Longevity Tianque

Chapter 1658 Fierce Battle

Li Fusheng sacrificed the real body of the fire phoenix, and grabbed the three-legged giant tripod with his sharp claws. Relying on the dominance of the avatar of the fire phoenix and the ferocity of the huge three-legged tripod, he kept swirling around him, abruptly flying thousands of feet beside him Within the range, a vacuum area was swept out, not only no monks dared to approach, but also a lot of void cracks were swept out.

Under such circumstances, those who dare to make a move against Li Fu must at least be strong at the Venerable's peak stage. Even if they are strong at the later stage of the Venerable, they can't guarantee that they will not be sucked into the void by the cracks in the void.


When the fat man saw Li Fusheng's action, he felt trembling in his heart. He felt that he had underestimated Li Fusheng. If Li Fusheng worked so hard, he wouldn't need a fat man to swallow a monk alive.

Thinking about it now, the fat man still felt a little nauseous!

However, Fatty's actions betrayed Fatty's original intention.

Fatty's method was more brutal than Li Fusheng's. He opened his mouth wide, and as long as a monk approached, he would be swallowed by the fatty in one gulp. In just a few breaths, the fatty swallowed dozens of monks in his mouth.

Although these dozens of monks are only monks in the early stage of the venerable, it is enough to shock people!

"Aren't they... aren't they fellow Taoists who worship the mountain gate?"

Danqiong looked at Li Fusheng and Fatty, who were slaughtering all directions, and felt a wave of fear in his heart.

Before that, he had acquainted with Li Fusheng and Fatty. Unexpectedly, there were two ruthless people hiding beside him. One of them could make Tianqi escape, and the other was even more ruthless. He directly swallowed monks alive, no different from monster monks. .

"Brother, Tian Qi has run away, he must have found something, let's leave first!"

Said a monk in the late stage of the alchemy way.

After Dan Qiong thought for a while, seeing Li Fusheng and Fatty who were still killing all directions, she also nodded and ran away with the two juniors.

Danqiong's departure did not attract the attention of other monks. After all, Danqiong's status was not high, but Tianqi's departure caused many monks to be puzzled.

The monks who were familiar with Tianyan Pavilion couldn't help stopping their attack when they saw Tianqi leaving, but retreated to the back instead. Those monks who were dazzled by the Taoist weapon were still trying to find a way to take down Li Fusheng and Fatty.

Of course, after Li Fusheng's identity as the Shangyang royal family was confirmed by everyone, he also scared off some monks.

If so, there are thousands of monks left to besiege Li Fusheng and Fatty.

Most of them are in the mid-term realm of the Venerable, and there are hundreds of monks in the peak realm of the Venerable.

The scene was very chaotic for a while, and many monks left. After all, there was only one Taoist artifact. They felt that with their own abilities, they should not be able to grab the Taoist artifact. There were also monks who kept squeezing in, just to see if they could share A cup of soup.

Many monks at the peak of the Venerable Master frowned when they saw the actions of Li Fusheng and the fat man.

At this moment, Li Fusheng and Fatty are in an extremely bad state, which has exceeded their expectations. However, they are both monks from the Supreme Cult. As long as they choose to stay, they will definitely not be afraid.

Although Li Fusheng is strong, a few strong men who are at the peak of the Venerable will definitely be able to win Li Fusheng. After all, Li Fusheng relies on the real body of the fire phoenix and the giant three-legged tripod, and Li Fusheng's own cultivation is only The mid-term realm of the venerable.

Instead, fat...

While everyone was hesitating, the fat man swallowed several monks, and two of them were in the middle stage of the Venerable.

Moreover, after swallowing the monk, the aura on the fat man's body unexpectedly increased by a few points. In just a few breaths, the aura on the fat man's body was about to approach the mid-stage realm of the venerable.

"This fat man is very weird. The power he uses is not his own..."

"Yes, I also felt it, that fat man, his own cultivation is still at the early stage of the Venerable, but he just swallowed dozens of fellow Taoists, and the aura on his body is still growing!"

"We all feel the same. The fat man's strength depends on that specific soul, and that specific soul is not his own!"

"It's a terrifying body, I don't think it's an opponent!"


Based on the physique sacrificed by the fat man, everyone felt a strong threat.

Even, everyone felt that the specific soul was not a fat man at all, but looked like a dead body. If so, it was hard for everyone to imagine that when the specific soul was alive, there was something how powerful

"Come on, I'll eat as much as you come!"

Fatty thought to himself.

This specific soul is indeed not Fatty's body, and the ancient relics do not have the art of returning to the ancestors, so the only thing that Fatty can sacrifice is the phantom of the Taotie, which is cultivated by the Taotie method.

Even if he cultivated to the extreme, it is impossible for Fatty to cultivate the real body of Taotie.

This specific soul is the real gluttonous!

When Taotie died back then, the inheritance was left behind, and the greatest treasure among them was this physical body. With this physical body, even the Great Master couldn't do anything to Fatty.

It's just that, in this way, Fatty used Taotie's body to respond to the calamity. Sooner or later, this body would be destroyed by Fatty's hands.

This is also the reason why the fat man is unwilling to expose.

The two teamed up and blocked all the monks' attacks in a short period of time. The most important reason was because of the three-legged giant cauldron and the gluttonous body.

Otherwise, with their cultivation bases, they would have died long ago.

"call out!"

There was a sound of piercing through the sky, and immediately after that, a piercing sword light came directly from between Xingyu, and the target was Li Fusheng.


Seeing a sword coming through the air, Li Fusheng did not dodge, nor could he dodge, because behind Li Fusheng, there were also many monks besieging him. With the blessing of his body, he directly greeted Jianmang.


The three-legged giant tripod collided with the sword light, and there was a buzzing sound.

The sword light dissipated, but Li Fusheng's three-legged giant tripod was also uncomfortable, and the Dao Yun on it dissipated again. Not only that, but even Li Fusheng's huge body was directly affected by the counter-shock force on the three-legged giant tripod. He was so shocked that he flew upside down.

The sword light was blocked, and Li Fusheng was not seriously injured. However, Li Fusheng's huge fire phoenix avatar flew upside down, and there were many monks besieging behind him.

Seeing such an opportunity, of course it is impossible to let it go!

boom boom boom...

He continued to shoot, and all kinds of powerful spells were constantly greeting Li Fusheng. At this moment, Li Fusheng had no chance to resist, so he could only resist these spells.

Fortunately, Li Fusheng used the three-legged giant tripod to block several very powerful spells, which should have been performed by a powerful person at the peak of the Venerable.


Every time the spell landed on the real body of the fire phoenix, there would be a tragic hiss from Li Fusheng's mouth, and the true blood of the fire phoenix was also sprinkled on the stars, which was extremely tragic!

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