Longevity Tianque

Chapter 1673 It's too late...

"Fatty, be more oppressive!"

Li Fusheng sent a voice transmission to the fat man.

Once these venerables are given time, they will definitely be able to discover the anomaly. Therefore, it is necessary to drive them all to the place where Wang Changsheng is ambush at the fastest speed, preferably before everyone has time to react.

Now, more than half of the monks have already entered the range of Wang Changsheng's ambush, and they only need to add more force, and this matter will be completed.



Both Fatty and Li Fusheng roared from their mouths.

"Everyone be careful!"

A late-stage cultivator of the Venerable said, "I feel something is wrong!"

"They seem to be controlling their speed, and they don't want to chase us, it seems..."

Another monk said, "It seems to be trying to force us back!"

It is enough to explain the problem that no one is a fool who can cultivate to the realm of the venerable. Under the pursuit of Li Fusheng and Fatty, the fact that Fatty and Li Fusheng did not directly attack.

Many monks have this doubt, but everyone is retreating, and they are also retreating. No matter what is going on, as long as more than 300 venerables gather together, even if they meet the strong ones in the early stage of the great venerable, they will have the strength to fight!

However, now that someone brought it up, everyone slowed down.

"Have you responded?"

Seeing many monks stop, Li Fusheng said coldly, "It's late!"

After finishing speaking, Li Fusheng saw Li Fusheng's sharp claws flashing, and the giant three-legged cauldron was crushed directly towards the crowd.

Many monks had already stepped into the range of Wang Changsheng's ambush. The reason why they didn't make a move was that they wanted all the monks to step into that range. Now, only a few monks did not step in.

Under the menacing power of the three-legged giant tripod, several monks who had not stepped into the ambush range were also slammed into it by Li Fusheng.

"Fortunately, most of these monks are in the middle stage of the Venerable..." Li Fusheng said in his heart.

The Venerable's mid-term realm is definitely not Li Fusheng's opponent, so when faced with the oppression of Li Fusheng and Fatty, they chose to retreat.If these monks were all at the peak of the Venerable, the moment Li Fusheng and Fatty showed up, they would directly attack them.

bang bang...

The three-legged giant cauldron was crushed, and all the monks entered the range of Wang Changsheng's ambush. Immediately afterwards, Li Fusheng put away the three-legged giant tripod, and Fatty also put away the corpse of Taotie.

The next thing is left to Wang Changsheng.

"What's going on? I feel like something's not quite right..."

"It's okay, we all join forces together, and the two of them are definitely not our opponents!"

"As long as we don't separate, the power of our more than 300 venerables is absolutely invincible in the entire Immortal Star Universe!"

"Sweeping and invincible? Don't be too optimistic, I always feel that something is wrong..."

"Something's wrong. The more than 100 fellow Taoists chasing at the front seem to have disappeared out of thin air!"


More than 300 venerables all felt that something was wrong. They clearly came to chase Li Fusheng and the three of them. Now they saw Li Fusheng and Fatty, but they did not see the more than 100 monks chasing ahead.

By the way, three people...

The expressions of many monks immediately changed. They remembered that there were three of Li Fusheng and the others. In the end, the most powerful person appeared. Even Jian Ping was forced to retreat by that person, but now he has not seen that person. figure.

"Don't panic, at most the Venerable peak, can you kill us all?"

Many monks thought in their hearts.

They would never believe that the more than 100 venerables who chased them at the beginning had already died in the hands of Wang Changsheng. The reason is very simple. Most of the 100 venerables who chased at the front were at the peak of the venerables, and, They come from dozens of supreme teachings!

They didn't believe that the three of Li Fusheng would be so courageous, daring to kill dozens of monks of the supreme religion.


The moment Li Fusheng put away the three-legged giant tripod, a sound of swords blared spread among the crowd, but everyone didn't pay attention, maybe it was because someone's magic weapon was alarmed in the panic.


However, when a blood-red long sword flew around the crowd, making a sound of piercing through the air, leaving behind a long blood-colored river, everyone knew that things were not easy.

"No, there is an ambush!"

"It's really courageous. There are only three people, even if they are all the peak venerables, how can they have the courage to ambush us?"

"Everyone be careful, it's not easy!"

"No, are they all dead? Otherwise, where would such a strong evil spirit come from?"


Everyone was surrounded by the blood-colored river, feeling the strong evil spirit in the blood-colored river, and their expressions became ugly.

Regardless of the disappearance of more than 100 venerables, even the long bloody river in front of them made everyone feel that it was not easy. With such a strong evil spirit, how many creatures would have to be killed to form a long bloody river?

As everyone knows, Huang Quan's evil spirit does not come from the killing of living beings, but Huang Quan is just like this, crossing the world, burying the world...

They don't know where the three of Li Fusheng have the courage to ambush them, but since the three of Li Fusheng dare to do this, they must have their own support, because monks who can cultivate to the realm of the venerable are definitely not fools, they believe The three of Li Fusheng are definitely not stupid...

More than 300 venerables dare not continue to think deeply. Once they think deeply, they will guess the ending they cannot bear.

"Hello everyone!"

Wang Changsheng looked at the more than 300 venerables, smiled slightly, and then waved his big hand, the Langcang sword completely turned into a yellow spring, stirring around the crowd, without even stopping at all, directly crushing them away.

"Old Li, Fatty, separate and guard, don't let them rush out!"

After finishing speaking, the underworld was agitated, constantly suppressing the wrapped monks.

The speed of Huang Quan's suppression is extremely fast. In each breath, at least dozens of monks are suppressed. Therefore, even if all the more than 300 venerables are suppressed, it will not take much time.

Let Li Fusheng and Fatty take action just to be safer!

The three of them each guarded one side, and as long as a monk sacrificed his hole card to escape, the three of them immediately shot and directly suppressed them back into the underworld. Li Fusheng was even more ruthless, as long as a venerable rushed out, the three-legged giant cauldron would be swallowed directly for refining.

"Let me go, I am a disciple of Zhou Tiangong, if I die here, Zhou Tiangong will definitely avenge me!"

"I am a disciple of the Evil Fire Sect, and you all know the virtues of the Evil Fire Sect!"

"Let me go out, I just came to watch the fun, it has nothing to do with me!"


The more than 300 venerables, after being suppressed by Huang Quan, are even more unbearable than the previous 100 or so venerables, because those 100 or so venerables are better than the current 300 or so venerables.

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