Longevity Tianque

Chapter 1984 Interception

Wang Changsheng, who was watching from a distance, did not show his face. For Wang Changsheng, as long as he didn't want Wang Zhan to die, no matter how much Wang Zhan tossed about, even if he was missing an arm or a leg, Wang Changsheng could rescue him.

It's an exaggeration, even if Wang Zhan's head is cut off, as long as the time is not long, Wang Changsheng is sure to keep him!

Therefore, from the beginning to the end, Wang Changsheng watched from a distance and did not make a move.

Seeing Wang Zhan killed Shuangsha, although Wang Changsheng was not too satisfied, he did not underestimate Wang Zhan.

"Inexperienced in combat, but perseverance and understanding..." Wang Changsheng said in his heart.

From Wang Changsheng's point of view, if he was in Wang Zhan's position, he would be sure to kill Shuangsha without any damage, because Wang Zhan's strength was already slightly higher than Shuangsha's, and he also had Xiaoer's famous left-handed saber.

The main reason is that Wang Zhan didn't have enough experience in fighting the enemy, so he didn't grasp several opportunities.

Wang Changsheng didn't show up, because killing Shuangsha didn't mean that Wang Zhan was out of danger. In the dark, there was another innate early stage warrior lying in ambush.

That martial artist in the early stage of innate realm must also be aiming at Wang Zhan.

Wang Changsheng was waiting, wanting to see how Wang Zhan would deal with this mortal situation?

"Shuangsha, who sent it?"

Wang Zhan sat cross-legged on the ground to heal his wounds. Longevity Kungfu has miraculous effects in healing injuries. However, what Wang Zhan is good at is not longevity kungfu, and he should only have the superficial inheritance of longevity kung fu.

Wang Zhan's injury can only be suppressed by the effect of medicine.

However, it is a small world after all, and the holy medicine for life and death does not exist. Even if Wang Zhan's injury is suppressed by the medicine, it may take at least half a year to heal.

Wang Zhan was also thinking in his heart, who exactly intercepted him?

During this period of time, Wang Zhan challenged all the giants in the rivers and lakes all the way. Although it can be regarded as a slap in the face of the giants, but Wang Zhan always has a basis for advancing and retreating. It is absolutely not too much.

Therefore, although those wealthy families were uncomfortable seeing Wang Zhan, they would not care about this matter with Wang Zhan for the sake of Changsheng Villa.

"Is it..."

Wang Zhan suddenly had a guess in his heart.

clap clap...

Just as Wang Zhan suppressed his injuries and was about to leave this place of right and wrong first, there was a burst of clapping.


When Wang Zhan heard the clapping, his expression immediately changed.

Because, Wang Zhan didn't feel the presence of other people around him at all, and now there is a voice, which can only explain one thing, the opponent's strength is higher than his own!

Wang Zhan is already half a step in the innate realm, since he is higher than Wang Zhan, he must be a strong man in the innate realm!

"As expected of a hero who came out of Changsheng Villa!"

A martial artist in a brocade robe came out of the dense forest and looked at Wang Zhan sitting cross-legged on the ground with a flash of admiration in his eyes, but instead, he showed his killing intent.

Step by step, he slowly walked towards Wang Zhan, and encountered Shuangsha's corpse halfway, but was kicked away by the man in brocade robe.

"Two trash!"

The warrior in brocade robe said disdainfully.

No matter how stupid Wang Zhan was, he knew what was going on.

"I really think highly of me. Two Houtian peaks who have been famous for a long time, plus a Xiantian early stage, come and kill me together!" Wang Zhan said helplessly: "It seems that today will definitely die!"


The brocade robed man shook his head and said, "Shuangsha is indeed trying to kill you, but I'm not..."

"No?" Wang Zhan was taken aback immediately.

"Yes!" said the brocade robed man, "As long as you hand over the cultivation secret book of Changsheng Villa, I don't have to kill you!"

"It turns out that I came here to practice the cheats..." Wang Zhan said.

"Yes, the Changsheng Villa has dominated the martial arts for hundreds of years. Even if the mountain is closed, no one dares to disturb the Changsheng Villa. As long as you hand over the cheats, I will keep you safe!"

The brocade robe warrior said.

Wang Zhan frowned. Of course, he couldn't believe the other party's words, because the other party did come for the martial arts secret book, but once he got the martial arts secret book, he would definitely not be able to survive.

"Impossible!" Wang Zhan said directly: "You kill me, the martial arts cheats of Changsheng Villa cannot be leaked!"

Wang Zhan came out to travel the world and challenged many powerful martial arts families. In comparison, he discovered that the martial arts secrets of Changsheng Villa have long surpassed the secrets of martial arts.

Wang Zhan didn't know who the opponent was, but Wang Zhan also had a vague guess about the origin of the opponent.

Changsheng Villa has a status beyond ordinary martial arts giants, what is it based on?

It is the martial arts secret book, once handed over, it will be a huge threat to the entire Changsheng Villa.

"It's okay, don't tell me now, when you figure it out, you'll tell me of course!" Jinpao Warrior said.

As he said that, the Jinpao warrior's steps suddenly increased, and he slapped Wang Zhan with a slap.

Of course, the warrior in brocade robe is not trying to kill Wang Zhan, his purpose is the martial arts secrets on Wang Zhan, capture Wang Zhan first, and then leave this place.


Wang Zhan, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground, saw the warriors in the early stage of the Xiantian attacking him. The Wujin knife that was originally placed on the ground was instantly pinched in his hand. Enduring the severe pain of the wound, the knife in his left hand struck again.


The knife in his left hand collided with his palm, making a roaring sound.

Immediately afterwards, Wang Zhan flew upside down and hit the ground fiercely, spitting blood out of his mouth.


The martial artist in the early stage of Xiantian also looked gloomy when he looked at Wang Zhan who flew upside down, and then looked at his palm, there was also a wound on the palm.

As a martial artist in the early stage of the innate state, when dealing with a severely injured peak acquired martial artist, he actually let the other party hurt himself?

"Ha ha..."

Wang Zhan looked at the warriors in the early stage of Xiantian, and said with disdain: "If you want cheats, dream!"

It may be because the laughter affected the injury, Wang Zhan was lying on the ground, also showing a painful expression.

"Is it a dream, you will know later!"

The brocade robe warrior said.

As for the secret book of martial arts of Changsheng Villa, he is bound to obtain it, because once he obtains the secret book of martial arts of Changsheng Villa, after successful training, his status will be completely different, not to mention his strength.

"Wu Jindan, left-handed knife..."

The brocade robed warrior murmured, his eyes flickered with covetousness, his figure suddenly accelerated, and he appeared beside Wang Zhan in an instant.


The warrior in brocade robe made a move, directly crippling Wang Zhan's left hand, and said with a stern look: "I'll see you now, how can you use the left-hand saber..."

Saying that, the warrior in brocade robe directly picked up the Wujin knife on the ground.

"It's really a good knife..."

The warrior in brocade robe raised the Wujin knife in his hand, and slashed at Wang Zhan's right hand, intending to cripple Wang Zhan's hands.

It's just that when the Wujin knife fell, it was only an inch away from Wang Zhan's arm, but no matter how hard the brocade robe warrior tried, even if he activated his true essence, the Wujin knife could not fall a single point!

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