Longevity Tianque

Chapter 1774 Escape

The recovery from the injury was much slower than Wang Changsheng imagined. The main reason was that after so many years of cultivation, he was used to the speed of monks' healing. Under the current situation, it was still too difficult to recover slowly.

This is still the situation after Wang Changsheng's body training. The tiger clan powerhouse banned Wang Changsheng's physical cultivation. Otherwise, with Wang Changsheng's physical strength, although he lost to Tianjiao, ordinary monks in the realm of venerables still couldn't help Wang Changsheng.

"After using the jade card to leave, first unseal the seal of the physical body, and then you can reach the strength of the Venerable Realm, which is enough to protect yourself!" Wang Changsheng said in his heart.

Wang Changsheng has no idea how to release the imprisonment of Dantian Xingyu, unless he finds a strong person to help him break the seal. However, Wang Changsheng already has a method in mind for the imprisonment of the body, but in this environment, it cannot be implemented. .

After lifting the physical restraint, Wang Changsheng still couldn't sacrifice the things in Dantian Xingyu, including his own cultivation, so what Wang Changsheng had to do was to find a way to release the imprisonment of Dantian Xingyu.

As the trauma on his body gradually healed, Wang Changsheng's mind began to become active.

When Wang Changsheng fully recovered from his injuries, he sat in the corner and nodded to Dan Dongyang.

Wang Changsheng is about to leave!

As Wang Changsheng crushed the jade slips, a mysterious aura emanated from the jade slips, and Wang Changsheng was completely enveloped by this aura.

In the end, Wang Changsheng's figure disappeared from Dan Dongyang's sight.

Wang Changsheng's departure was not only seen by Dan Dongyang, but also by several monks who were closer.

Seeing Wang Changsheng's figure disappear, several cultivators showed surprise expressions. Considering their current state, being able to show surprise expressions is enough to show the shock in their hearts.

Several monks glanced at Dan Dongyang again, as if they understood something, they closed their eyes again.

They didn't make any noise. There can't be fools who can cultivate to the dignified state. They won't be stupid enough to ask why they didn't take themselves away, because they also understand that after leaving this pit, their cultivation bases are sealed. , It is simply impossible to survive from the heavenly realm.

Staying in this pothole is at least temporarily safe!

When the monks closed their eyes, there was a gleam of brilliance in their eyes, and this gleam of brilliance was the hope of living!

They knew that the way Wang Changsheng left must be the jade token provided by Dan Dongyang. In this case, there must be an agreement between Dan Dongyang and Wang Changsheng. Otherwise, why would Dan Dongyang help Wang Changsheng leave?

As long as Wang Chang lives and leaves Congtian Realm, no matter whether he brings people back to save Dan Dongyang, or tells other supreme masters about the situation here, everyone has hope of surviving!

After seeing Wang Changsheng disappear, Dan Dongyang also closed his eyes. The next thing has nothing to do with Dan Dongyang. What should be done, Dan Dongyang has already done, and the next thing is to look at Wang Changsheng.

However, if Wang Changsheng fails, it will have no effect on Dan Dongyang, because Dan Dongyang stays in this place, and the Tiger Clan will not kill Dan Dongyang. Helping Wang Changsheng is just a hope for himself!


"What is this place?"

Stepping out of the teleportation formation, Wang Changsheng was a little dizzy, he was lucky to not die in the teleportation formation without being close to him, and resisting the tearing of the teleportation formation.

Back then, when the masters of the alchemy way refined this jade tablet, they also considered that Dan Dongyang might be seriously injured, so this transmission channel was extremely stable.


Just stepped out of the teleportation formation, before Wang Changsheng had time to look around, a mouthful of blood spewed out. Although the tearing of the teleportation formation did not kill Wang Changsheng, it affected the injuries of the inner palace, which was a bit serious.

After spitting out a mouthful of blood, the smell of blood spread instantly. Wang Changsheng didn't dare to stay in this place for too long. It belongs to the territory of the Yaozu, and there are monks of the Yaozu everywhere. Moreover, the monks of the Yaozu are extremely sensitive to the smell of blood.

Wang Changsheng, who didn't know the direction, chose a direction at random, and left quickly.

With Wang Changsheng's current speed, even monks in the Nascent Soul Realm can't match, so Wang Changsheng didn't consider running out with these legs.

In the case of not being able to volley, even if you broke your leg after running, you are still in the sky.

"Find a place to bury yourself first!"

Wang Changsheng said in his heart.

Running, definitely can't escape, the only chance is to break the confinement of the physical body first, and then have a chance to leave the Heaven Realm.

Therefore, the most reasonable way is to find a place to bury himself first, otherwise, the bloody smell of the blood spurted out just now will dissipate, and Wang Changsheng will be easily spotted running with his legs.

After finding a not-too-distant mountain top and finding a mountain stream at the bottom, Wang Changsheng immediately started to dig along the bank of a river.

In the end, Wang Changsheng dug a cave. This cave was dug out from the water's edge, entered along the water flow, and then dug towards the top.

Although the cave dug out in this way is troublesome to dig, it has the advantage that it can isolate the spread of smell.

"The only trouble is the monsters in the water!"

Wang Changsheng said in his heart.

Since the heaven is the world of the demon clan, those who fly in the sky, those who run on the ground, and those who swim in the water are all monks of the demon clan. Therefore, the cave Wang Changsheng is digging now can avoid the detection of the flying demon clan. It is also difficult to find Wang Changsheng.

The only trouble was that the monsters in the water could still find Wang Changsheng by following the scent.

"This place is not a place to stay for a long time, first find a way to break the imprisonment of the body!"

Immediately afterwards, Wang Changsheng began to practice.

Dantian Xingyu has been imprisoned. If he wants to practice the exercises, he must not be able to condense his dantian. However, the body is still there. It is still possible to go through the process of body training again.

"Fire Phoenix Art..."

Wang Changsheng never thought that there would be a day when he would practice the Fire Phoenix Jue again.

As the inherited technique of the Li family in Shangyang, the Fire Phoenix Jue combined with the true blood of the Fire Phoenix has miraculous effects when practiced.

"Sure enough!"

Following Wang Changsheng's strange movements, he felt a force flowing in his body. Wang Changsheng was very familiar with this force.

Ancestral true blood!

The ancestral true blood of the Li family of the Shangyang royal family!

Feeling this power, Wang Changsheng felt tears welling up in his eyes.

As this power grew in his body, and was finally absorbed by his body and turned into physical power, Wang Changsheng was completely sure that this method was indeed feasible.

It's just that the growth of this force is relatively slow, and it can't shake the confinement of the body for the time being, but as long as it persists, there is definitely no hope.

More importantly, this power, while helping Wang Changsheng to cultivate his body, can also heal his injuries!

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