsheng shook his head and said: "No, I have broken through to the realm of the Great Master, and I am a little behind you. It's just a coincidence that I got something to suppress Xingyu!"

Wang Changsheng didn't explain too much, some things cannot be said to the outside world.

Whether it is Huangquan or Jiuyou City, it is a secret that cannot be made public, as long as Li Fusheng understands it himself.

"Try it!"

Li Fusheng said: "You and I fight, I still hope that everyone will gain something!"

After finishing speaking, Li Fusheng directly sat down cross-legged, sitting in the world of flames, the flames in the world of flames immediately began to steam up, the powerful power of the flames, and the blazing heat emitted were somewhat hotter than the sky fire.

Wang Changsheng also sat down cross-legged without the slightest hesitation, and with a big wave of his hand, the Xingyu world was under his control, the starlight flowed, and the star core could be seen roaring past from time to time.

On the other hand, magic weapons such as Huangquan were put away by Wang Changsheng, and even Xinghe was not revealed.


This time, the two small worlds collided together, the flames transpired, and the starlight flowed. The speed of the collision was not fast, but the roaring sound was endless.

Both of them closed their eyes, comprehending the collision of two small worlds.

This is no longer a collision of strength between the two, but a collision of technique and law!

The Fire Phoenix Jue practiced by Li Fusheng, and the Longevity Kung Fu practiced by Wang Changsheng.

Two powerful ancient methods collide at this moment, and no one knows who will win, but both of them know that such a collision is necessary, because, as far as the two are familiar, the practice of ancient methods to achieve this Realm, only oneself and the other two people.

All the monks present were watching the fight between Wang Changsheng and Li Fusheng. There was nothing fancy about the fight between the two sides, only the collision of technique and background.

"Who do you think will win?"

"Of course it's Young Master Li Fusheng. It's been a while since Young Master Li Fusheng broke through to the realm of the Grand Master, and his background should be deeper!"

"I don't think it's easy. The first time the small worlds collided just now, Wang Changsheng should have had some advantages!"

"Are you still a member of the Shangyang lineage? Why do you think the young master will lose?"


For the clansmen of the Shangyang lineage, regardless of whether Li Fusheng, the young master, can get their approval or not, they all hope that Li Fusheng can win.

For Li Fusheng and Wang Changsheng, this battle is a competition, and even the fulfillment of long-cherished wishes for many years. However, for the monks of the Shangyang lineage, this battle represents face.

Li Fusheng won. Doesn't it mean that Shangyang's pulse has overwhelmed the mountain patroller?

Regardless of whether this is the case or not, the members of the Shangyang lineage certainly hope that Li Fusheng can win.

bang bang...

The two small worlds were still colliding. Even the Patriarch of the Li Family in Shangyang came out of the small world of his ancestral home and stood beside Li Zefeng, watching Li Fusheng and Wang Changsheng fight with a solemn expression.

"Two prides!"

The Patriarch of the Li family said: "The real pride of heaven!"

Being able to get the head of the Li family to say the word "Tianjiao" is enough to show that Li Fusheng and Wang Changsheng are extraordinary.

"Indeed!" Li Zefeng nodded and said, "This era is the era of Jindan Dao. It is too difficult to cultivate the ancient method to this level!"

The Li family in Shangyang is also secretly cultivating monks who practice ancient methods, and, since many years ago, they have practiced the same Huofeng Jue as Li Fusheng.

It's just that the monks cultivated by the Shangyang Li family to practice ancient methods are only at the initial stage of Shaozun.

Not only the Li family in Shangyang, but also many supreme masters who are cultivating monks who practice ancient methods, but they have basically never heard of those who can break through to the realm of the Great Master.

too difficult!



Li Zefeng and the Patriarch of the Li family were still discussing, when suddenly, there were two sounds of spurting blood.

Li Fusheng and Wang Changsheng opened their eyes at the same time, and the sound of spurting blood came from their mouths. Immediately afterwards, the aura of both of them became chaotic.

Li Fusheng's breath was even more disordered, and it could be seen that Li Fusheng should have suffered from the fight between the two just now.

"Longevity Kungfu..."

Li Fusheng looked at Wang Changsheng's Xingyu world, and with a wave of his hand, he directly put away his own flame world.

Wang Changsheng also wiped off the blood from the corner of his mouth, stood up slowly, put away his Xingyu World, looked at Li Fusheng and said, "Fire World, admire, admire!"

Immediately afterwards, the two laughed out loud!

The current appearance of the two of them made all the onlookers stupefied, because both of them spurted blood, but who will win?

Stopping without a winner, this is still a bit different from what everyone imagined.

"Who exactly won?"

Even Li Zefeng looked puzzled.

"Wang Changsheng!" The Patriarch of the Li family in Shangyang said: "Wang Changsheng won, but it's not because Wang Changsheng's aptitude is better than Li Fusheng's, but because the Longevity Art is stronger than the Fire Phoenix Art!"

This is also the reason why Li Fusheng said the words "Longevity Kung Fu" when the two stopped at the same time!

Li Fusheng was defeated, not by Wang Changsheng, but by Changsheng Gong.

"This battle is not over yet!"

Li Fusheng said with a smile: "When my flame world is completed, I will let you know how powerful my flame world is!"

Don't admit defeat, don't admit defeat!

This is Li Fusheng!

This time, Li Fusheng was indeed slightly inferior, but so what?

Li Fusheng came out of the Shangyang Forbidden Area of ​​the Weitian Realm. He experienced more things than Wang Changsheng. He was able to get to this day with a very firm mind. How could he lose his arrogance just because of a battle?

"Then I don't care!"

Wang Changsheng waved his hand directly and said, "Anyway, today, at the clan land of the Shangyang lineage, which is also the gate of the ancestral land, I rubbed you, Li Fusheng, on the ground!"

As he said that, Wang Changsheng pointed to the deep pit not far away. In the deep pit, there was the true blood of the fire phoenix left by Li Fusheng!

Li Fusheng: "..."

Regretted at the beginning, Li Fusheng felt that at that time, he should have found a way to hold back his big move directly. Li Fusheng believed that Wang Changsheng would definitely talk about the matter of him being rubbed on the ground by Wang Changsheng for a long time!

"Come on!"

Li Fusheng also waved his hand, intentionally exposing this matter to the public, since it has already happened, there is nothing Li Fusheng can do about it!

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