Longevity Tianque

Chapter 1641 1 Skill

"Ancient method..."

For a full three months, Wang Changsheng slowly opened his eyes, with an inexplicable look in his eyes.

During the three months of training, Wang Changsheng absorbed all the celestial light, not only that, but also the remaining one of the spirit vein given by the second uncle was also absorbed by Wang Changsheng.

It's a pity that Wang Changsheng is still in the middle stage of the Venerable Realm!

It's not that there are not enough fairy lights, more than 300 fairy lights, if given to other monks, even monks with a very strong background, they can also step into the mid-term realm of the Venerable.

And what about Wang Changsheng?

With the help of Jianmu's understanding of Daoism, he did not break through to the late stage of the Venerable, but maintained the middle stage of the Venerable, but reached the peak of the middle stage of the Venerable.

As for the reason why there is no breakthrough, it is very simple, it is because of the exercises!

Ancient method!

"The ancient method is really disliked by the world!"

Wang Changsheng sighed in his heart.

When his cultivation level was low before, Wang Changsheng didn't feel this way at all, because Wang Changsheng at that time only needed to constantly polish his foundation, and he didn't have to worry about the realm at all.

But now the cultivation base is getting higher and higher, and every progress is the fit with the heaven and the earth. Only when the fit with the heaven and the earth gets higher and higher, and the comprehension gets deeper and deeper, can the cultivation base be broken through.

Longevity Kungfu has brought Wang Changsheng a profound background, but it runs counter to the laws of the world.

The ancient method has never been to borrow the heaven and earth, but to control it. It is precisely because of this that the heaven and the earth do not like it. If it were not like this, I am afraid that Wang Changsheng would not even have the current cultivation base.

"Now every step of progress is very difficult..."

Wang Changsheng said with a sigh.

When your cultivation base is weak, Heaven and Earth don't care about you and let you torment, but once your cultivation base rises, it will become a big target in the eyes of Heaven and Earth. Wang Changsheng's current cultivation base has already entered the eyes of Heaven and Earth.

Of course, not to mention that Wang Changsheng is only a Venerable, even if he breaks through to the Great Venerable, he will only receive the attention of Heaven and Earth, and if he suppresses him a little, he will not pose any threat to Heaven and Earth.

There is still a way to break through the cultivation base, but this road will be very difficult.

"Fortunately, every time you break through the realm, you will get huge benefits, otherwise, you will really be in trouble..." Wang Changsheng said in his heart.

Wang Changsheng is also very regretful that he did not break through to the middle stage of the Venerable, and he can't do the thing of forcibly breaking through after reaching the current level.

"Xianmang, I still lack Xianmang..."

Wang Changsheng knew what he wanted.

Now that he has broken through the realm, the only thing he can rely on is Xianmang. Lingshi is not very useful to Wang Changsheng. Of course, if there are thousands of high-grade spirit veins, it will still be of great use.

Wang Changsheng couldn't do the matter of exchanging quasi-dao tools for immortal light, because the remaining quasi-dao tools on Wang Changsheng's body can be used. As for the holy medicine, the remaining holy medicine is also the ration of heavenly holy medicine .

Taking the holy medicine as rations for another holy medicine, only Wang Changsheng can be so extravagant.

After thinking about it for a while, Wang Changsheng couldn't think of any good way, so he could only stand up and walk out of the room.



As soon as Wang Changsheng walked out of the room, many doors on both sides opened directly, and the monk walked out, following behind Wang Changsheng.

"I said, are you tired?"

Wang Changsheng said helplessly, "Are you paying attention to me all the time?"

Wang Changsheng retreated for three months, and as soon as he opened the door, these people followed him out. Didn't it mean that during these three months, these monks have been paying attention to him?

Are you not tired?


A monk in the late stage of the Venerable said: "As long as you get out of this city now, we can relax a lot. Do you want to go out and try?"

Wang Changsheng: "..."

Forget it, Wang Changsheng didn't talk nonsense with these people anymore. Anyway, they haven't been making up their own minds for a day or two. Until he has no absolute power to protect himself, Wang Changsheng will not leave the city, so let these people follow.

Walking out of the restaurant, Wang Changsheng saw Zhang Wan'er. This woman had also been paying attention to Wang Changsheng. Moreover, Zhang Wan'er paid far more attention to Wang Changsheng than other monks.

Zhang Wan'er knew Wang Changsheng's identity, and there was not only a huge enmity with the Zhang family, but Wang Changsheng might have obtained a huge opportunity in the ruins of the Three Immortals.

Otherwise, Wang Changsheng, a monk in the middle stage of the Venerable, how could he have so many quasi-dao tools and holy medicines?

Now, the Zhang family's investigation of Wang Changsheng has become somewhat clear, and they have traced to the Kuotian realm. With the ability of the Zhang family, I believe that they will be able to find out all the details of Wang Changsheng in the near future.

Therefore, the Zhang family knew that Wang Changsheng was not a monk of the Shangyang Li family, but only had the blood of the Shangyang Li family, and it was very likely that he was a collateral branch of the Shangyang Li family.

"I will definitely catch you!"

Zhang Wan'er looked at the back of Wang Changsheng leaving and said.

The Taoist artifact, the holy medicine, the immortal awn, the harvest from the ruins of the three immortals, the opportunity to build a tree and enter the Tao...

All of them are very attractive to the Zhang family. Once they get it, the Zhang family may have the foundation to truly become the supreme master.

What's more, with Tianjian Mountain involved in this matter, it becomes even more mysterious.

Wang Changsheng, who walked out of the restaurant, started wandering around the city again. The entire city was finished by Wang Changsheng last time, and there was nothing else to do.

However, Wang Changsheng doesn't know what to do anymore? !

practice?Without Xianmang, he is now stuck at the juncture of the Venerable's later stage. With Wang Changsheng himself, it may take a hundred years to break through this hurdle.

In addition to one's own comprehension, there are various factors such as Tiandi's dislike of ancient methods...

"It's a pity, I don't have a skill..."

Wang Changsheng said in his heart.

If you have a skill, you can make a living in the ancient city in exchange for immortal light cultivation. Now Wang Changsheng can't leave the ancient city. As long as he doesn't sell the treasures, it means that Wang Changsheng doesn't have any income from the immortal light.


When thinking of brewing wine, I think of the days when I was in Kuotian Realm. This is the only thing Wang Changsheng can do besides cultivation. However, in this fairy world, opening a restaurant is not something Wang Changsheng can enjoy at all. turn.

The forces of the various supreme religions are intertwined, and Wang Changsheng will lose all his money if he is a little careless.

"It's not like there's no chance..."

Wang Changsheng seemed to have thought of something suddenly, and there was a thoughtful look in his eyes, obviously considering the feasibility of his idea.

After some thought, Wang Changsheng walked directly towards the City Lord's Mansion.

First buy a piece of land, and then build a restaurant.

With so many monks following me, if they opened a restaurant by themselves, in order to keep an eye on themselves, they would definitely be willing to live in the restaurant they opened and monitor them closely.

However, not long after, Wang Changsheng walked out of the city lord's mansion with his head downcast. Without the proof of the establishment of the supreme religion, the land in the city would not be sold to Wang Changsheng.

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