Longevity Tianque

Chapter 1671 Harvest

"Need not!"

"Need not!"

Wang Changsheng and Li Fusheng said in unison.

Wang Changsheng used the Yellow Spring to suppress these venerables. After being eroded, he would also get a trace of blood to fill the Yellow Spring.Li Fusheng absorbed these monks with the three-legged giant tripod, which can also promote the refining of the three-legged giant tripod.

And what about the fat man?What can I get?

After the fat man devoured these monks with gluttony, he could indeed improve his cultivation, but the fat man was already full, so it would be better to leave it to Wang Changsheng and Li Fusheng, and there would be some gains.

"Fatty, if you can still swallow it, I'll give it to you!" Wang Changsheng said.

The fat man shook his head, not to mention that he was full now, even if he was not full, the fat man would not choose to continue devouring monks.

Fatty is quite repulsed by this kind of cultivation method, otherwise, he would not have gone to swallow the martial arts field of Venerable Yu Jingyu at the beginning, the fundamental reason is that he did not want to swallow monks.

In the southwest corner before, the fat man wouldn't eat meat if he hadn't had to.

"Come on, come on..." the fat man said resentfully.

Hundreds of monks, after being suppressed by Huang Quan, have no power to fight back. It is very simple for Li Fusheng and Wang Changsheng to deal with them together.

In just a few breaths, all the strong ones among the hundreds of venerables died in the hands of the two of them.


Li Fusheng said with a smile.

Wang Changsheng also smiled, feeling at ease in his heart!

These years, he was blocked in the city by the monks of the supreme religion, unable to take half a step. Wang Changsheng was also very aggrieved. Now that his cultivation base has reached the peak of the Venerable, in the entire Xianmang Xingyu, not to mention the vertical and horizontal Invincible, at least there is no threat.

Even in the face of siege, with the Langcang sword, Wang Changsheng can deal with it!

Therefore, Wang Changsheng planned to take revenge. Since these people are coveting their own things, they must be prepared to suffer death.

Killing hundreds of venerables was only the first step of Wang Changsheng's revenge. Next, hundreds of venerables followed, and Wang Changsheng did not intend to let them go.

"This, you keep it!"

Wang Changsheng divided the looted fairy lights into two parts, one of which was given to Li Fusheng, and the other to Fatty. Both of them harvested hundreds of fairy lights.

According to Wang Changsheng's estimate, with these hundreds of immortal lights, although the two of them could not break through to the later stage of the Venerable, they would definitely be able to stabilize the current state.

There is no way, the ancient method practiced by Li Fusheng, and the Taotie method practiced by the fat man are not too far behind.

With 1 celestial lights, Wang Changsheng broke through to the peak of the Venerable. Li Fusheng and Fatty needed at least [-] celestial lights. The total is [-] celestial lights, which is definitely not a small amount.

"Even if we rob all the cultivators who followed behind, we may not be able to gather more than 1 immortal lights!" Wang Changsheng said in his heart.


"Thank you!"

Both Li Fusheng and Fatty put away the fairy light without any politeness. After understanding the usefulness of the fairy light, both of them knew that the fairy light was useless to Wang Changsheng's current state.

If the two of us can break through the realm with the celestial light, when the three of us join forces, we can only describe it as invincible in the entire celestial light universe.

"This... how to use it?"

Li Fusheng asked.

The fat man also looked at Wang Changsheng eagerly. Both of them knew that the fairy glow was helpful for cultivation, but after hiding for so many years after the fairy glow and Xingyu caused trouble, neither of them had gotten the fairy glow, so naturally they didn't know how to use the fairy glow .

"It's easy!"

Wang Changsheng said: "Swallow it directly!"

Li Fusheng: "..."

Fatty: "..."

Both of them were silent, and they could clearly feel the Dao Yun contained in the fairy light, which was extremely huge, could they bear it if they swallowed it directly?

"Don't worry!" Wang Changsheng immediately said: "Old Li, you have the real body of the fire phoenix, and your body is tyrannical. Swallowing the celestial light is like drinking water, you can handle it!"

"As for Fatty..." Wang Changsheng paused and said, "You practice the Taotie method, you can swallow everything in the world, why can't you swallow a fairy glow?"

Li Fusheng and Fatty both nodded, it was true.

Seeing that the two agreed with his statement, Wang Changsheng looked serious, but Wang Changsheng was already happy in his heart.

Does Xianmang need to swallow it?unnecessary!

It only needs to be crushed, and the Dao Yun will be entangled by itself, and then comprehend these Dao Yun, but Wang Changsheng himself would be embarrassed if he didn't cheat the two of them.

What's more, Xianmang can also be swallowed, and the effect is better. This is Wang Changsheng's own experience, and it doesn't count as cheating Li Fusheng and Fatty.


With a wave of Wang Changsheng's big hand, Huang Quan was put away by Wang Changsheng and turned into a two-handed broadsword, which appeared in Wang Changsheng's hand. It was the Langcang Sword.

"Get ready, the remaining monks are coming!" Wang Changsheng said.

Both Li Fusheng and the fat man nodded.

It seemed that it took a lot of time to deal with hundreds of monks, but in fact, after careful calculation, it was only half a stick of incense time. The monks who fell behind were not fast enough, and they hadn't arrived yet.

"The old way, Lao Li, you are the one to persecute, and I will sneak attack!" Wang Changsheng said.

Li Fusheng nodded.

Li Fusheng also agrees with such a method. Even Fatty doesn't have any objections now. Hundreds of venerables were all murdered by Li Fusheng and Wang Changsheng. Do you have any objections?

However, the three still didn't dare to be careless. Although the monks who fell behind were not as strong as the hundreds of monks, they were in large numbers. Once those monks reacted and Huang Quan couldn't suppress them in time, the three of them still had no choice but to escape.

"It's almost here, act!"

Wang Changsheng said suddenly.

Feeling that there are already monks approaching outside the land, the figures of the three of them immediately hide.

Li Fusheng and Fatty hid on one side, and Wang Changsheng hid on the other. However, this time, Wang Changsheng didn't directly sacrifice to Huangquan, but buried the Langcang sword deep in the ground.

From the previous events, it can be seen that if Huang Quan is sacrificed, the evil spirit is too strong, and there are flaws, as long as you think about it carefully, you will know that it is a trap.

The reason why he succeeded last time was because Li Fusheng's three-legged giant cauldron came in menacingly, otherwise, it would have gone so smoothly.

As long as Huang Quan can't suppress it directly, the three of them will have to run away again.


Seeing dozens of figures rushing in from outside the land, the three of them restrained their aura carefully, especially Wang Changsheng, who buried himself in the ground, even if there were monks passing by, they would not find Wang Changsheng's existence.

As dozens of monks fell down, more and more monks behind them entered the land. In just a few breaths, hundreds of monks gathered.

"Huh?" Wang Changsheng said suspiciously: "There are only more than 300 people. It seems that there are still a group of laggards behind!"

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