Longevity Tianque

Chapter 1982 Eternal Life Villa Junjie

For decades, not much has changed for the small world.

The small world is different from the Nine Heavens Realm. In the Nine Heavens Realm, no matter what the realm, there are monks involved in it. Even in places like the Chengtian Realm, there are sect forces from the Shentian Realm behind them.

And in this small world, isolated from the Nine Heavens Realm, the biggest ones are only warriors in the innate realm, and there are not many warriors in the innate realm.

And warriors, before thousands of troops and horses, no matter whether they are acquired or innate, they dare not rush into the army. This is the gap.

In the small world, the imperial power is the biggest leader.

Walking in the city in the small world, Wang Changsheng once visited this city. When he came here, this city was very prosperous, and now it is even more prosperous.

Decades of time are not enough for the change of imperial power, at most it is a change of the person in power.

Walking into a restaurant, there is a lot of voices, no matter where it is, as long as there is a restaurant, it is definitely the most lively place, and it is also the place where information circulates the fastest.

Wang Changsheng wanted to understand the current situation in the small world, unless his consciousness spread, or else, he could choose a place like a restaurant, and slowly listen to the discussions of other people around him.

Regardless of the voice of the discussion, whether it is loud or small, it will be accurately transmitted to Wang Changsheng's ears.

"Have you heard? It seems that Changsheng Villa was born!"

"I heard that there is a young and handsome man in the Changsheng Villa, who has caused a big storm in the martial arts world!"

"Eternal Life Villa has been closed for decades, and now I'm born, I don't know why..."

"I heard that there is an old immortal in Changsheng Villa, who has already broken through the limit of warriors and reached the realm of land immortals!"

"It should be fake. If I really become a land god, I'm afraid even the imperial power will retreat!"


A lot of discussions reached Wang Changsheng's ears, and among them, there was news about Changsheng's mountain transfer.

After hearing more and more news, Wang Changsheng completely understood what was going on.

After I left that year, the Changsheng Villa was closed, and all warriors in the Changsheng Villa were not allowed to go out, nor did they see guests.

For such a decision, all the people in the martial arts at that time were very puzzled, because the Changsheng Villa was a holy land of martial arts, not only the leader of the martial arts was the owner of the Changsheng Villa, but also because of the strength of the owner, in the martial arts, he was able to push All warriors.

Wang Changsheng was not puzzled, because Wang Changsheng knew that there were only two people in the entire Changsheng Villa, himself and Xiao Er, and after he left, there was only Xiao Er in Changsheng Villa!

At that time, Xiaoer had already stepped into the innate realm, but hadn't reached the peak.

With Xiaoer's strength at the time, although he was very strong, he was definitely not the most powerful in the martial arts world.

Changsheng Mountain Villa has always been the focus of martial arts, and under the circumstances of insufficient strength, the mountain can only be closed.

And now, decades later, someone from the Changsheng Villa came down the mountain, and it caused a huge disturbance in the martial arts. The disciple of the Changsheng Villa who went down the mountain continued to challenge the famous names in the martial arts. city.

"Is it Xiao Ershou's disciple?"

Wang Changsheng asked in his heart.

Confused Wang Changsheng's consciousness began to spread, and finally, his consciousness locked on a martial artist who was at the peak of the day after tomorrow.

Some pieces of silver were left on the table, and Wang Changsheng's figure disappeared in the restaurant.

On the official road, a white horse was galloping, and sitting on top of the horse was a young man in brocade robes, judging from his appearance, he was only about twenty years old.

Being able to reach the peak state of Houtian at the age of twenty is also a type of genius.

The figure of Wang Changsheng appeared not far away, slowly following the galloping horse, no matter how fast the horse ran, Wang Changsheng could follow behind the horse unhurriedly just by moving his footsteps.

"I have a bit of longevity gong on my body, but I don't major in longevity gong, it's an extremely powerful inner strength method!" Wang Changsheng said in his heart, looking at the young man in brocade robe on horseback.

Since he had the aura of longevity kung fu, no matter whether he practiced longevity kung fu or not, it must have something to do with Changsheng Villa. Wang Changsheng didn't know the relationship between this person and Xiaoer, so he didn't show up.

Of course, there was another reason. Wang Changsheng clearly felt that there were three warriors lying in ambush not far ahead, and their strength was also very strong. Two of them were at the peak of Houtian, and the other was already a warrior at the early stage of Xiantian.

In this small world, warriors who can break through to the early innate state are definitely not unknown people. However, Wang Changsheng doesn't know that warrior in the early innate state. He should be a rising star who has only grown up in the past few decades.

The three fighters who intercepted all exuded killing intent. Wang Changsheng wanted to see how this junior who might be from Changsheng Villa would respond?

With the strength of an acquired peak, against two acquired peaks plus a congenital early stage, in Wang Changsheng's view, it should be a fatal outcome.

"There are quite a few enemies in the Changsheng Villa, but there are not many forces that can send early innate warriors to intercept and kill them..." Wang Changsheng said in his heart.

Even though it has been away for decades, Jianghu is still the same Jianghu, except that some old things have died, and new juniors have grown up, and there is not much change.

Back then, Wang Changsheng offended many small world forces.


Because, at that time, Wang Changsheng, in order to live longer and increase his lifespan, kept scraping away elixir in the small world, wishing he could dig three feet into the ground.

Therefore, there are countless forces offended, but Wang Changsheng didn't care, because Wang Changsheng at that time was the peak of innate talent, No. 1 in the entire martial arts world, and no one was afraid of him.

In addition, he is a lonely family with only Xiaoer as a servant, and Xiaoer is also in an innate realm. With Xiaoer, he can go to the whole small world.

But now, Wang Changsheng and Xiao Er haven't shown up for many years, so there will naturally be many forces who will test Changsheng Villa.

"Able to send one innate early stage and two acquired peak..."

Wang Changsheng said thoughtfully in his heart: "Besides, it's still in this place, there should be only..."

"The one from the imperial city..."

Wang Changsheng had roughly guessed who was probing. Back then, Wang Changsheng was at the innate peak state. Although he couldn't attack the army formation, he still had no problem sneaking into the imperial city and changing the owner of the imperial city.

I haven't shown up for many years, and the Changsheng Villa is closed, maybe I'm guessing, is Wang Changsheng dead?

After all, according to the time of the small world, Wang Changsheng is almost three hundred years old. In the entire martial arts world, there is only Wang Changsheng who can live as long as Wang Changsheng.

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