Longevity Tianque

Chapter 1640 Chapter 35

For monks at the peak of the venerable, the quasi-dao weapon is definitely more important than the fairy light.

As long as you enter Xianmang Xingyu, you can have the possibility of catching Xianmang. However, as long as you can't refine the magic weapon of the quasi-dao level, you can only buy it and rob it.

There is no cost to capture the fairy glow, but to obtain the quasi-dao device requires capital!

The most important point is that the quality of the quasi-dao weapon that Wang Changsheng produced is not bad.

Wang Changsheng ignored the few monks. These people came here with the intention of robbing them. It would be better to sell them directly to Zhenbao Pavilion.

The Ninth Elders began to calculate the quasi-dao tools and holy medicines.


After some calculations, the Ninth Elder said: "The quality of the twelve quasi-dao tools is very good, even better than the ones refined by the old man. I will calculate it for you according to the market price!"

"Twelve pieces of quasi-dao tools, I can give you a round number, 150 immortal lights!"

"There are only 28 of the remaining nearly 190 holy medicines. I will count one of the seven immortal awns for you, a total of [-] six immortal awns!"

"The combined immortal lights of the quasi-dao weapon and the holy medicine are 340 six immortal lights!"

"For the sake of fellow daoists trading so many treasures at one time, the old man is the master, even if you are a fellow daoist with 350 immortal lights!"

After finishing speaking, the Ninth Elder looked at Wang Changsheng, waiting for Wang Changsheng's answer.

"350 ways?"

Wang Changsheng frowned immediately when he heard the quotation from the Ninth Elder.

"This price is a bit low..." Wang Changsheng said.

The Taoist artifact that Wang Changsheng took out was better than the ten Taoist artifacts that were taken out on the Zhangjia Square, and one of them was a long spear, which was no worse than the one that the Zhangjia took out.

Wang Changsheng estimated that the quasi-dao weapon he took out should be worth about 180 immortal rays.

But the Ninth Elder only gave 150 immortal glows.

As for the 28 holy medicines, Wang Changsheng didn't know how much they were worth, but judging from the price of the quasi-dao weapon, the price of the holy medicine should also be lowered.

"Not too low!"

Ninth Elder said: "Fellow Daoist, what I give is the market price, and if you sell so much at one time, the price must be lower!"

It was for this reason that the Nine Elders finally added up and gave an integer of 350 immortal glows.

"Fellow Daoist, we are open for business, you want us to earn some money after all?"

Ninth Elder said.

According to the quotation of the Ninth Elder, in the end, Zhenbao Pavilion should be able to earn about [-]%, which is already quite a lot.

What's more, the Ninth Elder can use the holy medicine to make alchemy, and with a little refining, he can earn more.


Wang Changsheng nodded and said, "Give me Xianmang!"

Wang Changsheng could only accept it, there was no other way, this was Xianmang Xingyu, and now he was coveted by many monks, trapped in the city, so he had no choice but to do so.

The purpose of Wang Changsheng's doing this was not to tell other monks that he had no more treasures, because no matter how many treasures Wang Changsheng sold, other monks would think that Wang Changsheng kept the best ones.

Therefore, even if one hundred pieces of quasi-dao tools were sold, other monks would still have Wang Changsheng's idea.

Wang Changsheng's purpose is very simple, it is to exchange for Xianmang.

As long as you have a fairy light, you can practice quickly. As long as you reach the peak of the Venerable, not to mention being invincible, at least you can truly protect yourself.

Among Xianmang Xingyu, the one with the highest cultivation level is also the Venerable Peak. As long as Wang Changsheng can reach this level by himself, he can come and go freely with the help of the Langcang Sword.

Even, Wang Changsheng had an idea in his heart, as long as his cultivation reached the peak of the Venerable, this idea could be put into action.

At that time, it is possible for Wang Changsheng to make up for all his losses.

"The most important point is that these quasi-dao tools and holy medicines are useless to me, and it's a waste to keep them on me. It's better to exchange them for Xianmang cultivation!"

Wang Changsheng said in his heart.

350 fairy glows, more than the ones I got before. Seeing the flickering fairy glows, I waved my hand and put them away.

It took more than 100 immortal lights to break through from the early stage of the Venerable to the middle stage of the Venerable. Now with 350 fairy lights, Wang Changsheng does not know whether he can enter the late stage of the Venerable.

"There is a high probability that it cannot be..."

Wang Changsheng said in his heart.

Once there is no fairy glow, it will be too difficult to cultivate in the fairy glow Xingyu. There are a lot of spirit stones, and there is still a spirit vein, but it is just a low-grade spirit vein, which is completely useless to the current Wang Changsheng.

There are still some quasi-dao tools, and there are also holy medicines, but the remaining quasi-dao tools are some of the best, and their abilities in some aspects are not even much worse than the Tao tools.

The rest of the holy medicine is also life and death, the kind of flesh and bones, it is not worthwhile to exchange for immortal light.

"Let's practice first and then talk!"

With that said, Wang Changsheng turned around and left Zhenbao Pavilion.

The monks following Wang Changsheng watched Wang Changsheng leave, they knew what Wang Changsheng was going to do, and they didn't know what to do.

"He... he won't use up all the more than 100 fairy lights?" said a monk at the peak of the Venerable.

"Are you stupid?"

Another venerable monk at the peak state said: "Even with our cultivation base, we can't absorb a single fairy glow in half a month. He can absorb more than 100 rays in half a month. Do you know what it is?"

"I think he sold the Taoist artifact and the holy medicine just to tell us that he has nothing on him, and let us not take his idea..."

Several people shook their heads.

Banyue absorbed more than 100 immortal lights. Such a guess is too unimaginable and absolutely impossible. Therefore, as soon as it was brought up, several people dispelled such a guess.

After some discussion, they did not continue to follow, but returned to their residence in the city.

Wang Changsheng's intentions are now very clear, he will never leave, he has been cultivating in the city, and due to the rules of the city, they can't do anything to Wang Changsheng.

So, just ignore it for now, there are still many monks staring at Wang Changsheng outside, and when Wang Changsheng leaves, just follow up.

Sure enough, after Wang Changsheng walked out of the Treasure Pavilion, many monks followed Wang Changsheng unscrupulously without any concealment.

Wang Changsheng got used to it, so he didn't say much. He returned to the restaurant established by Kuixianlou and started to practice.

One after another fairy light was absorbed by Wang Changsheng. After breaking through to the middle stage of the Venerable, Wang Changsheng absorbed the fairy light at a much faster speed, but the growth of his cultivation slowed down instead.

Strands of Dao Yun entangled around Wang Changsheng, continuously submerged into Wang Changsheng's body, and were pulled out by Wang Changsheng again.

The Heaven, Earth and Dao Yun, which can only be borrowed from other people, kept buzzing around Wang Changsheng, as if being suppressed by Wang Changsheng.

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