Longevity Tianque

Chapter 1682 2 people break through

"dong dong dong..."

Wang Changsheng was still adjusting his breath. A few days later, a knock on the door came to Wang Changsheng's ears. The monk outside the door did not hide his breath. It was Li Fusheng.

"What's wrong?" Wang Changsheng opened the door and asked.

"Go in and talk!" Li Fusheng said with a frown.

Wang Changsheng nodded and let Li Fusheng enter the room.

Li Fusheng walked into the room, waved his hand, and directly arranged a formation, and then said a little dejectedly: "The fairy light is used up!"

Wang Changsheng: "..."

Seeing Li Fusheng's dejected expression, Wang Changsheng froze on the spot, and after a few breaths, Wang Changsheng asked, "Just this?"

"Otherwise, what else can happen?" Li Fu said naturally.

What else could Wang Changsheng say, he could only look at Li Fusheng as if he were looking at a fool.

From the time Li Fusheng appeared, entered the room mysteriously, and arranged a formation, Wang Changsheng thought that something big had happened, but in the end, it was just that the fairy light disappeared?

For Li Fusheng, he has not yet broken through to the peak state of the Venerable, or even the late stage of the Venerable. For Li Fusheng, Xianmang is indeed a big deal.

However, to Wang Changsheng, Xianmang is a trivial matter, not even comparable to a holy medicine.

"Is there a way to quickly obtain Xianmang?" Li Fusheng asked.

Li Fusheng had never obtained a fairy light before, so he didn't know that the fairy light was so useful for cultivation. Now that he had used hundreds of fairy lights, Li Fusheng knew that before he broke through to the peak of the Venerable, he would not have a fairy light. No way.

Now Li Fusheng has reached the peak state of the Venerable in the middle stage. Li Fusheng believes that he can break through to the late stage of the Venerable without much fairy light.

Li Fusheng himself was frightened by such a breakthrough speed.


Wang Changsheng nodded and said, "Dan Qi Dao has opened a shop in the city. If you have quasi-dao artifacts or holy medicines, you can go to the shop to exchange them!"

"A quasi-dao weapon can probably be exchanged for more than ten immortal lights, and the holy medicine is cheaper!"

Wang Changsheng knew Li Fusheng very well. He knew that Li Fusheng had a lot of good things, and he was definitely richer than himself. If Li Fusheng was willing to exchange quasi-dao artifacts and holy medicines for immortal light, it would be a good choice.

After all, compared to the current strength of the two of them, the quasi-dao weapon and the holy medicine are not very useful.


Hearing Wang Changsheng's words, Li Fusheng was taken aback immediately, and then said, "Are quasi-dao tools and holy medicines so cheap?"

Wang Changsheng nodded affirmatively.

At the beginning, Wang Changsheng was also shocked by the price. To be precise, it was not that the quasi-dao weapon was cheap, because even most of the Dazun used only the quasi-dao weapon, which was a very powerful kind of quasi-dao weapon. It's just Taoism.

"It's because Xianmang is too expensive!"

Wang Changsheng said.

The quasi-dao weapon can be refined. In addition to the very special holy medicine, the holy medicine can also be replaced by elixir, but what about Xianmang?Obtaining a fairy light requires luck, once used, it will disappear forever.

Regardless of the size of Xianmang Xingyu, the birth of Xianmang is simply not enough to support the cultivation of so many venerables.

Li Fusheng showed a thoughtful look, and in the end, he decided not to use the quasi-dao weapon in exchange for the fairy light, as for the holy medicine?Li Fusheng didn't have many holy medicines, not as good as Wang Changsheng.

"Cultivate normally first!" Wang Changsheng patted Li Fusheng on the shoulder and said, "I've already figured out a way, now I just wait for the opportunity!"

"Don't worry, this time, it is definitely a big harvest, and it is definitely enough for you to break through to the peak of the Venerable!"

"Huh?" Li Fusheng looked at Wang Changsheng, and immediately showed a puzzled look: "What are you planning?"

"Are you going to kill the venerable of the supreme religion again?"

It's no wonder that Li Fusheng has such an idea. Judging from the previous situation, it is really not easy to capture the fairy light. What's more, the speed of refining the fairy light by practicing the ancient method is simply not comparable to that of ordinary monks. .

The only way to get rich is by plundering.


Wang Changsheng shook his head and said, "Now that we are all on the cusp, we still need to keep a low profile!"

Wang Changsheng did not explain the rest of the matter, but asked Li Fusheng to go back and continue to practice. Even without the help of Xianmang, with Li Fusheng's talent, the speed of cultivation is not slow.

Li Fusheng opened the room, ready to go out, and immediately saw a monk standing at the door, who was about to knock on the door.

It's the fat man!

"You broke through?"

The moment Li Fusheng saw the fat man, he felt the aura of the fat man, and immediately showed surprise.

The aura on Fatty's body has indeed reached the later stage of the Venerable.

Li Fusheng asked himself, his talent was definitely the highest among the three, even Wang Changsheng couldn't match it, Wang Changsheng was very good at comprehension and planning.

As for Fatty, his talent is definitely the worst among the three, and now?Wang Changsheng is already at the peak of the Venerable, and Fatty has also broken through to the later stage of the Venerable.

And what about Li Fusheng himself?

Only the mid-term realm of the Venerable!

For a moment, Li Fusheng was filled with emotions.

On the other hand, the fat man was about to knock on the door when it opened. If the monk reacted quickly and withdrew his hand in time, he might have slapped Li Fusheng on the face just now.

The fat man was also a little embarrassed.

"Old Li..." Fatty immediately asked, "What are you doing in Old Wang's room?"

"It's okay!" Li Fusheng said.

After finishing speaking, Li Fusheng left the room directly from the side, returned to his own room, and went to practice hard. Li Fusheng's talent is extremely high, even if there is no fairy light, it doesn't take much time to break through to the later stage of the Venerable .

"Fatty? What are you doing here?"

Wang Changsheng also felt the subtlety between Li Fusheng and Fatty. After Li Fusheng left, Wang Changsheng said: "That's right, we have already broken through to the later stage of Venerable!"

In terms of speed, it was much faster than Wang Changsheng's back then.

"Old Wang, is there any fairy light left?" The fat man asked immediately, even more directly than Li Fusheng.


Wang Changsheng spread his hands, and said helplessly: "I really don't have a fairy light on me anymore. You are okay, you have already broken through to the late stage of the Venerable, and Lao Li is only in the middle stage of the Venerable..."

"I have not only absorbed the fairy light!"

The fat man immediately said: "When I was in the southwest corner of Xianmang Xingyu, before you came, I cooperated with Lao Li, but I swallowed hundreds of venerables, and I was full at that time!"

"During this period of time, I not only absorbed Xianmang's cultivation, but also digested all the Venerable that I swallowed at the beginning, and only then did I break through to the later stage of the Venerable!"

"If I hadn't swallowed those hundreds of monks, I would be worse than Lao Li now..."

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