Longevity Tianque

Chapter 1735 Where Are You Going?

boom boom boom...

Following Wang Changsheng's urging, roaring sounds continued to be heard from Wang Changsheng's eyes. Not only that, but even outside the eyes, the different space torn out by the soul boat was not calm.


Painful groans came from Wang Changsheng's throat, and blood flowed from his pitch-black eyes.

At this moment, Wang Changsheng looked extremely intrusive.

"What is this?"

An Chen, who was completely wrapped in a black robe, looked shocked at Wang Changsheng's ferocious appearance at the moment.

An Chen didn't know what spells Wang Changsheng sacrificed, just from Wang Changsheng's hideous appearance at the moment, An Chen knew that the spells Wang Changsheng sacrificed were not simple.

What Anchen didn't know was that at this moment, Wang Changsheng didn't sacrifice any spells, but only sacrificed the sacred treasure he had accumulated.

What shocked Anchen was that Wang Changsheng's eyes were surrounded by the aura of a great master.

"Could it be the backhand left by his elders?" An Chen said in his heart: "It should be so..."

He has been fighting with Wang Changsheng and the others until now, but Anchen has neglected one thing, that is, the Wang Changsheng and the others have been fighting with their own hard power, and they have never sacrificed any backup left by their elders.

To be able to enter Xianmang Xingyu, there must be a figure of the Supreme Master behind him. An Chen doesn't believe in the elders of Wang Changsheng and the other three, and hasn't left any behind?

Thinking of this, Anchen frowned!

In Xianmang Xingyu, it is impossible for a great master to exist, so, in Anchen's cognition, the things in Wang Changsheng's eyes, which have the breath of a great master, must be the backhand left by the elders in the sect.

"A few of them are really strong!"

An Chen agreed.

From Anchen's point of view, the strength of Wang Changsheng and the three of them is not bad at all compared to the arrogance of the supreme sects in the Xiantian Realm, and Wang Changsheng's strength is even stronger.


Feeling the uncommonness of Wang Changsheng's sacrifice, Anchen waved his hand directly, and kept waving the sickle in his hand, and the shrinking speed of the different space became faster.

bang bang...

There were bursts of roaring sounds, and as the soul boat tore apart the different space and contracted, Wang Changsheng felt more and more pressure.

However, at this moment, Wang Changsheng can no longer control so much.

Because, Wang Changsheng found that he still underestimated the God in the eyes.

The eyes were hidden, rushing out from the eyes, dark red blood splattered out from the eyes, at this moment Wang Changsheng could no longer see anything.

However, it doesn't mean that Wang Changsheng doesn't know what's going on outside. The moment Shenzang in the eyes walks out, everything in the outside world is presented in Wang Changsheng's mind.

Because, Shenzang is also Wang Changsheng himself, but, when he first broke through to the realm of Shenzang, Wang Changsheng kept the Shenzang, and did not fuse together like the soul of the golden elixir technique.

The strength of Shenzang, after being cultivated, has surpassed Wang Changsheng by a lot, which caused Wang Changsheng to be afraid of Shenzang. Even if he knew that Shenzang belonged to him, he did not dare to sacrifice it.

With my background, I can't bear it at all!

Throughout the ages, Wang Changsheng is probably the only one who can cultivate to such a level.


After Shenzang appeared, he followed Wang Changsheng like a shadow. In fact, Shenzang was Wang Changsheng, and Wang Changsheng himself was Shenzang. The two are one!

"God... divine soul?"

Anchen looked at Shenzang who came out of Wang Changsheng's eyes, showing a shocked expression, because he felt the breath of the soul, but it was not the same as the soul!

"God hide!"

An Chen suddenly said: "It's a treasure of the ancient law!"

Anchen recognized it, it was the sacred treasure of cultivating ancient methods, and it was not a trump card left by a great elder at all!

"Why didn't his divine treasure melt into his body?"

Anchen recognized the divine treasure that Wang Changsheng walked out of his eyes, and his expression was even more shocked. Although Anchen did not practice ancient methods, he knew the ancient methods very well. After all, the ancient way of Huangquan has been passed down for a long time, and he has experienced the era of ancient methods, even now. Switching to the art of golden elixir requires an understanding of ancient methods.

Because the ancient method is the crystallization left over from those eras, it is extremely powerful!

Since Wang Changsheng's divine treasure did not melt into his body, how did Wang Changsheng break through the realm of divine treasure?

An Chen couldn't understand.

An Chen didn't have time to think about it, after the god in the eyes came out, even An Chen couldn't resist the enormous power.

"not good!"

Anchen felt the shaking of the different space, so he wanted to disperse the soul boat technique immediately, because Wang Changsheng's divine treasure was contaminated with the aura of the Great Master. Anchen estimated that the strength of this divine treasure was at least not weaker than that of the Great Master. Respect the strength of the initial stage.

Dazun and Venerable Realm are completely different worlds, the weakest Dazun can easily suppress the most powerful Tianjiao.


By the time Anchen wanted to deal with it, it was already too late. With the sound of a huge roar, infinite power was emitted from above Shenzang. Just the power, it directly tore apart the different space that the soul boat was torn out of!

When the different space dissipated, the soul boat under Anchen's feet also disappeared instantly.

This soul boat technique was not originally cultivated by An Chen, but was able to be performed with the help of the body protection techniques left by the elders in the sect. Now that the soul boat dissipated, An Chen's body was once again exposed to the stars. middle.


An Chen's first reaction was to run away, there was no way, no matter how strong An Chen was, he was only at the peak of the Venerable, and was still within the range of the Venerable, and Wang Changsheng's eyes were already contaminated with the aura of the Venerable. Even possessing the power of a great master, Anchen knew that he was no match at all.

call out!

An Chen's figure flashed across the stars at an extremely fast speed, and even An Chen didn't dare to look behind, because he knew that Wang Changsheng's speed was not slow.

An Chen can only pray that he can break out of the Immortal Mang Xingyu.

Originally, Anchen was not far from the edge of Xianmang Xingyu, and it didn't take much time to rush out.

As long as he rushed out of Xianmang Xingyu, there were so many great masters outside, and based on what Wang Changsheng had done, it was impossible for those great masters of the highest sect to let Wang Changsheng go.

What's more, with An Chen's identity, it couldn't be easier to seek the protection of a supreme master.


An Chen has already seen the edge of the formation, and even, from a distance, he can see the Great Master stationed outside the formation.

Anchen didn't relax his vigilance, because he could feel that Wang Changsheng's aura had already locked himself.

"Three breaths, up to three breaths..."

Anchen is very sure that he can do it in at most three breaths before rushing out of Xianmang Xingyu.

"Where are you going?"

When Anchen rushed to the edge of Xianmang Xingyu, and was about to enter the formation and leave Xianmang Xingyu, a cold and stern voice sounded.

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