Longevity Tianque

Chapter 1736 Save Me

A figure stood in front of Anchen, it was Wang Changsheng!

Seeing Wang Changsheng appearing in front of him, An Chen's expression became ugly, one step, just one step, and he could rush out of Xianmang Xingyu, at An Chen's speed, it didn't even take half a breath.

However, just this step, in the eyes of Anchen at this moment, is like a natural moat, insurmountable!

"Dao...Friend Daoist..."

Anchen watched Wang Changsheng appear, directly blocked his way, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and said, "We shouldn't have any grudges, right?"

"It's just a friendly discussion. I admit that I'm not an opponent of fellow daoists. Let's take a step back from each other, okay?"

An Chen is cowardly!

There's nothing you can do if you don't be cowardly, after Wang Changsheng sacrificed the treasure in his eyes, let alone a dark hour, even if there are a few more dark hours, it is impossible to be Wang Changsheng's opponent.

"Ha ha.."

A sneer appeared on Wang Changsheng's face.

With a sneer, combined with Wang Changsheng's pitch-black eyes and blood oozing, Wang Changsheng's expression at this moment looked particularly ferocious.

"is it?"

Wang Changsheng said coldly.

Saying that, without the slightest hesitation, he slapped Anchen directly.

After sacrificing the God in the Eye, the gap in strength between Wang Changsheng and An Chen was too great, and now there was no need to cast any spells, just a simple slap, which An Chen could not bear.

The pursuit of Wang Changsheng and An Chen was only one step away from Xianmang Xingyu's formation. At this moment, the monks standing outside the formation were all looking at Wang Changsheng and An Chen.

Those who were able to come to Xianmang Xingyu and stationed outside were all monks of the supreme sect. Among them, the lowest level of cultivation was the realm of young venerables. It was because Wang Changsheng and the other three beheaded hundreds of venerables. Young Dazun squatted outside.

"Huh? These two are very strong. I don't know which one is the arrogance of the supreme sect. Anyway, they are not from our sect..."

"It is indeed very strong, and it seems that these two people still have a deep hatred, otherwise, they would not have come to this place, and they are still chasing and killing!"

"It is definitely the top Tianjiao. From the perspective of power, it is a bit stronger than the power of the number one Tianjiao in our teaching!"

"It's so strong, if only I were this strong, it would be great..."


Everyone looked surprised at the confrontation between Wang Changsheng and Anchen.

The monks who can enter Xianmang Xingyu are all from various supreme sects, and there are very few existences where life and death face each other. Both Wang Changsheng and Anchen have chased to the edge of the formation, and they still have to stop them, which shows that the two have enmity Indeed a lot.

What's more, during this period of time, many arrogances have entered the Immortal Mang Xingyu, and the monks outside didn't know what was going on inside, so they were even more surprised.

In particular, the explosive strength of Wang Changsheng and Anchen has surpassed most Tianjiao.


"Have you noticed that the one who appeared later has the aura of a great master..."

A strong man in the later stage of the Great Master frowned and said.

According to the rules of Xianmang Xingyu, Dazun is not allowed to enter Xianmang Xingyu. This is the rule set by all the Supreme Religion, and all monks of the Supreme Religion must abide by it.

Even, there is no need for supervision, because the formation that traverses the entire Xianmang Xingyu will also prevent the Great Master from entering.

From everyone's point of view, Wang Changsheng has the aura of a great venerable, either it is the backhand left by the elders in the sect, or Wang Changsheng has found an opportunity to break through to become a great venerable.

"Don't worry, even if you find an opportunity to break through to Dazun, you won't be able to break through in Xianmang Xingyu!"

Another late-stage cultivator of the Great Senior said: "What's more, as long as they are not the arrogance of our religion, don't care about their life and death, the more they die, the better!"

Many Great Seniors nodded.

Because, after Wang Changsheng and Anchen appeared, they have already fought against each other, and it has nothing to do with the people before the great master stands up to claim them. As long as you are not a disciple of your own teaching, the more you die, the better!


Wang Changsheng slapped it down, and Anchen didn't have time to dodge, and was slapped away by Wang Changsheng directly, and he was farther away from the formation.


An Chen spat out a mouthful of blood, and the black robe wrapped all over his body was also shattered by Wang Changsheng, revealing An Chen's true colors.

With a very ordinary appearance, An Chen at this moment looked at Wang Changsheng solemnly after spurting out a mouthful of blood.

Originally, Anchen was still considering that he was relatively close to the formation. As long as he could resist for a few breaths, he might be able to find a chance to break out of the formation. If you don't take action, you just fail.

"Not an opponent!"

An Chen said.

Wiping off the blood from the corner of his mouth, Anchen watched Wang Changsheng prepare to strike again, without any hesitation, he yelled directly at the monks outside the formation: "Help me!"

There is no other way, Anchen can only do this, the great venerables outside can't get in, but he can also send some venerables in to block Wang Changsheng for a few breaths first.

It only needs to block a few breaths, and An Chen is sure to be able to leave.

However, the monks watching outside, no matter what their cultivation level was, did not respond in the slightest to An Chen's plea for help.

Anyway, it's not the arrogance of my own teaching, I don't know it at all, so what can I save?

What's more, Wang Changsheng is powerful, at least he has to send several venerables in to block Wang Changsheng for a few breaths, and there is still the danger of falling, so he turned a blind eye to Anchen's plea for help.

Seeing this situation, Anchen's expression also changed.

bang bang...

Wang Changsheng slapped it again, and Anchen's figure kept flickering, but it can be clearly seen that Wang Changsheng's slap did not intend to suppress Anchen at all, it was just blocking the direction of Anchen, preventing Anchen from Close to the array.

Immediately afterwards, Wang Changsheng waved his hand again, Dao Yun circulated, and a chain of Dao Yun condensed out. This was Wang Changsheng's real method to suppress Anchen.

The second slap is just to block the direction, the Daoyun chain is the key to suppress Anchen.

"Fellow Daoists of the Supreme Teaching, please help me out!"

An Chen had no choice but to ask for help again: "This son is one of the more than 400 Supreme Daoists who planned to kill more than [-] Daoists in the Immortal Mang Xingyu!"

An Chen can only enlarge his moves, because many great lords outside are here for this matter, An Chen doesn't believe it anymore, now that Wang Changsheng has rushed to this place, under the eyes of these great lords, could it be that these great lords Still indifferent?


After hearing An Chen's words, many great seniors turned ugly. They really came here for this matter, especially after seeing how powerful Wang Changsheng was, they really wanted to kill Wang Changsheng.

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