After the fat man explained, Wang Changsheng understood what was going on.

Hundreds of immortal lights are indeed not enough for Fatty and Li Fusheng to break through. This can be seen from Li Fusheng's failure to break through. The key to Fatty's breakthrough is the hundreds of monks he devoured.

Just like when Wang Changsheng was practicing at the beginning, Xianmang only played a supporting role. The key to Wang Changsheng's breakthrough was the cultivation under Jianmu.

Jianmu's entry into Taoism was of great help to Wang Changsheng. This opportunity could last until Wang Changsheng's entry into Taoism. What's more, Jianmu also left Wang Changsheng with Jianmu seedlings.

"Like Lao Li, you should practice normally for a while. I am also planning recently. If I can succeed, I will definitely get a lot of fairy lights!"

Wang Changsheng said.

"Yeah!" Fatty said, "Thank you very much!"

Immediately afterwards, Fatty also left Wang Changsheng's room and went back to practice. He had just broken through to the Venerable Late Stage, and Fatty also needed to practice to stabilize his own state.

The reason why Wang Changsheng didn't propose to Fatty is because Wang Changsheng knew that Fatty was poor!

From Fatty's practice until now, he has definitely obtained the most quasi-dao artifacts. However, he couldn't stand Fatty's mouth, and Wang Changsheng gnawed down those quasi-dao artifacts.

Now the fat man is all over his body, not to mention the quasi-dharma weapon, even an ordinary magic weapon.

All of them were swallowed by the fat man and became part of the fat man's cultivation.

Fat people who practice gluttony are the richest and the poorest.

"I didn't expect that after breaking through to the peak of the Venerable, I would still have to worry about Xianmang!" Wang Changsheng sighed in his heart.

Wang Changsheng calculated that Li Fusheng and Fatty would need at least 1 immortal awns to cultivate to the peak of the Venerable, and the hundreds of immortal awns that have been refined are just a drop in the bucket, and ordinary methods are not enough for Wang Changsheng to obtain Lots of fairy awns.

"Ten years have passed!"

Wang Changsheng said in his heart.

Wang Changsheng's idea is very simple, it is the opportunity to rely on Jianmu to enter Taoism.

Having obtained eight thousand immortal lights from Tianjian Mountain, Wang Changsheng felt that perhaps he should be able to make another fortune in Tianjian Mountain.

"The opportunity for Jianmu to enter the Tao is definitely not something that can be realized in this short time. Perhaps, Tianjian Mountain is willing to pay a price to extend this time!" Wang Changsheng said in his heart.

This is also the reason why Wang Changsheng wandered around in the city. If he wanted to find Jian Pingfan or Zhang Wan'er, even if he couldn't find them, he could still find the monks in Tianjian Mountain and inform Jian Pingfan.

However, Wang Changsheng didn't see any monks related to Tianjian Mountain, even the Zhang family's auction field, when there was no auction, there was no breath.

"Go out and try your luck!" Wang Changsheng said.

The current Wang Changsheng is not very useful for cultivation. The next step is to break through to the realm of the Great Master. The current Wang Changsheng has no clue yet.

What's more, even those arrogances in the Nine Heavens Realm still need to spend a long time looking for an opportunity to break through to the Great Senior. It is even more difficult for Wang Changsheng to break through to the Great Senior by practicing ancient methods.

The thickness of the pass, in the realm of the Great Master, the ancient method has been rejected by the world, and even abandoned...

Leaving the restaurant and walking in the city, Wang Changsheng kept looking at the monks he saw around him, but he didn't find any aura related to Tianjian Mountain on these monks.

The more reliable one now is Tianjian Mountain. Tianjian Mountain will not reveal Wang Changsheng's identity. As for other supreme religions, there is no cooperation at all, Wang Changsheng is worried.

Even if Tianjian Mountain is unwilling to use the fairy light to extend the exclusive time, Wang Changsheng is sure that he can get the fairy light from Tianjian Mountain, but this is a last resort, and if he does so, he will definitely offend Tianjian Mountain.

It's just that Wang Changsheng and Tianjian Mountain are just a transactional relationship. From the perspective of the Zhang family in the war world, they are even enemies. Therefore, offending Tianjian Mountain is not within the scope of consideration.

Let's get Xianmang first!

Once Li Fusheng and Fatty also break through to the peak of the Venerable, the three of them will join hands, and with their strength and background, they will be absolutely invincible in the fairy world.

Even, the three of them have broken through to the peak realm of the venerable, and even if they are strong in the early stage of the venerable, they can't do anything to the three of them.


Suddenly, Wang Changsheng's expression changed, he glanced towards the front left, frowned, and then hurriedly walked out of the city.

"Someone's breath locked me..."

Wang Changsheng said solemnly in his heart.

It may be because of the fear of his identity being exposed. In this situation of being locked in by someone, Wang Changsheng's first reaction was to expose his identity and be targeted by other monks.

Otherwise, Wang Changsheng, who has changed his body shape and aura, would definitely not be targeted by anyone in this fairy world.

After escaping from the city, Wang Changsheng directly hid in Xingyu, and sure enough, a figure appeared nearby not long after.


Seeing that the other party didn't respond immediately, Wang Changsheng was puzzled.

Wang Changsheng has completely concealed his figure now, without leaving any trace of breath. When the opponent is chasing to this place, he should continue to find the direction to chase, but now that the opponent is standing not far away, he has no intention of continuing to chase at all.

There is only one possibility, the other party is sure that he is here.

The figure standing in the stars, wearing a moon-white robe, is handsome and handsome, and the aura on his body is also the peak state of the venerable.

Moreover, Wang Changsheng felt a strong threat from this person, indicating that the other party has the power to threaten his safety.

"Who is it?"

Wang Changsheng was puzzled.

The monk in the moon-white robe sat down cross-legged in the starry sky, facing Wang Changsheng.

"It was really discovered?" Wang Changsheng was even more puzzled.

The posture shown by the other party now is completely the posture of discovering Wang Changsheng's hiding place, Wang Changsheng has to think so.


Suddenly, Wang Changsheng, who was hiding his figure, felt a throbbing in Xingyu's dantian. It was Jiuyou City!

Not long ago, Jiuyou City was throbbing, but for a very short time, Wang Changsheng couldn't figure out what was going on, so this matter just disappeared, but now, Jiuyou City started to move again?

This time, the movement time of Jiuyou City was even shorter. In just half a breath, Jiuyou City returned to silence. Looking at the Jiuyou City that stopped shaking, Wang Changsheng made up his mind, he must figure out Jiuyou City. Why is the city trembling, otherwise, give yourself a shake from time to time, if you are in the midst of a war, it will definitely affect your strength.

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