The monks present all looked at Li Fusheng and Fatty in shock.

"These two... are strong!"

This is the only feeling of all the monks present.

Li Fusheng is only in the middle stage of the Venerable, but with the fire phoenix avatar and the three-legged giant tripod, he forcibly resisted the onslaught of many powerful people in the peak realm of the Venerable, and Li Fusheng was able to make some counterattacks.

And what about the fat man?

Fatty's cultivation base was even lower, and he was only in the early stage of the Venerable Master. With a single corpse, hundreds of monks were killed in battle!

That's hundreds of venerables, it's really shocking to be swallowed by the fat man!

Thinking back to the early stage of their venerables, not to mention swallowing hundreds of monks alive, even one-on-one, they may not necessarily be opponents.

According to everyone's estimation of Fatty's strength, Fatty's overall strength should have entered the initial stage of the Dazun, but he did not have enough control over the heaven, earth, and Taoism. Even so, none of the monks present was a match for Fatty.

The only one who can defeat Fatty is Tianqi, because Tianqi has a Dao weapon on his body, and he is also a strong man whose combat power has reached the realm of a great master.


It was only then that everyone remembered that when besieging Fatty and Li Fusheng, it was a sword light that threatened them.

However, that sword light came from across Xingyu, as for who the owner of that sword light is, no one knows.

"It can't be Jian Pingfan, right?"

A monk at the peak of the Venerable Master guessed, "I heard that Jian Pingfan has come to Xianmang Xingyu. With Jian Pingfan's cultivation base and his accompanying divine sword, he is able to emit such a powerful sword light!"

Many monks showed contemplative expressions, thinking whether the owner of that sword glow is Jian Pingfan?

"Fatty, come again!"

While everyone was still hesitating, suddenly, another neighing sound came from the mouth of the fire phoenix avatar that Li Fusheng had sacrificed.

Immediately afterwards, Li Fusheng's sharp claws were seen flying across, and with the power of the three-legged giant tripod, he swept away directly at the other monks.

"not good!"

The monks who were hit by Li Fusheng all showed horrified expressions.

The monks hit by Li Fusheng just now, except for the strong ones at the peak of the Venerable, all fell into the mouth of the fat man. If Li Fusheng hit them, the consequences would be disastrous.


Several monks made a sound of breaking through the sky and dodged directly, but the monks who did not exceed the mid-term realm of the Venerable could not dodge at all.


Dozens of monks were directly smashed towards the fat man by Li Fusheng with a huge three-legged tripod.

"It's over!"

All the monks who were hit by Li Fusheng with the giant three-legged cauldron showed fear and despair when they flew upside down.

However, after a few breaths passed, the monk who was thrown out by Li Fusheng didn't feel that he was swallowed by the fat man, but felt a little uncomfortable when he was thrown out by Li Fusheng with the giant three-legged tripod!

"what happened?"

When everyone came back to their senses, they were stunned for a moment, and found that the fat man who had been devouring the monk here had moved a distance of hundreds of feet abruptly. The fat man's current position seemed to be deliberately avoiding the monk who was thrown by Li Fusheng generally.

"Fatty, what's going on?"

Li Fusheng immediately asked via voice transmission.

At the same time, Li Fusheng's movements were not slow, and the fire phoenix avatar activated the powerful inheritance technique, constantly hitting other monks horizontally, not only that, but also kept waving the giant three-legged tripod, and the power of the Taoist weapon permeated the entire Xingyu.

Li Fusheng was also angry, he created a great opportunity for Fatty, at least he could kill dozens of monks, and if Fatty swallowed it, he might be able to break through to the later stage of Venerable!

And what about the fat man?

When dozens of monks came smashing at him, did the fat man dodge directly?

The fat man immediately said to Li Fusheng via voice transmission: "Old Li, I...I'm full, I can't eat anymore..."

Fatty is also helpless!

Ever since Fatty practiced the Taotie method, he has never been full, no matter whether it is a quasi-dao weapon or a holy medicine, Fatty does not feel much after eating it.

And today...

The fat man was finally full, not only full, but also full, to the point where he couldn't eat at all, reaching his limit.

Judging from the situation of the fat man's swallowing, hundreds of monks have been swallowed up, most of them are in the early stage of the venerable, and there are also many monks in the middle stage of the venerable, and even two in the late stage of the venerable have been swallowed by the fat man.

This was accomplished with the help of Taotie's corpse, otherwise, with Fatty's own cultivation, he simply wouldn't be able to swallow the monks in the late stage of the Venerable Master.

Fatty's cultivation has also reached the middle stage of the Venerable, but the state is not yet stable, and there is still a large amount of essence in the body that has not been absorbed. Once the fatty continues to devour it, he may explode and die.

Li Fusheng: "..."

Hearing Fatty's voice transmission, Li Fusheng was also silent. Thinking about Fatty's ability to swallow hundreds of monks, he was indeed very powerful. Counting hundreds of monks died in Fatty's mouth, and Li Fusheng himself, even a fraction of Fatty's None of the monks were beheaded!

"Then prepare to escape!"

Li Fusheng said via voice transmission: "There are too many enemies, prepare to escape!"

The fat man didn't answer Li Fusheng, but judging from the fat man's continuous retreat, the fat man thought the same way.

Although the strength of the two is good and their cards are strong enough, but they really have to fight hard. There is only one result today, which is to stay here.

Although the fat man swallowed hundreds of monks, most of them are monks in the early and middle stages of the venerable, and there are not many strong men in the peak venerable state.

Once those venerable peak realm powerhouses see through the reality of the two, as long as they end up in trouble, Li Fusheng and Fatty will continue to stay and fight, and there is absolutely no way out.

call out!

Just when the two were about to escape, there was another sound of piercing through the sky. The monks present were no strangers to this piercing sound.


Everyone looked in the direction of the sound, and they saw a sword beam passing through the stars, and landed directly in front of Li Fusheng in the blink of an eye.

"not good!"

Seeing this situation, Li Fusheng didn't hesitate at all, and the giant three-legged cauldron stood in front of him directly.


The sword glow landed on the three-legged giant tripod, and a sound like a bell came out. Centering on the place where the three-legged giant tripod and the sword glow collided, even the stars became chaotic, and countless void cracks appeared.


A mouthful of blood spewed out, Li Fusheng flew upside down again, his expression became ugly, the master of Jianmang made a total of three sword strikes, each sword possessed a powerful force, and more importantly, the opponent hadn't shown up yet.

This time, when Li Fusheng flew upside down, the other monks stopped attacking Li Fusheng. They also wanted to see who was the owner of that sword light?

From the beginning to now, Li Fusheng was seriously injured just by sending out three sword lights, and the fat man was also restrained by the sword lights.

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