"Of course!"

Li Fusheng said.

Looking at the monks around him, Li Fusheng also showed a fierce look: "If you don't show them how powerful these bastards are, they will really underestimate me, Li Dashan!"

If Wang Changsheng is here, he must understand that Li Fusheng is about to start playing tricks again.

When Li Fusheng was about to deceive people, he would say that he was a businessman from Li Da, and when Li Fusheng was about to kill people, he would say that he was a good man from Li Da!

Judging from Li Fusheng's words, he knew that Li Fusheng was going to kill someone!


Li Fusheng let out a low shout, and then, with a big wave of his hand, he directly overturned his three-legged giant tripod.

When the people around saw Li Fusheng's actions, they were also startled, and they all looked at Li Fusheng with puzzled expressions.

Li Fusheng is now able to fight Tianqi with the power of the three-legged giant tripod and the power of the Taoist weapon. Although he is definitely not an opponent in the end, he can at least hold on for a while, but now he directly overturned his own Taoist weapon. what for?

Fortunately, now that Tianqi made a move, the besieging people didn't do it directly. Let's wait for Tianqi to take down Li Fusheng and the two first. Still have to give.

As for the classification of the final Taoist artifact, that is up to each individual.

"How brave!"

When Tian Qi saw Li Fusheng's movements, he waved his hand without any hesitation, and slapped him hard again. This slap was not an ordinary slap, but the thick Dao Yun wrapped around it. Because, it was fully displayed in this slap!

The power of this slap is more than three times that of the slap just now.

In the eyes of everyone, Li Fusheng, who overturned the three-legged giant tripod by himself, had no possibility of blocking the slap.

"I didn't expect him to seek death by himself, but this is good, the Taoist artifact will not suffer any damage. When it falls into our hands, it will still be a living Taoist artifact!"

"Yes, if the spirituality of the Taoist artifact is broken up, I don't know how many years it will take to conceive it. What he is doing now is exactly what I want!"

"I have to say that I am very optimistic about this Taoist artifact. If a few fellow Taoists help me get this Taoist artifact, the benefits will be indispensable to you!"

"Hey, what benefits can compare to a Dao weapon? Why don't you help me fight for it?"


Voices came from the mouths of the crowd, making no secret of their desire for the three-legged giant tripod.

As everyone knows, even Tian Qi himself has taken a fancy to this Taoist artifact.

According to Tianqi's own temptations, if he got this giant three-legged tripod, he should be able to truly compete with the strong who just stepped into the great lord.

Confronting the Great Venerable with the peak state of the Venerable, spreading the news is also of great benefit to Tian Qi himself.

Therefore, Tian Qi's slap seemed to slap Li Fusheng to death, but in fact, Tian Qi threw a compass in his hand, and this compass was directly wrapped around the three-legged giant tripod.

"Not good, Tianqi is going to escape with a Taoist weapon wrapped!"

"It is widely rumored that Tianqi itself has a Taoist artifact. If Tianqi gets another Taoist artifact, I am afraid that the young masters of all the supreme religions will be overwhelmed by Tianqi!"

"Shoot, snatch the Taoist weapon!"


When everyone saw Tian Qi's actions, they immediately reacted, without any hesitation, and directly attacked the three-legged giant cauldron.

Immediately afterwards, many monks were seen besieging the three-legged giant cauldron directly.

Li Fusheng: "..."

Fatty: "..."

The two looked at each other, and felt that they had underestimated the temptation of the Dao Artifact!

It is precisely because there are more monks in the Nine Heavens Realm that the Taoist artifacts are so precious.

At the Kuotian Realm Auction, a living Taoist artifact sold for a sky-high price, and that was because many Supreme Masters did not know about it. Teach scramble.



Everyone just approached, ready to sacrifice their magic tools and spells, but just when they made a move, they heard two voices.

One of them is like the neighing of a bird, and the other is more like the roar of a wild animal.

After the two voices came out, the expressions of the monks present immediately changed, becoming a little ugly.

"Fire Phoenix True Body!"

"It is indeed the real body of the fire phoenix. Now, the identities of the two of them have been confirmed. What I am curious about is, what is the other monster?"

"I don't know, I've never seen it before, but it's very powerful!"


After the two voices, with Li Fusheng and Fatty as the center, two huge forces spread.

Li Fusheng is fine, at least most of the cultivators know the fire phoenix avatar, even if they haven’t seen it with their own eyes, at least they have heard of it. However, they have never seen the huge physique sacrificed by the fat man, even Never heard of it.


On the contrary, Tian Qi, when he saw the huge body sacrificed by the fat man, his expression immediately changed, as if he had thought of something, without the slightest hesitation, he didn't even care about the compass he sacrificed, and turned around and ran away.

As the only young master of Tianyan Pavilion, Tian Qi knows many secrets, and he is not familiar with Taotie, but he is definitely no stranger.

Taotie, that is a very powerful existence among the ancient remnants, even among the ranks of the strong at the Dao level, it is an existence that is not willing to be easily provoked.

However, Tian Qi didn't understand, didn't Taotie already fall?Why did it appear in this place?

Regardless of these, Tianqi's deduction technique gave him a bad premonition, as if staying here, he might fall at any time. Regarding his induction, Tianqi firmly believed, so he turned around without the slightest hesitation. Just ran away, no one notified.

"Suffer to death!"

A roar came from the mouth of Li Fusheng's fire phoenix avatar. Immediately afterwards, he saw Li Fusheng's fire phoenix avatar stretched out his sharp claws, and directly grabbed the three-legged giant tripod.


With the strength of the three-legged giant tripod, it swept towards the crowd.

boom boom boom...

Although the power of Huofeng's real body is not as powerful as Taotie, but with the blessing of the three-legged giant tripod, Li Fusheng's power is quite a lot, especially Li Fusheng has practiced ancient methods, and he is born with the same lineage. The way to control Daoyun, under the sweep, the Daoyun gathered by everyone collapsed directly.

puff puff...

The monks present could hear the sound of spurting blood. This was due to the fact that Li Fusheng's cultivation base was not enough. The injured were almost all the monks in the early and middle stages of the Venerable, while those in the late stage and peak realm of the Venerable were injured. The impact is very small, but some Qi and blood are not smooth.

However, everyone looked at Li Fusheng in shock.

In the eyes of everyone, Li Fusheng is just a monk in the middle stage of the Venerable. Even if he has the blood of the Shangyang royal family, why is he so powerful?

If Li Fusheng's strength is to make everyone think deeply, then the actions of the fat man will make more monks terrified...

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