Longevity Tianque

Chapter 1743 Raising Gu

The three of them had been guessing before, whether the Dao Yun erupting from that piece of land would spread to the entire Xianmang Xingyu after it continued to spread.

Now there is no need to guess at all, because the violent Dao Yun has already crushed Xingyu outside the city. With the speed of Dao Yun crushing, it will not take long for the entire Xianmang Xingyu to be crushed by the violent Dao Yun. Aggregates flooded.


Wang Changsheng said to Li Fusheng and Fatty via voice transmission.

Immediately afterwards, without the slightest hesitation, the three of them rushed directly out of the city, and instantly sank into the direction opposite to the violent Daoyun.

When the other monks in the city saw the berserk Dao Yun, their first reaction was not to run away at all, because they never saw the spreading of Dao Yun.

"Did those Tianjiao come back again?"

"It shouldn't be... those Tianjiao, even if they join forces, they shouldn't have a strong power?"

"What are you still doing? Run!"

"This berserk Dao Yun is very familiar!"


The monks in the city, seeing the attack of the violent Dao, thought that those arrogances had joined forces to kill them back. From the very beginning of doubts, until they were horrified, and found that they could not be resisted by human power, they turned around and ran away!

It is impossible for a monk who can cultivate to the realm of the Venerable to be a fool. Even if he does not know the origin of the violent dao aggregate, he also knows that such a powerful dao aggregate cannot be resisted by the venerable at all, so run away first.

In just a few breaths, the entire city turned into an empty city.

This is the speed at which His Holiness escaped.

bang bang...

As the berserk Dao Yun crushed and passed by, the entire city, including the land that carried the city, was directly submerged by the Dao Yun, and turned into nothingness without even taking a breath.

From this point alone, it can be seen that this spreading violent Taoism can easily crush and kill monks in the realm of the venerable.

"The speed is so fast! What the hell is this?"

"It's terrifying, even more terrifying than the average Great Senior! Where did this Daoyun come from? It's definitely not those arrogant people!"

"I don't know, but I always feel familiar with this violent Dao Yun. I don't know if you have..."

"I have that too..."

"It seems...it seems to be the Dao Yun of the land where the Great Master fought..."


Many venerables didn't feel any pity when they saw the entire land being swallowed up. When disaster strikes, as long as their lives are saved, nothing else matters.

There are also some monks who have recognized the origin of these violent Dao aggregates, but there are still many monks who don't believe it.

The monks who came to Xianmang Xingyu all knew the existence of that piece of land, and under normal circumstances, when they came in for the first time, they would go to observe it and see how powerful the Great Master was.

That piece of land does have a powerful Dao Yun raging, but that piece of land is suppressed by top powerhouses, and the Dao Yun in it, no matter how many years of raging, will not break out of the range of the land.

After all, the Great Senior who fought back then has already fallen.

Unless there are some accidents, otherwise, the Dao Yun on the land will never come out violently, sweeping the entire Xianmang Xingyu.

All the venerables who escaped did not hesitate at all. Seeing Dao Yun's violent speed, they turned around and ran away, leaving Xianmang Xingyu first.

As for the situation here, it cannot be controlled by the venerable, it must be resolved by those great venerables.

It is true that the Great Master cannot enter the Immortal Mang Xingyu, but it does not mean that the Great Master cannot solve the problems inside. Otherwise, how was the formation of the Immortal Mang Xingyu arranged?

On the contrary, the three of Wang Changsheng are also running away, but they are not running in the direction of the formation. Anyway, the speed of the three is faster than the speed of the violent Daoyun. It is not too late to escape.

What's more, as far as Wang Changsheng knew, the entire Xianmang Xingyu was used by the Supreme Sect to cultivate venerables. If it was destroyed by the violent Dao, it would be a huge loss for the entire Nine Heavens Realm.

Therefore, Wang Changsheng believes that there will definitely be a supreme teacher who will stand up to solve this matter.

"What news have you heard?" Wang Changsheng asked.

The fat man shook his head and said, "I didn't get any news, but I know those Tianjiao are crazy!"

Li Fusheng opened his mouth and said, "I did find out some news!"

Both Wang Changsheng and Fatty looked at Li Fusheng, waiting for news from Li Fusheng.

"Those Tianjiao, the reason why they stopped is not because these ordinary monks joined forces to resist!" Li Fusheng said after a pause: "It's because they have received the edict from their respective supreme religions, and they are not allowed to slaughter ordinary monks!"

"After all, the monks in the entire Xianmang Xingyu are from various supreme sects, and they are the mainstay of those supreme sects!"

"In addition, every supreme sect has dispatched a team composed of those who are at the peak of the Venerable!" Li Fusheng said: "Their purpose is to hunt and kill the crazy people in Xianmang Xingyu. Tianjiao!"

The news of Li Fusheng made Wang Changsheng's eyes shine.

"The reactions of these supreme masters are indeed fast enough!" Wang Changsheng said.


Li Fusheng also nodded.

Only the fat man looked at Li Fusheng and then at Wang Changsheng, completely understanding what the two were talking about.

Fatty could understand every sentence, but together, Fatty didn't understand the intention of those supreme masters at all.

"What are you talking about?" the fat man asked directly.

Li Fusheng shook his head and said, "Fatty, tell me, those arrogances are all from the Supreme Sect, why would they kill ordinary monks from other Supreme Sects?"

"Kill over here, kill over here, those who die are monks from the Supreme Cult, no matter which Supreme Cult it is, as long as they participate in this incident, they will suffer a great loss in the end!"

"That's right!" Fatty nodded and said, "I understand the truth, but what I want to know is, why do they still want to kill each other?"

"It's easy!"

Li Fusheng said directly: "The way they do this is a game between the supreme sects. If they can train their monks to break through to the realm of the great masters during this conquest, even if they only break through one or two, they will also earn money." Big!"

"A great venerable is worth more than a hundred ordinary monks in the venerable realm!"

Fatty thought for a while, then understood the reason, frowned and said, "Do you raise Gu?"

"It can be understood in this way!" Li Fusheng said.

The supreme teaching has a profound foundation, and some of the supreme teachings have passed on for an unknown number of eras. It is true that there will be great casualties if the reserve is cultivated in this way, but it is undeniable that in this environment The Great Senior who has grown up is absolutely terrifying!

"Another point!"

Wang Changsheng added at this time: "Those supreme masters don't pay attention to monks who are in the realm of venerables at all, even if they are Tianjiao, as long as they don't have special status, the same is true!"

Li Fusheng also went on to say: "Seeing that there is nothing to be done, so stop, and then send a small team into Xianmang Xingyu to hunt and kill other arrogances of the supreme sect!"

"That edict is probably to remind those Tianjiao to leave!"

This was also the reason why Wang Changsheng and Li Fusheng looked solemn.

Think about it, I have worked so hard, racked my brains, and tried my best to break through to the realm of the venerable, but in the supreme religion, the venerable is just an ant, nothing more than a bigger ant. ..

all three

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