Longevity Tianque

Chapter 1659 Who is attacking

"Old Li!"

When the fat man saw Li Fusheng flying upside down and suffered a lot of magical attacks, even with the help of the three-legged giant cauldron, the true blood of the fire phoenix spilled on Xingyu, and an anxious voice came out of his mouth.


There was also a roaring sound coming from Fatty's mouth, and Taotie's corpse kept opening its mouth, more and more monks were swallowed by Taotie's real body, turned into the purest cultivation level, and absorbed by Fatty.


A muffled sound came out, and the fat man's cultivation had also reached the mid-term realm of the Venerable!

Fatty had only recently broken through to the early stage of the Venerable, and his cultivation level was not stable yet. However, after absorbing dozens of monks, Fatty's cultivation directly reached the middle stage of the Venerable, and his realm was stable!

This is the power of the Taotie method, there is no need to worry about the realm at all, because the Taotie method does not need to comprehend the Taoist aggregates at all. Fatty doesn't have to worry about the realm of the treasure left by Taotie.

Fatty, who had reached the mid-term realm of the Venerable, was even more merciless, controlling the corpse of Taotie and constantly attacking the surrounding monks.

Many monks were also frightened by Fatty's strength, and kept backing away, leaving those who continued to attack Fatty, at least some of them were in the late stage of the Venerable.

call out!

Just as Fatty was killing all directions, there was another sound of piercing through the air, and a piercing sword light slashed across Xingyu again, but this time, the target of the sword light was not Li Fusheng, but Fatty!

Seeing the sword light attacking, with Li Fusheng's lessons learned, the fat man would not dare to use the gluttonous corpse to resist the sword light. The fat man asked himself, the strength of the gluttonous real body will definitely not be lower than the three-legged giant tripod, but it is not as powerful. It's just Taoism.

But even the three-legged giant cauldron couldn't withstand it, so the fat man would naturally not take the risk.

"not good!"

The fat man who was about to evade just now encountered the same situation as Li Fusheng just now.

The monks who were besieging from all directions also knew the strength of the sword light, so of course it was impossible for the fat man to avoid it, and the spells kept crushing Taotie's real body.

bang bang...

The collision between Taotie's avatar and the magic spell caused bursts of roaring sounds, and in the end, these monks in the realm of venerables could not cause much damage to Taotie's avatar.

Instead, it was Jianmang, who was getting closer and closer because of everyone's obstruction.


In the end, the sword light landed on Taotie's real body, and there was a sound of a sharp weapon cutting through the flesh.


A cursing sound came from the fat man's mouth.

Although the final consequences of the fall of the sword light are much better than Li Fusheng's, Li Fusheng's three-legged giant tripod can continue to be cultivated. As long as it is not completely damaged, it will be restored one day.

And what about Taotie's real body?

It is actually the body left after the fall of Taotie, once damaged, it will be permanent.

This Taotie real body is still very useful for Fatty, but now that it has been damaged a bit, Fatty is also heartbroken, which is why Fatty has not exposed the gluttonous real body.

Had it not been for the besieged situation, Fatty would never have sacrificed Taotie's corpse.

"who is it?"

A roar came from the fat man's mouth: "Who is sneaking up?"

The fat man looked in the direction of the sword light, but he didn't find the figure of the strong man. The power of the attack just now exceeded the limit of the venerable man.

And the entire Immortal Mang Xingyu can only allow the monks in the realm of the venerable to enter, so the monk who can issue this sword is at least a strong person at the limit of the venerable, and also has a powerful magic weapon in his hand.


No one answered the fat man, but a neighing sound came from Li Fusheng's mouth. Immediately afterwards, he saw the huge three-legged tripod on the sharp claws of the avatar of the fire phoenix, which was directly thrown by Li Fusheng, reaching a position parallel to his body .

Li Fusheng stretched out his sharp claws, like the palm of his hand, and slapped the three-legged giant cauldron fiercely, his movements looked very strange.


The moment the sharp claws slapped on the three-legged giant tripod, a muffled sound came from the three-legged giant tripod as the center.

"Fatty, swallow them!"

From the mouth of Huofeng's real body, there was a roaring sound.

Fatty and Li Fusheng have been together for so long, of course he knows what Li Fusheng means.

The three-legged giant cauldron absorbs blood energy to refine it. For so many years, Li Fusheng killed all the way, how much blood energy was absorbed in the three-legged giant cauldron, and Li Fusheng's slap directly released all the blood energy.

As long as the monks who heard the sound of the three-legged giant tripod felt a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood coming towards them.

"What is this thing? Like a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, how many lives has this son killed?"

"Absolutely not a lot. This is a peerless devil. How could the Shangyang Li family cultivate such a devil?"

"I have already said that the Xiantian lineage is definitely not a good thing. From now on, the devil can see that he has killed many fellow Taoists!"

"The Shangyang royal family colluded with the demon clan, the evidence is conclusive!"


Affected by the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood, many monks have a fierce light in their eyes. Fortunately, everyone has a high level of cultivation and can resist the erosion of evil spirits. Otherwise, they would have started killing each other!

What everyone doesn't know is that Li Fusheng has nothing to do with the Shangyang lineage of the Nine Heavens Realm. Li Fusheng is from the Lower Three Kingdoms. Although he has the blood of the Shangyang royal family, there are some subtle differences.

To be precise, Li Fusheng is the undead blood of the Li family of the royal family!

"Fatty, be careful, there are strong men sneaking around!"

Li Fusheng reminded.

As soon as Li Fusheng finished speaking, the monks around were affected by the bloody aura of the three-legged giant tripod, and were directly smashed towards the direction of the fat man by the huge force of the three-legged giant tripod.

"not good!"

Not far from being smashed, the monks who were hit all reacted, looking at the huge mouth of the fat man behind them, showing a panicked look.

Fatty has already swallowed dozens of monks, all of them turned into Fatty's purest cultivation. Everyone knows very well that as long as they are swallowed by Fatty, there will never be a good end, let alone death without a whole body, that is really No trace will be left.


When Li Fusheng reminded the fat man, he was already ready. How could the fat man let go of these monks who were smashed by Li Fusheng with the giant three-legged tripod?

Opened his huge mouth and swallowed nearly ten monks in one gulp, most of them were in the middle stage of the Venerable, and there were even two monks in the late stage of the Venerable, but there was no peak of the Venerable, because the peak of the Venerable avoided Li Fusheng's attack.

"No, what kind of monster is this?"

"At least let me die clearly, I have never seen this kind of monster before!"

"Anyway, it must be some kind of mutated monster from the monster race, this time it's over!"


A group of monks were swallowed by the fat man cursing, without even a chance to react, they were directly refined by the fat man and became the fat man's nourishment.

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