Longevity Tianque

Chapter 1738 This statement is true

Wang Changsheng's words made Master Zhou Tiangong stunned for a while.

An Chen said just now that Wang Changsheng was one of the trio who killed the Quartet in the Immortal Mang Xingyu, and An Chen self-reported his identity as coming from the ancient path of Huangquan, so the great master Zhou Tiangong stepped forward Say a word or two.

It can be regarded as a good relationship with the ancient way of the Yellow Springs, but now Wang Changsheng actually said that Anchen also killed many Zhou Tiangong monks, and he was also a genius who recently entered the Immortal Mang Xingyu?

"Is this true?"

Venerable Zhou Tiangong, a strong man at the peak stage in the later stage, looked at Anchen and said with an ugly expression.

Originally out of good intentions, he planned to save An Chen, but unexpectedly, An Chen actually killed many Tianjiao of Zhou Tiangong?If this is true, then wouldn't Master Zhou Tiangong, who is strong in the later stages, be slapping himself in the face?

"It's not true, you'll know in a while!" Wang Changsheng said with a half-smile, "By the way, he didn't just kill one, anyway, he killed more than a dozen of the Supreme Masters!"

"Besides Zhou Tiangong, there are other arrogances of the supreme sects. As for which supreme sects they are, I don't know!"


Wang Changsheng's words were like stabbing a knife in the heart of the strong man in the late stage of Zhou Tiangong. In this way, Anchen is the enemy of Zhou Tiangong, and the strong man in the late stage of Zhou Tiangong, just now Talk to your enemies?

As for whether this matter is true or not, it can be seen from Anchen's silence that what Wang Changsheng said is absolutely true.


Master Zhou Tiangong, who was a strong man in the late stage, also snorted coldly when he saw this situation, and stopped talking.

Originally, I was thinking of saving Anchen, and I thought it was a good relationship with the ancient way of the underworld. Now, the master of Zhou Tiangong, who is a strong person in the later stage, wished that Anchen would die immediately. Take a breath.

As for the ancient road to the underworld?

To be honest, as long as it doesn't affect oneself, it doesn't matter if you help a group. What's more, no one from the Supreme Master is afraid of the ancient way of the underworld.

Not to mention the top supreme religion like Zhou Tiangong, which is no worse than the ancient way of Huangquan, even the supreme religion of Kuixianlou. Teaching is annoying.

"Is there no one to save?"

Across the formation, Wang Changsheng asked the Supreme Master monk outside the formation.

No one answered Wang Changsheng.

Just now, when the powerful late-stage Zhou Tiangong stood up and spoke, he was slapped in the face. Who would dare to stand up now?What's more, Wang Changsheng dared to kill the Tianjiao of the ancient way of the underworld, what does it mean?It shows that Wang Changsheng is not afraid of the ancient way of the underworld.

For the sake of An Chen, offending an arrogance of unknown origin is not cost-effective, it is better to stay out of it and just watch the fun.

Seeing that no one spoke, Wang Changsheng waved his hand, and after shaking the chain of Daoyun, he asked Anchen, "Daoist Anchen, didn't the ancient way of Huangquan send a strong person to protect you?"

Anchen didn't speak, but just looked at Wang Changsheng with a gloomy expression.

This time, indeed not!

In the supreme religion, monks with a little bit of status all have a guardian, and there must be a genius like Anchen, and, according to the strength of Anchen's own venerable peak realm, the guardian of Anchen, at least It is also the realm of great respect.

However, when Anchen came out this time, he didn't come out to wander around at all. He just happened to pass by Xianmang Xingyu, heard about it, and entered Xianmang Xingyu to experience it.

The main reason is that Anchen is confident in his own strength. In the realm of venerables, Anchen thinks that he is not inferior to anyone. What's more, Dazun cannot enter Xianmang Xingyu, and Taoists are useless in Xianmang Xingyu.

Who would have imagined that there would be such a strong man as Wang Changsheng in the Immortal Mang Xingyu?

An Chen could only helplessly despair.

Seeing that Anchen didn't answer, Wang Changsheng smiled coldly, then turned around and left with Anchen, returning to the original battlefield.

"Old Li, fat man!"

Wang Changsheng looked at the Taotie corpse and the three-legged giant tripod in Xingyu, and immediately greeted the two of them.


Fatty and Li Fusheng watched Wang Changsheng suppress Anchen with Daoyun chains, and they both showed surprise.

"Let's leave here first and find a safe place to talk!" Wang Changsheng said.

Both Li Fusheng and the fat man nodded.

Immediately afterwards, the three of them looked for the direction and fled towards the Xingyu.

This time, Wang Changsheng did not return to the city, but flew towards a piece of land in his memory.

"It's here!"

Wang Changsheng said directly to Li Fusheng and Fatty: "We are here to heal!"

"Why don't you go back to the city?" Li Fusheng said with a puzzled expression.

Li Fusheng and Fatty didn't expect that Wang Changsheng would bring them to this place instead of returning to the city.

Both of them are no strangers to this place. This is the abandoned land left by the battle between the two great lords. Dao Yun is everywhere. Even if the lord's peak realm is entangled, his life is in danger.

Not long ago, the three men were in this place and killed more than 400 venerables.

"It's not safe in the city!"

Wang Changsheng said: "Nowadays, there are great battles between the stars and the stars, and the city may not be able to protect them all!"

If the identities of the three are revealed, the rule that the city cannot fight against each other can really protect the three of them.

This piece of land where Dao Yun is criss-crossed is indeed the best hiding place for the three of them.

The three of them cautiously passed through the raging Dao Yun, and finally hid in the depths of the land.

Li Fusheng hid in the three-legged giant cauldron to heal his wounds, and Fatty also hid directly in Taotie's corpse. With the power of Taotie's corpse, no matter whether it was foreign enemies or the raging Dao Yun, they could not hurt Fatty.

Seeing the quick movements of the two, Wang Changsheng also showed a wry smile, and looking at Anchen suppressed by Daoyun's chains, Wang Changsheng also showed a thoughtful look.

"Fellow Daoist, how about letting me go?"

An Chen said calmly.

Perhaps because he knew that he had no chance of breaking free, An Chen's expression also became calm. After all, he is the arrogance of the supreme religion. As long as he can accept the result of his defeat, even in the face of death, he can organize himself well. mood.

"You know it's impossible!"

Wang Changsheng shook his head directly and said.

Hearing Wang Changsheng's refusal, Anchen frowned calmly, and then asked, "Then fellow daoist, can you ask me a question?"

Wang Changsheng nodded and said, "Ask!"

"Why are you besieging me?"

An Chen asked directly: "I seldom go out of the Heavenly Paradise Realm. Although I have enemies, I definitely don't know you guys. Why do you want to besiege and kill me?"

This is the biggest doubt in An Chen's heart.

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