Longevity Tianque

Chapter 1737 Strong Repression

Seeing An Chen's reaction, Wang Changsheng sneered. Wang Changsheng didn't care about An Chen's plea for help, because An Chen would be suppressed immediately.

Even if those great lords outside wanted to send their lords in for help, it was too late!

Wang Changsheng had already made up his mind. After suppressing Anchen, he took Anchen directly back to the depths of Xianmang Xingyu, and first figured out what happened on the ancient path of the Yellow Springs.

As for those great lords outside...

Wang Changsheng knew that as long as he didn't step out of Xianmang Xingyu, his life would not be in danger. As for those great venerables who sent monks in the realm of venerables, no matter whether they were ordinary venerables or Tianjiao powerhouses, Wang Changsheng was not afraid!

This is the confidence brought by strength!


The second slap did not fall on An Chen, but An Chen's figure was also greatly restricted. In this way, the Dao Yun chains rushed directly in front of An Chen.


An Chen spat out a mouthful of blood, looking at the Dao Yun chains bound on his body, An Chen knew that he was in trouble.

"Fellow Daoists of the Supreme Great Sect, this son is your enemy, why don't you save me?" An Chen said looking at the Great Master outside.

No one answered An Chen's words, and regardless of An Chen's unknown identity, Wang Changsheng was powerful, sending his disciples in would be a death sentence, even if An Chen questioned the Great Senior with such an attitude, he deserved An Chen's death.

How can it be so easy to be fooled by being able to become a Great Senior?

What's more, everyone did come here for this matter, but after Li Zefeng appeared, everyone's attitude became a little inexplicable, but it was just that hundreds of ordinary venerables died, and they were not arrogance, and they were not arrogated by the Supreme Master. The background is still very easy to cultivate.

Now these people are still not sure whether Wang Changsheng has a relationship with Li Zefeng, so they just kept silent.

Anchen was bound by the chains of Daoyun, and couldn't break free. Seeing this situation, she was shocked, and didn't understand what was going on at all?

"Fellow Daoists!"

An Chen felt that the chains of Dao Yun were getting stronger and stronger, and he was afraid that after a few breaths, he would be suppressed. What An Chen can do now is to seek help from other monks of other supreme religions.


Anchen knew that as long as he was suppressed, he would die!

"I come from the supreme teaching of Xiantian Realm, the ancient way of the underworld!"

A roar came from Anchen's mouth: "I am the arrogance of the ancient way of the underworld. I have come to Xingyu to practice. As long as I can save my life, the ancient way of the underworld will be rewarded!"

Anchen also had no other choice, he had no choice but to bring hatred to Wang Changsheng, so he could only declare his own family.

Huangquan Ancient Dao, as the Supreme Great Sect entrenched in the Heavenly Enchanting Realm, is powerful, and among the Supreme Great Sects in the Nine Heavens Realm, it is also a top existence, and it still has a lot of face.

"Enviable Heaven Realm? Ancient Netherworld Road?"

"It turned out to be the genius of the ancient path of the Yellow Springs? Are you kidding me? The pride of the ancient path of the Yellow Springs will come to Xianmang Xingyu?"

"How is it impossible? Not long ago, the one who left Xianmang Xingyu also came from Xiantian Realm?"

"Yes, Ge Yu, the pride of the Ancient War Road!"

"In Xianmang Xingyu, it looks very chaotic, these arrogances of the supreme master of the envy of the sky have come!"


The cultivator standing outside the formation also showed a surprised expression when he heard Anchen's self-reported family name.

Everyone is a monk from the Supreme Sect. Of course, they are no strangers to the Ancient Netherworld Road. Although the monks on the Ancient Netherworld Road rarely walk around outside, as long as the Ancient Underworld Road is involved, it is a big deal.

Everyone didn't expect that Anchen actually came from the ancient road of Huangquan?

Everyone also understands why Anchen is so powerful!

However, after knowing Anchen's identity, everyone was even more surprised. Anchen's background is extraordinary and his strength is powerful, but he was still suppressed by Wang Changsheng. Judging by the appearance of the two, they are still facing each other in life and death!

In other words, Wang Changsheng has the strength to suppress Anchen, and he has the background of not being afraid of the ancient way of the underworld?

Where did Wang Changsheng come from?

"This kid will really cause trouble for me..."

Hu Zun, who was hiding in Xingyu, also showed a wry smile as he watched Wang Changsheng suppress Anchen.

Wang Changsheng changed his aura. The other monks did not recognize Wang Changsheng's identity, but Hu Zun recognized Wang Changsheng the moment he appeared.

The last time he received news about Wang Changsheng, he still killed more than 400 venerables of the Supreme Master. Hu Zun knew that Wang Changsheng's strength had improved a lot.

However, now that Wang Changsheng has suppressed the Tianjiao of the ancient way of the underworld, the aura on his body is also tainted by the aura of the great master. Hu Zun was also frightened by Wang Changsheng's growth.

As for the suppression of Tianjiao on the ancient path of Huangquan?Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Wang Changsheng forcefully suppressed him. Even if he killed An Chen, the ancient road of Huangquan could not say anything. This is the rule of Xianmang Xingyu. Follow this rule.

However, if An Chen is really killed, this matter will indeed be a trouble for Wang Changsheng himself.

Hu Zun is very clear that the supreme masters who can occupy the heavenly realm are not as simple as being powerful. Every supreme master has a kind of responsibility on their shoulders.

"Not bad!"

Li Zefeng watched Wang Changsheng suppress Anchen, and nodded in satisfaction.

Apart from Hu Zun, Li Zefeng was the only monk who recognized Wang Changsheng, and when he saw Wang Changsheng suppressing Anchen, he also showed satisfaction.

Li Zefeng is not worried about the ancient way of Huangquan at all. The lineage of Shangyang has been passed down for a long time, so he still has some confidence.

At this time, Li Zefeng sent a voice transmission to Hu Zun and said: "At that time, if you can't protect him, let him recognize his ancestors and return to his clan. I am from the Shangyang lineage, and I am not afraid of any supreme sect in the Nine Heavens Realm, even if it is Huangquan. Gu Dao, we dare to go to war!"

Hu Zun didn't answer, because Hu Zun knew that it didn't matter if he couldn't protect Wang Changsheng himself, that one would definitely be able to protect him...


In the end, the chains of Daoyun traversed, and Anchen was directly suppressed by Wang Changsheng. Even, the chains of Daoyun directly penetrated Anchen's pipa bones, and locked them together with his body, making him unable to move at all.

Seeing this situation, the monks outside Xianmang Xingyu exclaimed again.

"Little friend..."

In the end, a late stage cultivator of the Great Senior stood up and said to Wang Changsheng: "I don't know which supreme sect my little friend is from, but to be able to enter Xianmang Xingyu, there must be the handwriting of the supreme sect!"

"I suggest, little friend, let this proud man of the Ancient Underworld..."

The words of the monks in the late stage of the Great Master seem to be discussing, but in fact, they are threats with a cold expression.

Wang Changsheng looked at this powerful man in the later stage of the Great Master, and asked with a cold expression: "May I ask which supreme great sect senior is from?"

"Zhou Tiangong!" the late-stage master said proudly.

"Oh?" Wang Changsheng said with a smile that was not a smile: "It turned out to be Zhou Tiangong, and I forgot to tell seniors one thing. This Tianjiao of the ancient way of Huangquan named Anchen seems to have killed many people in the southwest corner of Xianmang Xingyu not long ago. Shaozhou Tiangong Tianjiao..."

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