Longevity Tianque

Chapter 1983 Wang Zhan

"Come out!"

Riding on the white horse, the martial artist at the peak of Houtian Realm, stopped the hooves of the horse, sat on the horse's back and said in a deep voice: "Since you are here, then show yourself!"

Wang Changsheng, who was standing not far away, was unmoved in the slightest, because Wang Changsheng knew that it was impossible for a cultivator in the acquired peak state to find himself.

"Hahaha, Wang Zhan, I didn't expect that you would actually dare to come..."

A loud laugh came out, and immediately after that, two Houtian peak realm warriors who were ambushing jumped out, one after the other stopped the Houtian peak realm warriors.

"Wang Zhan, this kid's surname is Wang?"

Wang Changsheng was also taken aback when he heard the address. Since his surname is Wang, it is not as simple as the second disciple.

"So it's Shuangsha!"

Sitting on the horseback, Wang Zhan looked at the warriors who appeared one after the other with a dignified expression.

Wang Zhan is in the acquired peak state, but half of his foot has stepped into the innate state, and he can easily kill ordinary warriors in the acquired peak state.

However, Shuangsha has also been famous in the martial arts for decades, and their joint fighting skills can deal with warriors of the innate early stage.

The famous battle of Shuangsha was in Qingzhou Mansion 30 years ago. They jointly killed the number one master of Qingzhou Mansion. The number one master of Qingzhou Mansion was the innate early stage.

Thirty years have passed, although the Shuangsha has not broken through to the innate realm, but the combined strength must be stronger.

Even if it is Wang Zhan, it must be very difficult to win in the face of Shuangsha, and he must be careful.

"I really think highly of me..." Wang Zhan said solemnly, "It's just that I'm more curious. I, Wang Zhan, and the two have no grievances in the past and have no hatred in the near future. Why did the two of you want to intercept and kill me?"

After a pause, Wang Zhan continued: "Still, who are you employed by?"


Said, Wang Zhan directly pulled out the long knife on his back.

"Ujin Knife!"

When Shuang Sha saw the sword drawn by Wang Zhan, he was also on guard.

Wujin Dao, hundreds of years ago, caused many disturbances in the martial arts world.

Not far away, Wang Changsheng also fell into memory when he saw the Wujin Saber drawn by Wang Zhan.

The Wujin Dao was Xiaoer's saber. He followed Wang Changsheng back then, and Wang Changsheng seldom did it. Most of the time, it was Xiaoer who did it. At that time, Xiaoer, with a Wujin Dao, cut down countless opponents!

And now, Wujindao appeared on Wang Zhan's body, which is enough to show that the relationship between the two is not simple!

When Shuangsha saw Wujindao, his expression immediately changed. No one dared to underestimate the prestige of Wujindao even after a hundred years.


The martial artist standing in front of Wang Zhan gave an order, and the two of them, one in front of the other, went straight to kill Wang Zhan.

Wujin Dao's prestige is indeed great, but Shuang Sha thinks that the two of them teaming up are not bad, even if they can't beat Wang Zhan who is holding Wujin Dao, there is absolutely no problem in self-protection.

ding ding ding..

The battle between Shuangsha and Wang Zhan started instantly.

Wang Zhan's strength is definitely not bad, half-step innate realm, at Wang Zhan's age, is enough to match those strong men who have been famous for a long time, Shuangsha became famous 30 years ago, and his cultivation level is not as good as Wang Zhan in his early twenties. war.

"The experience of fighting against the enemy is still a little less..." Wang Changsheng said in his heart after watching for a while.

Wang Zhan's cultivation level is slightly higher than that of Shuangsha, and with the sharpness of Wujin Dao, the sword is naturally very powerful. There are several opportunities, but Wang Zhan has not grasped it. If he grasped it, at least he could seriously injure Shuangsha. one of them.

One of the two evil spirits, united as one, once one of them is seriously injured, Wang Zhan will be much more relaxed.

But in the current situation, after all, Shuangsha is two people, one in front and one behind, constantly attacking, Wang Zhan's pace is already a bit chaotic.

"I don't know what the relationship between this kid and Xiao Er is, but since Xiao Er gave him the Wujin Saber, it must be very related!" Wang Changsheng said in his heart: "If he learns Xiao Er's special skills, there will be a comeback hope!"

Judging from the current situation, Wang Zhan has gradually lost the wind, and if he continues to fight, if Wang Zhan has no cards, then Wang Zhan will undoubtedly lose!

Of course, if Wang Changsheng hadn't appeared, Wang Zhan would surely die in this battle!

Because, in the dark, there is still a martial artist hidden in the early stage of the innate realm, obviously also coming for Wang Zhan.

And what about Wang Zhan?

At least, within a hundred miles, there are no other powerful warriors, and obviously there is no rescue.


Although Wang Zhan didn't have enough experience against the enemy, he also knew that he had fallen into defeat. There was a roaring sound in his mouth, and the Wujin knife changed from the right hand to the left, and at the same time, the Wujin knife continued to rotate.


Wang Changsheng looked at Wang Zhan's moves, and said with some surprise: "The left-handed saber, this is Xiao Er's famous stunt!"

Even Wang Changsheng can't even know this left-handed saber. Of course, it was limited to Wang Changsheng back then. The current Wang Changsheng, no matter how ingenious a martial artist in the innate realm uses, they can't escape Wang Changsheng's eyes.


One of the Shuangsha obviously didn't expect Wang Zhan to have such a move, and he was directly stabbed into the lower abdomen by the rotating left-hand knife.

"You and I..."

One of the Shuangsha, who was pierced through the lower abdomen by Wang Zhan, showed an inconceivable expression before dying.

Obviously Wang Zhan has fallen into a disadvantage, the two just need to fight steadily, Wang Zhan will surely die, but neither of them thought that Wang Zhan has such a unique skill as a left-handed knife.

"Second brother!"

The other Shuangsha, seeing his companion died, also showed an angry expression, and a roar came from his mouth, and the attack fell.


It collided with Wang Zhan's long knife. Wang Zhan had just drawn out the Wujin knife, and he was not fully prepared. With one blow, the one with Shuangsha alive directly crushed Wang Zhan's Wujin knife.


There was also a painful roar from Wang Zhan's mouth. Wujin Dao did block the opponent's attack, but the strength was not enough, the opponent's attack was suppressed, and Wang Zhan's shoulder was also cut with a wound.

If it weren't for Wujin Dao's resistance, Wang Zhan's arm would have been lost.

If so, Wang Zhan's strength is also greatly damaged!

After blocking the attack, the saber in his left hand was sacrificed again, and the one who survived Shuangsha obviously didn't expect that he would only seriously injure Wang Zhan when he swung the saber with all his strength.

He wanted to block the left-hand saber, but the old power has gone, and the new power has not been born, how to resist?


There was another sound of a sharp weapon piercing through the body, and the remaining one of Shuangsha was also pierced by Wang Zhan, but this time it was not the lower abdomen, but the heart!

As for Wang Zhan, he was counterattacked by Shuangsha before he died, and he made another stab. Although it was not fatal, the injury was definitely not serious.

After killing Shuangsha, Wang Zhan fell to the ground directly, the wounds on his shoulders and lower abdomen were bleeding, Wang Zhan immediately took out the hemostatic medicine he had prepared and sprinkled it on the wounds.

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