Longevity Tianque

Chapter 1680 Trading


"Is the sword normal?"

In a star universe, Tian Qi stopped Jian PingPing.

Tianqi inquired about the approximate location of the sword, and with his own deduction technique, it was easy to find it since the sword could not be hidden normally.

Jian Ping also showed surprise when he saw Tianqi appearing.

As for Tian Qi, Jian Ping still knows about it, and also knows about the incident in the southwest corner of Xianmang Xingyu, and Tian Qi is behind it. Otherwise, other monks of the Supreme Cult would definitely not have such great energy.

Jian Ping also knows Tian Qi's purpose. To be honest, Jian Ping doesn't like Tian Qi's approach. However, this is the way of Tianyan Pavilion's cultivation, and Jian Ping can't say anything.

Taking a step back, is Jian Pingbu also attracted by Tianqi's methods?

"You are hurt?"

Jian usually felt that Tianqi's breath was very unstable, and there was a bloody smell on his body, so he knew that Tianqi was injured.

Tian Qi nodded and said, "Yes!"

Apocalypse has nothing to hide about being injured.

"Why are you hurt?"

Jian Ping asked.

Although he has never fought against Tian Qi, Jian Ping also knows that Tian Qi's strength is not bad. He should not be an opponent. His younger brother, with the power of the divine sword, may be able to defeat Tian Qi.

The strength of Jian Pingfan is on par with Jian Pingfan, but when Jian Pingfan was born, he was accompanied by the Excalibur, and that Excalibur sword was experienced by Pingfan before.

Tian Qi shook his head, did not say the reason, but asked instead: "Do you know the person who rescued Li Fusheng and the others?"

When Qi Qi said this, Jian Ping immediately knew the reason for Tian Qi's visit.

The matter in the southwest corner of Xianmang Xingyu was led by Tianqi, and the early stage went smoothly, and the identities of Li Fusheng and Li Fusheng were exposed, but the appearance of Wang Changsheng was unexpected by Tianqi.

If Wang Changsheng hadn't appeared, the matter in the southwest corner of Xianmang Xingyu would have ended smoothly, but Wang Changsheng's appearance interrupted Tianqi's plan.

In the end, not only Wang Changsheng rescued Li Fusheng and two people, but also beheaded more than 400 monks, and Tianqi lost all face.

"do not know!"

After figuring this out, Jian Pingfan shook his head directly, and had no intention of revealing Wang Changsheng's identity.

To be honest, Jian Pingfan knew about Wang Changsheng's origin, so it didn't matter if he concealed it or not. However, after Jian Pingfan made a deal with Wang Changsheng, the fewer people who knew about Wang Changsheng's existence, the better.

Tianjian Mountain has gained the comprehension of Jianmu's entry into Taoism. As long as Wang Changsheng's identity is not exposed, Tianjian Mountain will have more time alone, which will be of great benefit to Tianjian Mountain.

Therefore, the sword can't usually be said!

After finishing speaking, Jian Ping directly passed Tian Qi from the side, ready to escape into the Xingyu.

However, before Jian Ping could leave, he was stopped by Tian Qi.

"Sword usually..."

Tian Qi called Jian Ping to stop, and said solemnly: "You must know his origin!"

"Tell me about his origin, and I promise to give you three free deduction!"

Jian Ping stopped, looked at Tian Qi, frowned, and showed a puzzled look: "Tian Qi, you are the only young pavilion master of Tianyan Pavilion, and the position of the pavilion master of Tianyan Pavilion in the future will definitely be yours!"

"Let you make a deduction, and the price you pay is definitely not small!"

"So..." Jian Ping said: "I really want to know, that person is so important to you, that he can ask you, the future owner of Tianyan Pavilion, to offer such a price?"

Tian Qi heard Jian Ping's words, his eyes were burning, and he didn't answer. Obviously, he was expecting Jian Ping's decision.

"The temptation is too great!"

Jian Ping also looked at Tianqi, thinking constantly in his heart.

Jian usually set out this condition, and did not say a time limit, that is to say, Jian usually can wait for Tianqi to inherit the Datong before making his own request.

With a status like Tianqi's, it is impossible for him to do something that would go against his promise.

Therefore, as long as Wang Changsheng's identity is revealed, the benefits and temptations of this transaction are too great for Jian Pingfan.

On the one hand, it brings great benefits to oneself, and on the other hand, it is the exposure of information related to Jianmu Taoism...

For a while, Jian Pingfan didn't know how to make a decision.

"Jian Ping, this transaction, you do it or not..." Tian Qi said with burning eyes.

Tian Qi really wanted to know the information about Wang Changsheng, not only related to Tian Qi's breakthrough to the realm of the Great Master, but also because Tian Qi was curious, what is the origin of Wang Changsheng, and why does he have such a majestic power of cause and effect?

If an ordinary monk in the realm of the venerable, even the peak of the venerable, had such a huge force of karma entangled in his body, he would have been buried and fallen under the pull of karma.

And what about Wang Changsheng?

Not only is he living well, but he also has a Taoist weapon close to him. This has made Tianqi very interested.

Even the master of the Tianyan Pavilion, who is entangled with the secrets of heaven, does not have such a huge power of cause and effect on his body.

"Tell me first, what are you asking about his identity?" Jian Pingfan sighed and said, "His identity is very sensitive. If you are not sure about your purpose, I would rather not make this transaction!"

Apocalypse: "..."

Jian Ping's words directly stunned Tian Qi, Jian Ping was afraid of Wang Changsheng, Tian Qi already knew this, but what Tian Qi did not expect was that Jian Ping was afraid of Wang Changsheng to such an extent.

What is the beginning?

Tian Qi became even more interested, to the point where he would not give up until he found out Wang Changsheng's origin.

"I found an opportunity to break through the Great Master in him!"

After thinking for a while, Tian Qi said with a solemn expression.


Hearing Tian Qi's words, although the words were very short, Jian's usual expression changed drastically, and he looked at Tian Qi with an incredible expression.

A chance to break through the great lord?

This is amazing!

What is the most important thing for monks in the peak realm of the Venerable?Of course it is to find an opportunity to break through the Great Master!

Jian Ping's cultivation base is the same as Tian Qi's, they have both reached the level of a half-step master, and even they have reached this level thousands of years ago, but in this place, they have been stuck for thousands of years.

They already belonged to the cultivators in the ranks of Tianjiao, and it was so difficult to break through the Great Senior. It was conceivable that it would be even more difficult for ordinary monks to break through the Great Senior.

"No wonder..."

Jian Ping looked at Tian Qi with an inexplicable expression: "No wonder you are willing to pay such a huge amount of confession, and you also need to know his identity..."

That being the case, the sword can usually be understood.

It's just that Wang Changsheng's identity is indeed too involved, and it is related to Jianmu's opportunity to enter Taoism, which is why Jian usually has difficulty making a decision.

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