Longevity Tianque

Chapter 1639 Exchange for Xianmang

Elder Ninth also saw the expressions of the crowd and didn't care. He had seen such gazes a lot.

In such a great teaching as the Alchemy Dao, the level of status is not absolute in terms of cultivation. The main business of the Alchemy Dao is refining tools and alchemy. As long as there is a high attainment in refining tools and alchemy, The same can have a high status.

The Ninth Elder ascended to the position of Elder just by virtue of his weapon refining ability.

Regardless of the fact that the Ninth Elder only has the peak realm of the Venerable, which is similar to that of ordinary true disciples, but the Ninth Elder can refine quasi-dao weapons.

Just relying on the ability to refine the quasi-dao weapon, the Ninth Elder was able to flourish in the Nine Heavens Realm.

Of course, if the Ninth Elder has the cultivation base of the Dazun realm, perhaps his status can be further improved. Several elders in front of the Ninth Elder cannot refine quasi-dao weapons.


Wang Changsheng said to the Ninth Elder: "I have some quasi-dao tools and holy medicines in my hand, will the Zhenbao Pavilion accept them?"

The Ninth Elder looked at Wang Changsheng with burning eyes. The Ninth Elder was not very interested in quasi-Tao tools. As long as there were enough materials and time, the Ninth Elders could refine them by themselves. But that is also a quasi-dao weapon!

On the contrary, it is a holy medicine, although the value is not high, but it is very rare!


Ninth Elder said.

Open the door to do business, how can there be no reason not to do business at the door?

Regardless of whether Wang Changsheng was coveted by the monks, as long as the Zhenbao Pavilion was reasonably exchanged for Wang Changsheng's treasures, then the monks in Xianmang Xingyu would not be able to take advantage of the Zhenbao Pavilion.

Otherwise, who would dare to open a store in Xianmang Xingyu in the future?

At this time, the alchemy Taoist monk in the middle stage of the Venerable muttered to the Ninth Elder for a while, and the expression of the Ninth Elder became more and more dignified.

Wang Changsheng didn't bother the Ninth Elder, the cultivator of Pill Qi Dao must be telling the Ninth Elder the cause and effect, if the Ninth Elder dare not accept it after knowing the cause and effect, Wang Changsheng has nothing to do.

In the end, the Ninth Elder looked at Wang Changsheng with an inexplicable expression.

The Ninth Elder knew that as long as he received Wang Changsheng's magic weapon and holy medicine, he would be helping Wang Changsheng escape. The reason why Wang Changsheng chose Zhenbao Pavilion was to sell his treasures in public.

This way everyone can divert their attention!

"Are you still charged?"

Wang Changsheng asked with a smile.


The Ninth Elder said with a firm expression: "My Danqi Dao is open for business. We will definitely accept the treasures of fellow daoists. As for other things, fellow daoists don't need to worry about them!"

The Ninth Elder was able to accept it boldly, not because of the reputation of the Alchemy Dao. After all, every monk here is from the Supreme Sect, and the Alchemy Dao cannot afford to offend.

What the Ninth Elders rely on is the agreement made by all the supreme religions. As long as they open the door to do business in the city, they will not be afraid of trouble to find the door.

All the disciples who entered Xianmang Xingyu did not dare to do anything in the city, let alone rob shops.

Even the Evil Fire Sect would not dare to do this!

"it is good!"

With a wave of Wang Changsheng's hand, the magic weapon and holy medicine appeared in the Treasure Pavilion.

In an instant, the brilliance of the quasi-dao weapon and the fragrance of the holy medicine spread. Even a monk in the realm of the venerable, staying in the treasure pavilion at this moment, feels intoxicated.


"That's too much, a total of twelve Taoist artifacts, plus the ten Taoist artifacts he auctioned before, a total of 22 Taoist artifacts!"

"So many holy medicines? Although the holy medicine is not very precious, it is very precious to take out so many holy medicines at once!"

"What I'm most curious about now is which great religion this fellow Taoist is from?"

"No matter which great religion it is, the power behind it is definitely not simple to be able to produce so many treasures at once!"


When everyone saw the treasure that Wang Changsheng took out, they all showed shocking expressions.

Twelve pieces of quasi-dao tools, plus nearly thirty holy medicines!

Including the ten quasi-dao artifacts auctioned by Wang Changsheng before, that is to say, there are at least 22 quasi-dao artifacts on Wang Changsheng's body!

Even the young master of the supreme religion can't afford such a huge wealth!

More importantly, there must be better ones in Wang Changsheng's body. Even if they were to be sold, Wang Changsheng's own magic weapon would definitely not be sold, right?

The extent of Wang Changsheng's wealth shocked all the monks present, even the Ninth Elder, who had seen the big scene, was taken aback!

This is not to mention that Wang Changsheng still has a lot of high-quality quasi-dao weapons, and the holy medicine has not been fully produced.

For example, the holy medicine of heaven...

Tianling holy medicine is a big eater of holy medicine. Over the years, Tianling holy medicine has eaten at least ten holy medicines. Fortunately, Tianling holy medicine also gave Wang Changsheng some help. Otherwise, the speed of Tianling holy medicine consuming holy medicine would have long It was slaughtered by Wang Changsheng and stewed.

"Fellow Daoist, so many..."

The Ninth Elder looked at the quasi-dao weapon and the holy medicine that Wang Changsheng took out, and frowned and said, "I don't know what you want to exchange for?"

With so many treasures, the exchange of resources is also a large amount, and the Ninth Elder is not sure about Wang Changsheng's purpose.

"Xian Mang!"

Wang Changsheng spoke directly.

Now Wang Changsheng is trapped in the ancient city and dare not leave. The only thing he needs is Xianmang!

Xianmang can allow Wang Changsheng to continue to practice. With the comprehension of building wood into Taoism, and with the addition of Xianmang, Wang Changsheng can practice very fast. As long as there is enough Xianmang, Wang Changsheng is sure to cultivate to the peak of Venerable soon.

Once Wang Changsheng reached the peak state of the Venerable, he would not be afraid of anyone in the fairy world, and he would be able to leave calmly even in the face of siege.

"Xian Mang?"

The Ninth Elder looked at Wang Changsheng with a surprised expression.

It is indeed a good thing that the fairy light can help cultivation, but it is only limited to monks in the realm of the venerable, and even for the strong at the peak of the lord, the fairy light is also dispensable.

Wang Changsheng was able to produce so many quasi-dao tools and holy medicines, and the backing behind him must be extraordinary. It would be a waste to exchange so many quasi-dao tools and holy medicines for immortal light.


The Ninth Elder nodded, since it was in exchange for Xianmang, it was easy to talk about.

"Calculate how much fairy light you can sell, just give me the fairy light!"

Wang Changsheng said.

The monks at the peak of the Venerable who followed behind were all surprised when they saw that Wang Changsheng exchanged so many treasures for Xianmang.

"This fellow Taoist, if you want to exchange for Xianmang, we have it here!"

"Yes, we can also change, fellow daoist, we offer a high price!"

"As long as the fellow daoists give us the Dao quasi-device, the price is guaranteed to satisfy the fellow daoists!"


Several monks in the peak realm of the Venerable all spoke.

Originally planned to snatch Wang Changsheng's quasi-dao weapon, but now Wang Changsheng is going to sell the quasi-dao weapon, if he doesn't snatch it, he will have no chance.

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