Longevity Tianque

Why is this 1745

After the fat man finished speaking, he slowly flew outside with a frightened look on his face. Along the way, no one stopped the fat man, allowing the fat man to get away with it.

After staying away from Xianmang Xingyu, the fat man was completely relieved. To be cautious, the fat man did not return to his appearance. After finding the direction, he flew towards the direction where Zhong Santian was.

Wang Changsheng was the second to rush out, seeing that the fat man hadn't been found, Wang Changsheng didn't worry about anything.

The moment he rushed out of the formation, Wang Changsheng felt at least dozens of consciousnesses sweeping over his body.

In the end, these consciousnesses receded slowly, and only two consciousnesses remained in Wang Changsheng.

Moreover, as Wang Changsheng moved, the two consciousnesses did not dissipate at all, and remained on Wang Changsheng.

Just after flying a certain distance, Wang Changsheng saw a figure appearing in front of him.

"Second uncle!"

Wang Changsheng bowed immediately.

The figure that appeared was naturally Hu Zun. After knowing about Wang Changsheng's commotion in Xianmang Xingyu, Hu Zun hadn't gone anywhere in the past few decades, and had been guarding outside Xianmang Xingyu from time to time. Waiting for Wang Changsheng all the time.

When he learned that Wang Changsheng's cultivation base had broken through to the peak of the Venerable, and even murdered more than 400 Venerables of the Supreme Teaching, Hu Zun was not worried at all, but was very satisfied.

To reach the level of Huzun, it is of course very clear that more than 400 venerables of the supreme great religion seem to be a powerful force, but in the eyes of the one-word titled venerable, they are nothing at all.

As long as Wang Changsheng's identity in the ruins of the three immortals is not exposed, Hu Zun is sure to keep Wang Changsheng in the eyes of these supreme masters.

Hu Zun believed that Wang Changsheng would never be so stupid as to reveal his identity in the ruins of the Three Immortals.

But now, Wang Changsheng appeared in front of his eyes, and before the big venerables saw the clue, the Hu Zun was even more satisfied.

After practicing for so many years, Hu Zun also has no children. In Hu Zun's eyes, Wang Changsheng's nephew is almost the same as his own son.

Logically speaking, Wang Changsheng is backed by a titled Dazun, not to mention walking sideways in the Nine Heavens Realm, at least he can not be afraid of most monks. However, sometimes even Hu Zun can't handle the things Wang Changsheng caused .

"Not bad!"

Hu Zun patted Wang Changsheng and said, "Great progress!"

Wang Changsheng also nodded, and didn't say much. Outside of Xianmang Xingyu, there were so many monks gathered, and there were so many people, Wang Changsheng certainly wouldn't say anything.

Wang Changsheng also discovered that there are two consciousnesses in his body, one of which is his second uncle's consciousness, and now the second uncle's consciousness has dissipated, and there is only one left.

"Tell me, what's going on in Xianmang Xingyu?" Hu Zun asked via sound transmission.

Anyway, Wang Changsheng's identity has not been revealed, and Hu Zun naturally doesn't have to take Wang Changsheng away immediately, just to see what happened in Xianmang Xingyu.

Wang Changsheng thought about it for a while, but he didn't immediately answer what happened in Xianmang Xingyu, but said through voice transmission: "Second uncle, there is still a consciousness in me that is spying..."

Wang Changsheng was very sure that the prying consciousness hadn't left yet, which could only explain one problem. He was definitely exposed, and the consciousness left in him definitely knew his identity.

Otherwise, after I came out, there were so many consciousnesses prying into my body, why was this one not separated?

Moreover, this person's strength is definitely very strong, and he will definitely not lose to his second uncle.

The second uncle's voice transmission to himself should not be intercepted by that person, but if he transmits his voice to his second uncle, he will definitely be intercepted.

There is no way, Wang Changsheng's cultivation level is still not enough, and he is only at the peak level of the Venerable.

"do not worry!"

Hu Zun said directly through sound transmission: "That consciousness is not the enemy!"

After saying that, Hu Zun pointed in a direction, Wang Changsheng looked in the direction Hu Zun pointed, and immediately saw a figure nodding to him, and after this figure nodded, the consciousness attached to him also dissipated immediately. go.

"People from the Li family in Shangyang?"

Wang Changsheng said with some surprise.

That figure exuded a scorching aura, Wang Changsheng was no stranger to this scorching aura, it was the aura of the Huofeng Jue.

This is the unique aura of monks from the Li family in Shangyang. Wang Changsheng has practiced the Fire Phoenix Jue, and it is the true blood of his ancestors. The aura on his body is even stronger. It is also impossible to see.


Hu Zun nodded and said: "The elder of the Li family in Shangyang, Li Zefeng, is a strong man who has half-stepped into the Dao realm!"


Hearing Hu Zun's introduction, Wang Changsheng immediately sucked in a breath of cold air. As his cultivation got higher and higher, Wang Changsheng's understanding of the realm became deeper and deeper, and he became more and more aware of the horror of those strong men.

A strong man who has half stepped into the Dao realm is a more powerful existence than the one-word titled Dazun. A monk who has reached this realm means that they can go to the Dao realm.


Just the matter of Jianmu entering the Tao, Wang Changsheng knew that entering the Tao was a big deal for monks in the Nine Heavens Realm.

Even the Buddha of the Buddha Kingdom appeared, begging for a Jianmu leaf in Jianmu's hands.

Wang Changsheng now knew that what the Buddha was looking for was not just a leaf of Jianmu, but also a chance.

After knowing the other party's identity, Wang Changsheng was also in awe.

"Little guy... don't join the Mountain Ranger if you can!"

"Our Shangyang Li family welcomes you to recognize your ancestors and return to your ancestors at any time!"

At this time, Wang Changsheng received a sound transmission in his mind, and he didn't need to think about it at all, Wang Changsheng knew who it was from.

Li Zefeng!

Sure enough, when Wang Changsheng looked at Li Zefeng, Li Zefeng nodded slightly at Wang Changsheng, with a smile on his face.

Wang Changsheng didn't answer. Compared to Shangyang Li's family, Wang Changsheng must have more confidence in his second uncle.

What's more, Wang Changsheng also has a more important purpose in worshiping the Mountain Patrol, which is the Mountain Patrol Order!

After obtaining the Mountain Patrol Order, he can cross the Nine Heavens Realm and even enter the Small World. This is what Wang Changsheng values ​​most.

Wang Changsheng is very clear that there are some things that he must deal with!

"Now let's talk about what happened in Xianmang Xingyu..." Hu Zun said through voice transmission.


Wang Changsheng said immediately.

Regardless of whether Li Zefeng's conscious prying has receded, even if he hasn't receded, after knowing the other party's identity, Wang Changsheng doesn't mind anymore. Anyway, Li Fusheng is going to the Li family in Shangyang. The Li family will definitely know too.

However, just when Wang Changsheng was about to explain, a figure rushed out from the fairy world.

"Old Li!"

Seeing Li Fusheng appearing, Wang Changsheng stopped explaining to Hu Zun, because Wang Changsheng discovered that Li Fusheng did not hide his aura when he rushed out of the fairy light and starry universe.

"Why is this?"

Wang Changsheng was puzzled!

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