Longevity Tianque

Chapter 1773 The second transaction with Dan Dongyang

Wang Changsheng looked at Dan Dongyang who was approaching, and when he heard Dan Dongyang's words, he looked at Dan Dongyang with a puzzled expression, not quite understanding what Dan Dongyang meant.

As for the question Dan Dongyang asked, do you still need to answer it?In order to be able to leave, Wang Changsheng could even kill Dan Dongyang, do he still need proof?


Wang Changsheng still nodded, not hiding his purpose at all.

Hearing Wang Changsheng's answer, Dan Dongyang secretly tore off the jade plaque from his neck after some thought, and put the jade plaque under Wang Changsheng's clothes to hide it when everyone was not paying attention.

"Whether you can leave Congtian Realm alive depends on you!" Dan Dongyang said in a voice that only two people could hear: "Maybe, after you leave here, you will die faster instead!"

Wang Changsheng watched Dan Dongyang put the jade plaque under his clothes, and immediately understood what Dan Dongyang meant, and asked softly, "Why help me?"

Wang Changsheng was thinking of killing Dan Dongyang just now. Not only did Dan Dongyang not hold grudges, but he handed the jade card to himself and let him leave. Wang Changsheng didn't understand what Dan Dongyang meant?

"If everyone leaves together, the Tiger Clan will find out immediately..." Dan Dongyang whispered: "If you are the only one who leaves, it will be difficult for the Tiger Clan to find out in a short time..."

Dan Dongyang didn't continue, because what Dan Dongyang said was obvious enough, and Wang Changsheng understood what Dan Dongyang meant.

What Dan Dongyang meant was to let Wang Changsheng go for it, what if he could leave alive?

As for why Dan Dongyang didn't fight by himself?

It's very simple, it's impossible for Dan Dongyang to have this opportunity!

Among the monks who were imprisoned in the pit, there were two that the Tiger Clan focused on, one was Dan Dongyang, and the other was Zhang Wan'er.

Because both Dan Dongyang and Zhang Wan'er are related to the Supreme Sect, neither of them can make any mistakes.

If Dan Dongyang really leaves with the jade card, he will be discovered by the Tiger Clan in a short time. At that time, the jade card will be wasted, and Dan Dongyang will lose his only chance.

As for leaving with everyone?Don't even think about this method. Once all the monks disappear together, the Tiger Clan monks will find out immediately that no one will be able to leave.

Dan Dongyang has been thinking about this method for a long time, but he has not been able to find a suitable opportunity and no one he can trust.

Dan Dongyang could find Zhang Wan'er, but she was rejected by Zhang Wan'er, because Zhang Wan'er was not sure of leaving alive.

Until now that Wang Changsheng appeared, Dan Dongyang felt that it was time to fight.

"It's a deal!"

Dan Dongyang said in a voice that only two people could hear: "I think you know better than me what I want!"

Wang Changsheng didn't answer, but propped himself up with his hands, sat up slowly, and put away the jade token given by Dan Dongyang along the way.

The reason why Wang Changsheng didn't answer was because Wang Changsheng understood what Dan Dongyang meant. This was a deal. Dan Dongyang created an opportunity for Wang Changsheng to leave the pit, and let Wang Changsheng struggle by himself.

If Wang Changsheng can leave the Heavenly Realm alive, then Wang Changsheng has the responsibility to rescue Dan Dongyang!

No matter how much time Wang Changsheng took to leave, Dan Dongyang could afford to wait, because the Tiger Clan would not kill Dan Dongyang.

Seeing Wang Changsheng sitting up, Dan Dongyang didn't continue to stay beside Wang Changsheng, but slowly moved his position and returned to the original position.

Under the pothole, it was still very quiet, not even breathing much, but Wang Changsheng looked around, and his thoughts had completely changed.

"Give it a go!"

Wang Changsheng said in his heart.

There is no way if you don't fight, Wang Changsheng's current appearance is completely fake, and the tiger clan can't find out Wang Changsheng's origin at all. As long as Wang Changsheng is not a monk of the supreme religion, the tiger clan will dare to kill Wang Changsheng.

Therefore, Wang Changsheng had to leave this place before the Tiger Clan investigated. As for whether he could leave Congtian Realm as an ordinary person, Wang Changsheng himself was not sure.

You just have to give it a try, you can't sit still, right? !

As for Dan Dongyang, helping Wang Changsheng leave is equivalent to creating an opportunity for himself. Dan Dongyang will never think about being imprisoned in this ghost place for the rest of his life, and Dan Dongyang also wants to leave.

As an arrogance of alchemy Taoism, Dan Dongyang has a bright future, and may enter the Tao in the future, so of course he doesn't want to be imprisoned to death.

After figuring out the cause and effect, Wang Changsheng knew what to do.

Wang Changsheng didn't leave immediately, but lay down on the wall, waiting for the injury on his waist to slow down.

Relying on the recovery power of the body itself, Wang Changsheng's waist injury is gradually recovering, but it is definitely impossible to heal the injury in a short period of time.

"You have to wait for the injury to fully recover before going out!"

Wang Changsheng said in his heart.

This is Congtian Realm, the territory of the Yaozu. Of course, there are other races, but the most powerful race is the Yaozu.

At the center of the Heaven Realm, those powerful monster races, just one race, can be compared to a supreme religion, not to mention, there are many powerful races in the monster race.

The wounds on Wang Changsheng's body cannot be healed, no matter where he goes from the heavenly realm, the wounds on his body, for the monks of the monster race, they will chase after smelling the smell of blood!


A few days after Wang Changsheng was still recovering from his injuries, the hole was opened again.


Wang Changsheng watched the opening of the cave, and knew that it was time for the next Tiger Clan monks to eat blood for cultivation.

However, what surprised Wang Changsheng was that this time, the Tiger Clan cultivator with the head of a tiger did not come to choose blood to eat, but was thrown into the pit with two figures.

The Tiger Clan arrested two more monks!

After leaving the two monks behind, the tiger monks turned around and left, continuing to seal the entrance of the cave.

Wang Changsheng didn't know the two monks who were thrown in, and their cultivation bases were only in the realm of minor venerables.

"What's going on? What's going on?"

"Why are there so many people here? What's wrong with us?"

After the two young monks were thrown in, they panicked for a moment. If Wang Changsheng had been completely dumbfounded when he was arrested, then the two young monks were acting much better than Wang Changsheng. Still confused!

No one explained to the two young masters, and everyone was not in the mood. What's more, these two young masters seemed completely ignorant.

Wang Changsheng didn't say much either. During the few days of healing, Wang Changsheng tried to reduce his presence as much as possible, so that when he left, it would be best not to cause any disturbance.

In the end, the two young monks seemed to understand something, and they found a corner to sit down, and the two muttered quietly, but they couldn't hear what they were muttering.

As time went by, Wang Changsheng's injuries were also slowly recovering. Of course, they were limited to external injuries, and internal injuries would definitely not be able to recover for a while, unless he could break the imprisonment of the strong Tiger Clan.

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