Longevity Tianque

Chapter 1595 Escaping into the Buddha Kingdom

I have been separated from my second uncle for too many years, even if it was the last time we met, we didn't have much communication.

After so many years, Wang Changsheng had too many doubts in his heart, but now that his second uncle was face to face, Wang Changsheng had too many questions in his mind, and for a while, he didn't know what questions to ask.

Therefore, Wang Changsheng directly asked the biggest doubt in his heart!

News about my father!

In Wang Changsheng's mind, the memory of his father was somewhat blurred, not that it was a long time ago, but that his second uncle and father had left when he was very young.

I didn't have much memory in the first place, and I was still young at the time, so the impression left in Wang Changsheng's heart was certainly not deep enough.

Speaking of feelings...

The grace of life cannot be repaid!

Besides, Wang Changsheng didn't know how to face his vague impression of his father.

"Your father..."

When Hu Zun mentioned Wang Changsheng's father, that is, his elder brother, he also showed hesitation, and finally sighed and said, "It's time to tell you!"

Wang Changsheng: "..."

Hearing what the second uncle said, Wang Changsheng had a bad feeling.

Could it be that his father has already fallen?Otherwise, why is it the second uncle who came to pick me up instead of my father?

"Second Uncle, my father...he has fallen, right?" Wang Changsheng asked impatiently.

"That's not true!"

Hu Zun said.

Wang Changsheng immediately breathed a sigh of relief, as long as he didn't fall away!

"However, it's almost the same as falling..." Hu Zun said.

Wang Changsheng was stunned again, what did Second Uncle mean?

"Big Brother...Big Brother..." Hu Zun said after some hesitation, "Became transformed into the Buddha's kingdom!"

"Have been transformed into a Buddha's kingdom?" Wang Changsheng's expression changed immediately.

Originally, Wang Changsheng didn't have much idea about the Buddha Kingdom, and only thought it was a powerful and supreme religion. However, after experiencing the incident of the Three Immortals' ruins, Wang Changsheng felt the mystery of Buddhism, and he was extremely afraid of the Buddha Kingdom.

At that time, the powerhouse of the Buddhist kingdom confronted Jianmu, and even if the power of salvation was not aimed at Wang Changsheng, there was an urge to make Wang Changsheng worship and convert.

From this point alone, we can see the power of Buddha's nationalization.

Why was my father converted into the kingdom of Buddha?

Once he entered Buddhism, he was a passer-by from now on. Wang Changsheng was very clear about this. Therefore, according to what the second uncle said, his father did not fall, but he was saved by the Buddha Kingdom, which is almost the same as falling.

"Yeah!" Hu Zun nodded and said, "However, elder brother was not saved, but entered the Buddha Kingdom on his own initiative..."

"Take the initiative to enter the Buddha Kingdom?"

Wang Changsheng was even more surprised when he heard what the second uncle said.

According to the vague memory in Wang Changsheng's mind, he knew that his father was definitely not a fool, whether it was talent or IQ, he was far higher than his second uncle.

Even I can see that there is a problem in the Buddha Kingdom, can't my father see it?

The most important thing is that the second uncle has cultivated into a strong man at the peak of the Great Master in the past 2000 years, and his father's strength will definitely not be inferior to the second uncle.

Wang Changsheng couldn't understand, what was going on?

"Don't look at me, I don't know either!"

Hu Zun spread his hands and said helplessly: "Over the years, I have seen my eldest brother more than once, but..."

"In the beginning, my eldest brother still saw me, but in recent years, my eldest brother has not seen me, and every time I go, I am directly blocked outside!"

Hearing what the second uncle said, Wang Changsheng frowned.

The Buddhist Kingdom is definitely the most difficult to provoke in the Nine Heavens Realm, and there must be a reason why my father entered the Buddhist Kingdom on his own initiative, but Wang Changsheng and his second uncle couldn't think of it.

After confirming that his father had not fallen and just entered the Buddhist kingdom, Wang Changsheng was not too worried.

Everyone has the right to choose their own cultivation methods, just like they have always insisted on practicing longevity skills. Perhaps, my father escaped into the Buddhist kingdom because the cultivation methods of the Buddhist kingdom are very suitable?

At the very beginning, my father, my second uncle, and myself practiced longevity exercises. Now that my second uncle has switched to other exercises, my father, who must have escaped into the Buddhist kingdom, should also give up longevity exercises.

Now only Wang Changsheng is the only one who is still practicing the Longevity Kungfu.

Of course, this is also because Wang Changsheng obtained the follow-up method of longevity kung fu in the ancient world, otherwise, Wang Changsheng would have given up longevity kung fu long ago.

For Wang Changsheng, it doesn't matter which technique he practices, only the technique that can keep him alive is the best technique.

"When I have a chance, I will definitely go to the Buddha Kingdom!"

Wang Changsheng said.

"For the time being, don't have such thoughts!"

Hu Zun said: "The entire Gengtian Realm is the territory of the Buddha Kingdom. Once you step into the Gentian Realm, you will definitely be discovered by the Buddha Kingdom!"

"If you find it, you will find it, and I haven't offended the Buddha Kingdom!" Wang Changsheng said indifferently.

The Buddhist kingdom can't be so overbearing that even other monks are not allowed to enter the higher realm, right?

Wang Changsheng really guessed right on this point. The entire Gengtian Realm is occupied by the Buddha Kingdom. If you want to enter the Gentian Realm, you must submit an invitation to the Buddha Kingdom. Nationalized.

Of course, if you have the cultivation base of the great venerable, you don't have to worry about this. The Buddhist kingdom is still very tolerant towards the great venerable.

If Wang Changsheng wants to enter the higher realm, he must either submit a letter of worship, or have the protection of a great venerable!

Hu Zun looked at Wang Changsheng, and said with an inexplicable expression: "Although you have not offended the Buddha Kingdom, but..."

"Your father and I will not deal with the Buddha Kingdom!"


Hearing what the second uncle said, Wang Changsheng was stunned.

Is there any enmity between my father, my second uncle, and the Buddha Kingdom?

Wang Changsheng suddenly felt that although he was also a little bit troublesome, compared with his father and second uncle, there was still a gap. Even the Buddha Kingdom dared to provoke, and after being provoked, he was still alive and well, so he did not have such ability.

"That's not right!" Wang Changsheng immediately said, "Second Uncle, since you have enmity with the Buddhist kingdom, what's the matter with your father fleeing into the Buddhist kingdom?"

After escaping into the Buddhist kingdom, he is equivalent to a disciple of the Buddhist kingdom. Judging by his second uncle's cultivation, his father's strength must also be extraordinary. Since there is a grudge, what is the meaning of his father's escape into the Buddhist kingdom?

Looking at the second uncle, Hu Zun didn't give Wang Changsheng any answer, because even Hu Zun himself didn't know.

"After you step into Dazun yourself, go to Gengtian Realm to find elder brother to verify, I don't know the reason!" Hu Zun said: "However, what I can be sure of is that elder brother escaped into the Buddhist kingdom. Absolutely not easy!"


Wang Changsheng nodded.

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