Longevity Tianque

Chapter 1775 It's been a long time...

Wang Changsheng escaped, and there was not much fluctuation in the potholes in the Tiger Clan's land.


The seal at the entrance of the cave was opened, and a tiger monk with the head of a tiger appeared. After looking around the bottom of the pit for a week, finally, after confirming that Dan Dongyang and Zhang Wan'er were all right, he left directly with a monk at the peak of the young master.

"No...don't vote for me...choose them.."

The cultivator in the peak realm of the young master kept struggling, and the voice of despair came from his mouth, but the monk with the head of a tiger didn't let him go, and took him away after slapping him unconscious.

Anyway, as long as you don't die, it won't affect the taste if you get dizzy.

Dan Dongyang also breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the pothole was sealed again.

This is the first time that Dan Dongyang pays so much attention to the situation of Tiger Clan monks coming down to select monks. In the past, Dan Dongyang was nothing to do with himself, and the Tiger Clan monks would not kill Dan Dongyang!

This time it was different, Dan Dongyang was not worried that the Tiger Clan would kill him, but worried that Wang Changsheng's disappearance would be discovered by the Tiger Clan.

"Sure enough, it's as good as I guessed!"

Dan Dongyang said in his heart.

Dan Dongyang began to observe a long time ago. Although this pothole is the top priority of the Tiger Clan, the Tiger Clan didn't send much force to take care of it, because all the monks in the pit were raped by the Tiger Clan. Those who are imprisoned, it is impossible to escape.

Even the power to protect Dan Dongyang comes from the formation at the entrance of the cave.

"Even outside the entrance of the cave, there may not be monks from the Tiger Clan guarding it!"

Dan Dongyang said in his heart.

Dan Dongyang was indeed right. Although the looted monks are important and cannot be lost, the strong members of the Tiger Clan are very reassured about their seals. They haven't had any problems for so many years.

Only when anyone needs blood food, they will go to the clan to report it. Except for the imprisoned great masters and Dan Dongyang and Zhang Wan'er, other monks and members of the Tiger clan can apply for blood food.

Therefore, the tiger clan generally only counts how much blood food is left in the pothole, and doesn't care who is left.

As long as the number of people is not counted, it is impossible for the Tiger Clan to notice Wang Changsheng's departure.

Seeing such a situation, Dan Dongyang felt relieved.

As time passed, many monks were taken away from the potholes as food for blood, and more monks were thrown into the potholes, all of which were plundered by the powerful Tiger Clan.

The monks who came back from the tiger clan's looting were all loose cultivators, or monks from second- and third-rate sects, and even monks from first-rate sects rarely moved.

Shanshui Sect is a first-class sect, and the disciples of the sect were robbed, and it was also the bad luck of those Shanshui Sect monks-...

Worse than Wang Changsheng!

In the end, Chen Ziqian was also imprisoned here!

More than a year passed like this. Dan Dongyang saw that at least a hundred monks were taken away as a blood meal. However, the number of monks in the pits not only did not decrease, but increased.

It may be that there are a lot of monks who have been captured recently, and there are some new faces. When they can't accept the situation that they are about to become blood food, they can hear roaring sounds in the pit from time to time.

On the other hand, although the monks who were arrested before were a little downcast, they would look at the same place where Wang Changsheng disappeared from time to time.

As long as Wang Changsheng is not captured, they still have hope, but the new monks don't know it.

In order to protect Wang Changsheng, this matter was not spread. Only the old people in the pit knew about it. As for the newcomers...

Let them go..die!

Of course, there is another possibility that Wang Changsheng was not caught and returned. He had already died outside, and was killed by those monsters in the state of an ordinary person, because the entire Congtian Realm can be described as full of monsters. It's not an exaggeration, ordinary people can't live here at all.

"I hope that Fellow Daoist Wang can leave Congtian Realm alive and move in to rescue soldiers!"

Dan Dongyang thought in his heart.

At this moment, Wang Changsheng didn't encounter much danger, but the situation was not too good.


Taking a deep breath, Wang Changsheng slowly opened his eyes, with an inexplicable look in them.

"Or not!"

Wang Changsheng said helplessly.

For more than a year, Wang Changsheng continued to practice the Fire Phoenix Art, which bred a lot of power. However, under the condition of his body being imprisoned, the power absorbed each time was very little.

Therefore, the strength accumulated over the past year is not enough for Wang Changsheng to break through the shackles of his body.

Wang Changsheng also understands that it is absolutely impossible to continue like this. Now that the Tiger Clan has not discovered that he has escaped, he can practice here safely. Once the Tiger Clan finds that he has escaped, there will be absolutely no place for him place.

Because the Tiger Clan was definitely not the only one involved in the robbery of the monks in the Nine Heavens Realm, other races should have done the same, and Wang Changsheng would not be given the opportunity to tip off the news.

"What should I do?"

Wang Changsheng began to feel a little anxious. The longer he escaped, the more dangerous he would be.

Wang Changsheng stopped practicing. The practice of the Fire Phoenix Jue is indeed effective and can breed strength. However, this strength is limited to the body and cannot break through the seal of Dantian Xingyu.

And under the condition that the body absorbs very little power, this power can only break through the confinement of the body, and Wang Changsheng fell into confusion for a while.

"By the way..." A thought suddenly flashed in Wang Changsheng's mind: "There is another way, I don't know if it will work..."

Wang Changsheng once again thought of a method, but whether this method is effective, Wang Changsheng is not sure, he will only know after trying it.

The real body of the fire phoenix!

A technique that Wang Changsheng has not used for a long time. In Wang Changsheng's body, the blood of the Li family of the Shangyang royal family still flows, and it is the purest blood power.

As long as the real body of the fire phoenix is ​​sacrificed, the physique will definitely change. What the strong tiger clan imprisoned is Wang Changsheng's physique, but the true blood of the fire phoenix has always been hidden in the blood. The people of the tribe can't find it.

"The strong Tiger Clan certainly didn't expect that I have the blood of the Li family of the Shangyang royal family, so I must not be imprisoned..." Wang Changsheng said in his heart.

After thinking of a way, Wang Changsheng immediately experimented, activating the Huofeng Jue, a force was instantly generated, he familiarly mobilized this force, and began to draw the Huofeng's blood.


A neighing sound resounded in Wang Changsheng's body. Hearing this neighing sound, Wang Changsheng felt his nose sore...

"It's been a long time..."

Wang Changsheng said in his heart.

Wang Changsheng hadn't used this power for a long time. Wang Changsheng himself never thought that at this critical moment, it would be the blood of the fire phoenix who would lead him out of the predicament...

As Wang Changsheng urged the fire phoenix avatar, his body shape slowly changed, and the power imprisoning Wang Changsheng's body was impacted, and it kept flickering, preventing Wang Changsheng from offering the fire phoenix avatar.

This is a contest between the blood of the fire phoenix and the power of imprisonment!

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