Following the roaring sound, Wang Changsheng saw that the surrounding dark space was rapidly shrinking.

Not only that, but the blood-colored long river under the soul boat also stirred up waves and crushed towards Wang Changsheng.


Wang Changsheng frowned when he saw that everything in the different space was rioting except Anchen and Soul Boat.

Wang Changsheng felt that he still underestimated Anchen.

After Li Fusheng and Fatty fought against the Liuyin Demon Realm, Wang Changsheng felt that he should be able to suppress Anchen, but now, Anchen used the hole card of different space to directly block the great seal of mountains and rivers, Wang Changsheng was also very surprised.


Seeing the riot in a different space, Wang Changsheng directly resorted to the art of holding armor, and the golden talisman continued to surround Wang Changsheng's body.

bang bang...

Wang Changsheng, who was in mid-air, immediately heard the sound of impact after he sacrificed Bingjia. Wang Changsheng didn't see any spell hit him at all, but the roar from the impact of Bingjia couldn't be faked.

"It's the breath of the underworld!"

Wang Changsheng said in his heart.

It is true that no technique hit Bingjia, all the roars were the breath of the underworld eroding Bingjia's technique.

"its not right..."

Wang Changsheng looked puzzled. As soon as he sacrificed the art of holding the armor, the roaring sound began. Didn't the breath of hell from the soul boat corrode him when he didn't use the art of holding the armor?

Could it be such a coincidence?

Another possibility is that Huang Quan had already begun to erode him when he was just dragged into a different space by the soul boat, but...

"The erosion of Huangquan is definitely useless to me..."

Wang Changsheng said firmly in his heart.

Wang Changsheng had refined the entire Yellow Spring, although the sacrifice had not yet been completed, but the Yellow Spring really couldn't hurt Wang Changsheng.

Simply, with a wave of Wang Changsheng's hand, he put away the art of holding the armor.

Sure enough, when Bingjia disappeared, only the roar of the different space remained in the whole space, and the sound of the collision between the spell and Bingjia disappeared directly.

Such a reaction further confirmed Wang Changsheng's guess.

Afterwards, Wang Changsheng remained unmoved, watching the shrinking of the different space, except for the water dragon condensed from Huangquan under the soul boat, the erosion of Huangquan's breath was useless to him at all.

The reason why Huang Quan's own erosion under the soul boat was not discovered was because Huang Quan's aura was too weak at this point.

With the Langcang sword in hand, the water dragons condensed under the soul boat were blocked by the Langcang sword.

"Continuing like this is not a long-term solution!"

Wang Changsheng said in his heart.

The power of the water dragon's impact is not small, even the Great Seal of Mountains and Rivers can block it, and Wang Changsheng can only block it for a while with the Langcang sword in his hand, because the power of the water dragon's impact does not burst out instantly, but continuous impact.

An Chen only controlled the blood-colored river under the soul boat, no matter how the impact was, An Chen himself did not consume too much, but Wang Changsheng was different, resisting such a majestic offensive required a lot of consumption.

Under the ebb and flow, the time is too long, and the final loser must be Wang Changsheng.

However, after thinking about it for a while, Wang Changsheng didn't think of any very good way to break the situation.

In a short period of time, Wang Changsheng used all the spells he had practiced.

Sword Peak Art!




Wang Changsheng even used the peng strike technique, wanting to break through the blockade of the water dragon and directly attack Anchen himself!

However, these methods all failed, Anchen sat on the soul boat, just relying on the bloody river under the soul boat to deal with Wang Changsheng, the idea was also very simple, just wanted to consume Wang Changsheng to death.

However, An Chen was also very vigilant in his heart, not daring to be careless.

Because according to the jade slips circulated in Xianmang Xingyu, Wang Changsheng also has a bloody river, which is very powerful and can suppress monks at the peak of the Venerable.

Until now, Wang Changsheng has not sacrificed the bloody river, Anchen knew that Wang Changsheng must be looking for an opportunity to give himself a fatal blow with the bloody river.

Of course, Anchen would not have imagined that Wang Changsheng's long bloody river would be Huang Quan!

Because Huangquan has already dried up and disappeared in the world, otherwise, the ancient road of Huangquan would not replace Huangquan and do what Huangquan should do.

Even if it is the ancient path of the Yellow Springs, after so many years of cultivating the Yellow Springs, it is nothing more than a one-foot-sized puddle.

What Anchen was puzzled about was that it had been a long time since Wang Changsheng was pulled into the space of the soul boat, and the aura of the underworld was constantly eroding Wang Changsheng, why there was no response?

If other monks in the peak realm of the venerable, they would have turned into dry bones at this time and were suppressed by the soul boat.

"Should we break the situation like this?" Wang Changsheng thought in his heart.

Both of them have their own thoughts, now the initiative is in Anchen's hands, with the help of water dragons constantly hitting, the breath of the underworld is also constantly eroding, and what Wang Changsheng has to think about is how to break the situation? !

"There's only Shenzang in the eyes and Huang Quan..."

After Wang Changsheng thought for a while, he said in his heart.

All the spells have been used, and there is nothing to do with Anchen, nor this different space, so he can only sacrifice his hole card.

If facing other monks, Wang Changsheng would definitely not hesitate, just sacrifice Huangquan directly, Wang Changsheng himself is very clear about the power of Huangquan, but, the Anchen he is facing now, once he sacrifices Huangquan, if he cannot suppress Anchen, Instead, let Anchen recover with the help of Huangquan, what should I do?

"Only the eyes are hidden!"

Wang Changsheng confirmed it.

Since he sacrificed Huang Quan, he was worried that he would not be able to suppress An Chen, but let An Chen escape and expose himself to Huang Quan, so it is better to take a risk with the treasure in his eyes.

Immediately afterwards, Wang Changsheng's figure was constantly retreating, and his originally black and white pupils instantly became as black as ink, with a little bit of starlight shining among them.


A roar came from Wang Changsheng's eyes.

At the moment when the god in his eyes was activated, Wang Changsheng also groaned in pain.

Ever since Wang Changsheng cultivated the Shenzang, the Shenzang in the Eye has sacrificed once. That time, when he was dealing with Jiuyou City, with the breakthrough of Wang Changsheng's cultivation base, the Shenzang in the Eye has become more and more powerful. According to Wang Changsheng's own estimation, the Shenzang in the Eye The power of Shenzang has already surpassed the realm of a venerable, and even Wang Changsheng himself does not know whether it has reached the power of a great venerable.

Therefore, when Wang Changsheng faced the enemy, as long as he was not in a life-and-death crisis, he would never sacrifice the divine treasure.

As for the divine treasure bred in the galaxy?Wang Changsheng didn't even dare to offer sacrifices.

The divine treasure conceived in the galaxy is countless times stronger than the divine treasure in the eyes. Sometimes, when it becomes noisy, even Wang Changsheng himself finds it difficult to suppress it. If it is really necessary to sacrifice the divine treasure contained in the galaxy, Wang Changsheng would rather sacrifice Tibetan.

With Wang Changsheng's current state, sacrificing the sacred treasure of the galaxy is no different from seeking death. Even, once he sacrifices the sacred treasure contained in the galaxy, he will lose his mind in an instant and become a monster who only knows how to kill!

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