Longevity Tianque

Chapter 1681 9 Changes in Youcheng

Jian Ping is also very envious of Tianqi finding the opportunity to break through the Great Master!

Although it must be very difficult for Tianqi to break through the Great Master, it must be very difficult for Wang Changsheng, but at least Tianqi has found it and has a direction to work hard, but what about Jian Pingfan?

Jian Ping has yet to find any opportunity to break through the Great Senior.

"I can tell you!"

Jian Ping said solemnly: "But, you must swear by your Dao heart, even if you know his identity, you must never spread it!"

After thinking about it for a while, Jian Ping still intends to agree to this deal. It's just that Tianqi, who has cultivated at the peak of the Venerable, is enough to attract Jian Ping. Once Tian Qi breaks through to the realm of the Great Venerable...

The three deductions of Apocalypse are even more valuable!

Not to mention, there is no time limit yet. When the apocalypse ascends to the Datong in the future, the value of the three deduction is simply incalculable.

Considering that Wang Changsheng's identity cannot be revealed for the time being, Jian Ping also put forward his own conditions, and he believes that Tianqi will agree, because it is too important to break through to Dazun!


Tianqi didn't think about it at all, and agreed directly.

Tian Qi only used some information from Wang Changsheng to break through the power of cause and effect and seek opportunities for the Great Master. Tian Qi had no interest in exposing Wang Changsheng's identity.

Immediately afterwards, Tian Qi swore with his Dao heart that he would not reveal Wang Changsheng's identity, and after the vow, he looked at Jian Ping.

"His name is Wang Changsheng!"

Jian Ping said directly: "Presumably, Master Tianqi, is no stranger to this name!"

Tian Qi was stunned.

The name Wang Changsheng is far from unfamiliar, it is simply too familiar. After so many years, even if Tian Qi did not personally participate in what happened in the ruins of the Three Immortals, he would know how much sensation Wang Changsheng caused.

Up to now, the first task of many Supreme Masters is to find the trace of Wang Changsheng.

Even in Tianyan Pavilion, there is such a task that is at the top of the list. As long as Wang Changsheng is deduced, there will be very generous rewards. At least, there is no need to worry about future cultivation resources.

"So it was him..."

Tian Qi said with an inexplicable expression.

Wang Changsheng is definitely the most outstanding figure in the past hundred years. Sometimes, even Tian Qi envies Wang Changsheng.

Because all of Wang Changsheng's fame was earned by himself, without the help of any supreme teaching.

Even, this incident once became the laughing stock of the Three Immortals!

However, when Wang Changsheng disappeared later, no one thought that Wang Changsheng would hide in Xianmang Xingyu?

"Wang Changsheng's opportunity to enter Taoism with Jianmu, you Tianjian Mountain already got it?" Tian Qi asked.

After Jian Ping thought for a while, he nodded slightly.

As long as Tian Qi is not a fool, when he hears Jian PingAn tell Wang Changsheng's origin, he will know that it is tricky.

"Sure enough!" Tian Qi was silent for a while, and then asked, "How did you find him?"

"Zhanjie Zhang Family!"

Jian Ping said directly.

Tian Qi was taken aback immediately, and then smiled wryly. He didn't even reach Wang Changsheng's position in Tianyan Pavilion, but he was found by Zhanjie Zhang's family. It must be said that this was luck.

The ability of the monks of Tianyan Pavilion is much stronger than that of the Zhang family in the war world.

"No, the pavilion master will definitely be able to deduce it to..." Tian Qi suddenly thought in his heart.

It is understandable that the other supreme sects could not find any trace of Wang Changsheng, but it is impossible for Tianyan Pavilion to not find any clues.

After thinking about it for a while, Tian Qi didn't intend to continue to delve into this matter, because Tian Qi swears with his Dao heart that it is related to Wang Changsheng, and he must never say anything about it.

Fortunately, Tianqi's purpose is to break through to the Great Master, otherwise, Tianqi will really regret it.

"In that case, then I still need to go to Qingshan Gate..."

Apocalypse said in his heart.

After knowing some things about Wang Changsheng, following the clues, Tianqi naturally knew the existence of Qingshan Gate.

However, after being deduced to Venerable Heisha of Qingshan Gate, everything about Wang Changsheng was cut off, and everything before that was all hidden in the fog of cause and effect.

"It seems that his origin is not as simple as the Li family in Shangyang being left behind by foreigners..."

Apocalypse said in his heart.

In just a few breaths, Tianqi has deduced many things about Wang Changsheng. These things have already happened, and there are many witnesses, so Tianqi can deduce them.

The most important thing is what happened before Wang Changsheng entered the Qingshan Gate, which is related to the huge entanglement of cause and effect.

"Remember your own promise!"

Jian usually said.

Apocalypse nodded.

Immediately afterwards, Jian Ping directly passed Tianqi and fled towards Xingyu.

This time, Tian Qi did not stop him. As for the deal with Jian Ping, Tian Qi will not break his promise. Of course, it is limited to what he can do. If he asks for help from Tianyan Pavilion for Jian Ping's deduction, Tian Qi will not do it.

After some thought, Tian Qi also disappeared into Xingyu.

Tian Qi has already thought about it, before going to Qingshan Gate, there is one more thing to do, and that is to meet Wang Changsheng!

At this moment, Wang Changsheng had already returned to the restaurant established by Kuixianlou, but he did not find the person he was looking for, so Wang Changsheng could only wait.

However, not long after sitting down, Wang Changsheng felt a violent vibration in Xingyu's dantian.

As his consciousness sank into his dantian Xingyu, Wang Changsheng immediately discovered that it was Jiuyou City that caused the vibration? !

"what happened?"

Wang Changsheng was puzzled.

After obtaining Jiuyou City, when fighting with Huang Quan, Jiuyou City experienced abnormal movements, and then it has been very quiet. Now, Jiuyou City has taken the initiative to make abnormal movements, and Wang Changsheng immediately felt something was wrong.

Originally, Jiuyou City was in the dantian Xingyu, which was not good news for Wang Changsheng. The key point was that he didn't know the origin of Jiuyou City, which made Wang Changsheng even more worried.

How could someone else be allowed to sleep soundly in the couch, if something happened in Jiuyou City one day, Wang Changsheng would not even have time to cry.

After some investigation, Jiuyou City returned to calm, and Wang Changsheng was a little confused.

It is impossible for Jiuyou City to make abnormal movements for no reason, something must have happened, but Wang Changsheng himself does not know.

"What the hell..."

Wang Changsheng frowned.

What Wang Changsheng didn't know was that when Jiuyou City changed, it was the time when Tianqi wanted to lift the fog of karma. Once the fog of karma was lifted, he would discover the existence of Jiuyou City and Huangquan.

This is Jiuyou City's automatic shielding. If Huang Quan makes a move, it will be even more terrifying. A sudden breath of death, Tian Qi can't bear it at all.

After some investigations were fruitless, Wang Changsheng could only keep this matter in his heart and ignore it for the time being.

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