Longevity Tianque

Chapter 1642 Zhang Wan'er

The Mountain Ranger is a loose organization and does not belong to the ranks of the Supreme Master. However, the city of Xianmang Xingyu recognizes the certificate issued by the Mountain Ranger, because the Mountain Ranger is too powerful to be compared to the Supreme Master. poor teacher.

The problem Wang Changsheng encountered was that he couldn't leave the city at all. As long as he stepped out of the city, he would be swallowed up by those monks.

Where can I issue a certificate?

What's more, Wang Changsheng is not a real mountain ranger, and has not been recognized by the mountain ranger headquarters, let alone a mountain ranger with a mountain patrol order!

Wang Changsheng, who walked out of the City Lord's Mansion, directly dismissed such thoughts.

Back in the restaurant established by Kuixian Tower, Wang Changsheng found that there were fewer monks following him.

"These people can't give up..."

Wang Changsheng said in his heart.

The reason why some monks did not monitor Wang Changsheng was very simple. Everyone knew that Wang Changsheng would not leave for the time being, so there was no point in continuing to monitor Wang Changsheng. They all had their own things to do.

As long as Wang Changsheng wants to leave the city, there will definitely be some movement at that time, so just follow.

This is also the reason why Wang Changsheng found that there were fewer monks following him.

After closing the door, Wang Changsheng directly entered the practice.

All the shops in the city have the background of the supreme religion, just like this restaurant, which was established by Kuixian Tower, and the Zhenbao Pavilion, which was exchanged for Xianmang before, was established by Dan Qidao.

Therefore, if you practice in the room, you don't have to worry about your own safety.

No one will do anything in the city!

As he sank into cultivation, Wang Changsheng clearly felt that he had reached the peak of the middle stage of the Venerable, and the next step would be the late stage of the Venerable.

Unfortunately, it was this small step that directly blocked Wang Changsheng.

After practicing for a while, Wang Changsheng slowly opened his eyes, with an inexplicable look in his eyes.

After some practice, there was no gain at all. Wang Changsheng was also a little anxious. Wang Changsheng himself knew that it was not his aptitude and comprehension that prevented him from stepping into the later stage of the Venerable, but the technique!

Practicing ancient methods, if there is a tiger in the way, it is heaven and earth!

Every time Wang Changsheng makes progress now, he is competing with heaven and earth. Of course, he is not competing with the entire world, but how much attention Tiandi and Wang Changsheng have invested. Wang Changsheng needs to compete with this power of attention.

"Xianmang, if you have Xianmang, you still have a chance..."

Wang Changsheng said in his heart.

On top of the comprehension of the realm, with the comprehension of Jianmu entering the Tao, even if Wang Changsheng only got one point of benefits, there is absolutely no problem breaking through to the Great Master. Therefore, in terms of comprehension of the realm, Wang Changsheng is not bad at all.

As for the technique of cultivation, it is enough for Wang Changsheng to step into the rank of great master. Wang Changsheng even guessed that the longevity skill is an entry-level method.

All the factors for a breakthrough have been met, but the breakthrough has been delayed.

The ancient method is disliked by the world!

Walk out of the room again, this time, there are much fewer monks who come out of other rooms, even, only one Venerable is at the peak level, and the other monks have not even reached the peak level of the Venerable.

Wang Changsheng didn't feel that he was safe because of this, those people just didn't bother to monitor him, once he left the city, he might be overwhelmed by the crowd in an instant.

Now Wang Changsheng needs Xianmang to break through, the most urgent task is to find more Xianmang.

Wang Changsheng, who had no special skills, found it very difficult to obtain immortal light in the city, so he could only sell his own treasures.

22 quasi-dao tools and 28 holy medicines were sold. There were not many quasi-dao utensils and holy medicines left on Wang Changsheng's body, and Wang Changsheng was not going to sell the quasi-dao utensils and holy medicines.

Because, Wang Changsheng discovered that even if he took out all the quasi-dao tools and holy medicines, the immortal light he got in exchange for the hurdle he was encountering now might not be enough for him to break through.

Unless, the switch...

Therefore, Wang Changsheng had to think of other ways!

As for what to do, Wang Changsheng already has an idea.

Wang Changsheng, who walked out of the room, was constantly observing and looking for someone!

"When I didn't want to see you before, I kept wandering around, but now I want to see you, but I can't find you..."

Wang Changsheng wandered around in the restaurant, but he didn't find his target, and his eyes showed helplessness.

Wang Changsheng can no longer sell quasi-dao artifacts and holy medicines. Not to mention that he is running out of stock, if he sells quasi-dao artifacts or holy medicines by himself, it may attract a new round of attention. This is something Wang Changsheng doesn't want to see of.

Therefore, Wang Changsheng planned to sell other things.


At the beginning when Jianmu entered Taoism, Wang Changsheng sat under Jianmu and realized Taoism. With Wang Changsheng's cultivation base at that time, he didn't gain much at all, but Wang Changsheng remembered some things.

Those things, even if Wang Changsheng broke through to the mid-term realm of the Venerable, he still couldn't understand them.

According to Wang Changsheng's estimate, when he breaks through to the realm of the Great Senior, he may be able to get a glimpse of the mystery.

Wang Changsheng can't understand it, but it doesn't mean that other monks can't understand it. In the ruins of the Three Immortals, so many strong men wanted to rob Wang Changsheng, didn't their purpose be to build wood?

If Wang Changsheng sold the insight he gained when Jianmu became a Taoist, he would definitely be able to sell for a sky-high price.

However, Wang Changsheng is now in the city, and he can't get out. Faced with such a dangerous situation, what Wang Changsheng can think of is to sell the insights he got at the beginning.

Of course, Wang Changsheng is not stupid, he doesn't sell all of them, only a small part, and with the gimmick of building wood, he can also sell at a good price!

In this city, Wang Changsheng had only one object to sell.

Zhang Wan'er!

Zhang Wan'er knew Wang Changsheng's identity, and the reason why she didn't say anything was because Zhang Wan'er knew that the things Wang Changsheng could plan were not just quasi-dao weapons and holy medicines!

There is also the harvest in the ruins of the three immortals.

Zhang Wan'er concealed Wang Changsheng's identity because she wanted to get what Wang Changsheng had.

Otherwise, once Zhang Wan'er discloses Wang Changsheng's identity, Xianmang Xingyu will cause huge waves because of Wang Changsheng's arrival.

The entire Nine Heavens Realm, except for the next three days, is now looking for Wang Changsheng.

"Where did you go?" Wang Changsheng asked in his heart.

After searching for nothing, Wang Changsheng was also helpless.

I didn't want to see Zhang Wan'er before, and Zhang Wan'er had been wandering around Wang Changsheng, but now Zhang Wan'er was needed, but Zhang Wan'er was nowhere to be seen.

After sitting in the restaurant for a while, drinking two jugs of wine, Zhang Wan'er did not appear, and Wang Changsheng went back to his room directly.

Wang Changsheng didn't practice, because the current Wang Changsheng is stuck in the mid-term peak of the Venerable, and he can't break through through hard work.

Only with the help of Xianmang can we pass the level!

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