Longevity Tianque

Chapter 1744 There will be a period later

For the next period of time, the three of them wandered in the Immortal Mang Xingyu. In the entire Immortal Mang Xingyu, there are dozens of lands, large and small, but there are only ten cities, and each city has gathered thousands of people. monk.

During this period of time, the three of them also saw quite a few teams. These teams were all composed of powerful people at the peak of the Venerable. beheaded.

"This is the ninth seat!"

The three of them had just rushed out of a city, and seeing the city being swallowed by the spreading Dao Yun, the three of them had serious expressions on their faces.

"From this point of view, the Dao Yun of this riot is indeed going to spread to the entire Immortal Mang Xingyu!"

Wang Changsheng said solemnly.

"We have to get out!" Li Fusheng also said.

Wang Changsheng nodded, but the fat man said, "Didn't you say that the Supreme Church is handling the situation here? Why hasn't there been any movement?"

Wang Changsheng shook his head and said, "It seems that we all guessed wrong!"

Originally, according to Wang Changsheng's guess, the entire Xianmang Xingyu was used by the Supreme Sect to train venerable monks. Once the Xianmang Xingyu disappeared, it would be a huge loss for the Supreme Sect.

However, now the rioting Dao Yun has wiped out nine cities, and there is only one city left in Xianmang Xingyu, and the Supreme Master still hasn't seen it.

Judging from the current situation, there is no need to go to the last city. As long as there is no reaction from the Supreme Master, it is impossible to stop the raging Dao Yun with these venerables in Xianmang Xingyu.

"What should we do now?" Fatty asked, "Leaving Xianmang Xingyu?"

Wang Changsheng and Li Fusheng looked at each other and nodded.

For the present plan, the only option is to leave Xianmang Xingyu first and stay here, and all three of them will be swallowed by the rioting Dao Yun.

However, after going out, the three of them must be separated.

"After going out, what are your plans?"

Li Fusheng asked Wang Changsheng.

Wang Changsheng thought about it for a while, then shook his head and said, "Let's hide for a while, this time there is such a big commotion, I don't believe that those supreme masters don't retaliate!"

Wang Changsheng's plan, after going out, must follow his second uncle back to the headquarters of the mountain patroller, and then try to get a mountain patrol order, and then he can do a lot of things with the mountain patrol order.

The most important thing is that after getting the mountain patrol order, it is equivalent to having a backer, and it is much more convenient to do things.

With the strength of the mountain patroller, even if Wang Changsheng offends the Supreme Sect, the mountain patroller can still save Wang Changsheng.

"What about you?"

Wang Changsheng asked Li Fusheng.

"Go to the Li family in Shangyang!" Li Fusheng paused and said, "Someone from the Li family in Shangyang contacted me, asking me to recognize my ancestors and return to my ancestors..."

"Have you figured it out?" Wang Changsheng asked.

Wang Changsheng knew that Li Fusheng somewhat rejected the Shangyang Li family of the Nine Heavens Realm, because Li Fusheng didn't know what the Shangyang Li family of the Nine Heavens Realm had an attitude towards him.

Li Fusheng is of the blood of the undead clan, and also the purest blood of the Shangyang royal family. Once he goes to the Shangyang Li family, what will the royal monks of the Shangyang Li family think of Li Fusheng?

Or his own strength is not strong enough, otherwise, Li Fusheng would not be so hesitant!

Wang Changsheng patted Li Fusheng on the shoulder and said, "It's time to go!"

"I think you can rest assured that I have been in contact with some monks from the Li family in Shangyang, so I shouldn't be hostile to you!"

Li Fusheng said with a wry smile: "I hope..."

After all, Li Fusheng is the blood of the Shangyang royal family. Now the Shangyang Li family in the Nine Heavens Realm is living well. Li Fusheng will go there sooner or later. Now that he has caused such a big disaster, he can also go to the Shangyang Li family to avoid the limelight !

What's more, while Li Fusheng held a trace of fear towards the Li family in Shangyang, he also held a trace of expectation.

Immediately afterwards, both Wang Changsheng and Li Fusheng focused their attention on the fat man.

Both of them have places to go, but Fatty, apart from Qingshan Gate, Fatty probably has no other places to go.

"Why are you looking at me?" The fat man smiled and said, "You all have places to go, so doesn't the young master have nowhere to go?"

"Before I met you, the young master was living a good life in the cultivation world?"

"Don't worry, Taotie left a lot of hidden caves in the Nine Heavens Realm back then. This time, I can go and have a look. There are still a lot of inheritance left inside!"

After speaking, the fat man gave Wang Changsheng and Wang Changsheng a reassuring look.

Both of them nodded, and then, looking for the direction, they rushed out of Xianmang Xingyu.

When they were about to approach the formation, all three of them stopped.

"Take care of yourself!"

"There will be a period later!"

"Goodbye, Your Majesty!"

The three of them were each occupying one side, clasped their fists and saluted to the other two, with sighs in their eyes.

Because, the three of them don't know whether there is a chance to see each other after this farewell.

The world of cultivation is never stable, even if it is a closed-door practice, there is a possibility of going crazy and dying, not to mention, the next three people will go their separate ways, and the next time the three of them can get together again, I don’t know what time is it.

Maybe it's possible that there will never be another chance.

The three separated directly and approached the formation from three directions.

Now, the three of them have to go through a test...leave Xianmang Xingyu!

The three of them caused such a big incident in Xianmang Xingyu, those supreme masters would definitely trouble the three of them, and whether they could leave Xianmang Xingyu alive was a question.

The fat man was the first to rush out, and his originally chubby body became thinner. Not only that, but even his cultivation was hidden in the middle stage of the Venerable.

"It's not good...it's not good..."

Fatty rushed out of Xianmang Xingyu's formation, and an exclamation came from his mouth immediately.

Every monk who rushes out to Xianmang Xingyu will be inspected by all parties. Whether they can pass the test depends on the ability of the three of them.

"Inside...inside..." Fatty showed a terrified look, pointed to Xianmang Xingyu behind him and said, "Dao Yun rioted inside, and it has already swept nine cities!"

Fatty has started to show off his acting skills. Of course, whether he can succeed depends on whether the concealment technique is effective. If the concealment technique is ineffective, no matter how good Fatty's acting skills are, it will be useless!

Sure enough, many eyes fell on Fatty.

One of the strong men in the late stage of the great master appeared directly in front of the fat man, looked at the fat man and said, "Have you swallowed nine cities?"


The fat man nodded in horror.

Afterwards, the fat man described the situation in Xianmang Xingyu so vividly that many monks present frowned.

Especially the monks who rushed out from Xianmang Xingyu at the beginning, they didn't expect that the speed of Dao Yun's spread would be so fast? !

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