Longevity Tianque

Chapter 1672 Trap

Wang Changsheng clearly remembered that there were more than 800 venerables who wanted to kill the three of them, and the 300 venerables who caught up now, plus the 100 venerables who killed them before, were only more than 400.

In other words, there are still more than 400 venerables left behind.

"Leave it alone..."

Wang Changsheng said in his heart, and then he directly sent a voice transmission to Li Fusheng: "Old Li, we have entered the range, be careful, don't let them get away!"

"Don't worry!" Li Fusheng's voice came directly into Wang Changsheng's mind: "I will fight with Fatty, there is no possibility for them to escape!"

Hearing what Li Fusheng said, Wang Changsheng felt relieved. This was also the reason why the fat man was left behind. After all, the opponent had more than 300 venerables, and if someone wanted to escape, Li Fusheng alone couldn't stop him.

Adding Fatty is different, Fatty has the corpse of Taotie in his hand, plus the fierce power in the southwest corner before, even standing there can scare some monks.

Because the strength of these second batch of monks who were left behind can only be regarded as medium among the Venerables.

"Where are people? Where did they go? Are we chasing in the wrong direction?"

"Impossible, there are a lot of formations arranged outside this land, and it looks like it was arranged in a hurry, and it should be in this land!"

"Everyone be careful, I have been to this place before, once it is contaminated by the raging Dao Yun, it will not end well!"

"They won't have succeeded, and then they will find a place to discuss how to distribute the Taoist device?"

"Impossible, we are only half an incense stick behind, they should not be so fast..."


More than 300 monks, after entering the land, did not find anything unusual, and there were curses in their mouths.

Some of the monks came here because of Wang Changsheng's unhappy attitude, just to teach Wang Changsheng a lesson, and the other part came for the Taoist artifact, even if they couldn't get the Taoist artifact, they could plan a quasi-Tao artifact on Wang Changsheng, It is also a good choice.

However, now that they entered the land, there was no aura of a monk at all, and everyone suspected that they were chasing the wrong direction.

In this continent, everyone did not feel the aura of the monks. If they had gone through the battle just now, it would definitely not be like this.


Li Fusheng patted the fat man.


Then he heard a neighing sound coming from Li Fusheng's mouth, and then, the avatar of the fire phoenix broke through the air, crossed the continent, and appeared above everyone's heads in an instant.

"Not good! It's Li Fusheng!"

When everyone saw the avatar of the fire phoenix, their expressions immediately changed. They didn't need to identify it at all, they knew that the avatar of the fire phoenix appeared was Li Fusheng!

Because, under the real body of the fire phoenix, there is also a huge tripod with three legs.

"Since Li Fusheng is here, where did the fellow Taoists who chased them go?"

"I don't know, my senior brother is also among them. I just sent a letter to my senior brother, but I didn't get any reply!"

"No, everyone be careful, if Li Fusheng is here, that fat man must be there too!"


When everyone saw Huofeng's real body, their expressions immediately changed.

When we were in the southwest corner before, everyone had already seen how powerful Li Fusheng and Fatty were. Now when they suddenly saw Wang Changsheng appearing and sacrificed the real body of the fire phoenix and the huge three-legged cauldron, everyone's first reaction was to look for Fatty. Location!

Judging from the previous situation, Li Fusheng's strength is not weak, but it is still very difficult to kill the monks present. Li Fusheng only plays a supporting role.

With the power of the three-legged giant tripod, he pushed everyone horizontally and pushed them into the mouth of the fat man, and then the fat man swallowed them all in one gulp.

Therefore, in the eyes of everyone, Li Fusheng, who had left Fatty, was not much of a threat at all, and he could be taken down as soon as he swarmed up. The moment Li Fusheng appeared, everyone focused on Fatty's position.


When everyone dared to react, they heard a roar, and immediately after that, Taotie's huge corpse appeared in everyone's sight.

Li Fusheng's current position is at the upper left of everyone, while the fat man's position is at the upper right of everyone.

"Isn't such a position not conducive to their cooperation?"

Many monks were puzzled.

Judging from the previous situation, Li Fusheng and Fatty should be in front of each other, which is the best attacking position.

bang bang...

It was too late for everyone to think about it, because the avatar of the fire phoenix swept down directly against the three-legged giant cauldron. If everyone didn't hide, there would definitely be no good results.

Li Fusheng's strength is indeed not enough to kill everyone, not to mention, there are so many venerables joining forces, but, being swept away by the Taoism, if the fat man takes advantage of the situation, everyone will be in danger.

"Back off!"

A roar came from the mouth of a venerable in the later stage: "The fat man is on the upper right. Let's back up. As long as we don't get swallowed, we won't be in danger!"

With that said, more than 300 monks retreated directly to the back.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief seeing that the fat man didn't come after him. The most threatening thing was the fat man's huge mouth!

As everyone knows, the core of this battle is not Fatty, but Wang Changsheng.

With the strength of Li Fusheng and Fatty, it would be very difficult to kill all the more than 300 monks present, even if they played all their cards, because if everyone felt invincible, they would definitely run away.

Li Fusheng and Fatty were sure to kill any monk present, but they couldn't kill all the monks present.

The positions of Li Fusheng and Fatty were also intentional, just to make the monks present retreat. Once they retreated, they would fall into Wang Changsheng's trap.

"Fatty, you are slow to come out!" Li Fusheng said to the fat man through voice transmission: "These venerables present are all from the supreme sect, and they are definitely not fools if they can cultivate to the realm of venerables!"

"The position we are in will definitely arouse their suspicion. We must move quickly and coherently so that they have no time to react!"

The positions of Li Fusheng and Fatty were obviously not right. It would be more dangerous to give everyone a reaction time before trying to get them fooled.

"dash forward!"

A roar came from Li Fusheng's mouth.

Although everyone has fallen into Wang Changsheng's trap, in order to be on the safe side, Li Fusheng and Fatty must chase after them and let these more than 300 venerables fall into the trap!

Sure enough, under the pursuit of Fatty and Li Fusheng, more than 300 venerables kept retreating. What they feared was not Li Fusheng's huge three-legged tripod, but Fatty's huge mouth.



Both Li Fusheng and the fat man heard roars, but they always kept a distance from the crowd, because their purpose was not to attack these monks, but to chase them.

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