Longevity Tianque

Chapter 1594 2 Years

The headquarters of the Mountain Ranger is located in the universe. It is a small world opened up by the strong Mountain Rangers. After being developed by the strong Mountain Rangers, the small world where the Mountain Rangers live is no smaller than the Battle Realm. How many.

However, small world relics often appear in the battle world, and those small world relics, attracted by the battle world, will merge with the battle world. Therefore, the expansion of the battle world will become more and more powerful as time goes by. Big, and there is no need to go through monks to develop.

The development of a small world will not only take time and energy, but also consume a lot of resources.

Entering the Mountain Ranger headquarters, you will go through a lot of checks, and you will always enter the small world at the end. You will go through at least ten checks along the way, but you are accompanied by Hu Zun. These checks are very easy, and there are even some checkpoints. , directly let Hu Zun pass by.

"Second Uncle, I can't tell. You have been doing well these years. Not only have you reached the peak of the Great Master, but you also have an extraordinary status!"

Wang Changsheng looked at his second uncle and said.

Hu Zun did not explain, but placed Wang Changsheng in a small courtyard, and then said: "You wait, I will report your identity, and I will explain it to you when I come back!"

"it is good!"

Wang Changsheng nodded.

Now that we have come here, we can only let the second uncle arrange it, no matter how the second uncle arranges it, anyway, just listen to the second uncle.

After Hu Zun left, Wang Changsheng stayed in the small courtyard, and under Hu Zun's instructions, Wang Changsheng would not move around indiscriminately.

When passing by the Mountain Ranger headquarters just now, Wang Changsheng felt very clearly that there were thousands of auras flickering in the Mountain Ranger headquarters, each of which was enough to make Wang Changsheng tremble.

What Wang Changsheng can be sure of is that those auras are at least strong at the peak of the venerable.

Not only that, but most of them are strong men in the realm of great venerables.

Wang Changsheng doesn't know enough about the top forces in the Nine Heavens Realm, and he doesn't know how powerful those supreme masters are, but Wang Changsheng can be sure that if these powerhouses from the Mountain Patrol Headquarters are released, they will definitely set off a huge wave in the Nine Heavens Realm. the wind and waves.

Not to mention other things, just a strong person in the realm of great venerables can establish a third-rate sect or family.

Can't be bothered, can't be bothered...

Even when the second uncle was not there and Wang Changsheng was in the small courtyard, he tried his best to restrain his aura so as not to let other monks pay attention to him.

What Wang Changsheng didn't know was that being so cautious was of no use to those strong men at the Mountain Ranger Headquarters. There were at least a hundred auras that had observed Wang Changsheng beyond the range of Wang Changsheng's consciousness.

Mountain Rangers are different from sects or families. Every monk who joins Mountain Rangers has his own story, and Mountain Rangers rarely recruit outside monks to join. Therefore, when Wang Changsheng, a stranger, entered the Mountain Ranger headquarters. , will naturally attract a lot of attention.

However, after feeling Wang Changsheng's cultivation, no one cared.

Because, to become a mountain patroller, one needs at least the cultivation of the realm of the venerable, and Wang Changsheng is only at the peak of the venerable state.

Although the young master's peak state is only one step away from the Venerable, one must not underestimate this step, which blocks most of the monks in the Nine Heavens Realm.

Most of the monks in the realm of the young master spent their entire lives stuck at the peak of the young master and could not enter the realm of the master.

Once you step into the realm of the venerable, you can be considered a strong man in the entire Nine Heavens Realm. Even the monks who have been ups and downs in the battle world are mostly in the realm of the venerable. The great venerable and strong will generally not stand up and dominate the battle.

Not long after Hu Zun left, he returned to the small courtyard, sat opposite Wang Changsheng, waved his big hand, and a formation directly enveloped the entire small courtyard.

"It's been many years..."

Blocking all the prying monks outside, Hu Zun showed his expression. Seeing this expression, Wang Changsheng was very sure that the second uncle at this moment was his real second uncle!

With a human touch!

From this point alone, Wang Changsheng could conclude that the situation among the monks of this mountain ranger was not simple, otherwise, Second Uncle would not have disguised his character and expression like this.

"Not many years..."

Wang Changsheng sighed and said, "If you count from the small world we came from, it will only take five or six hundred years..."

Unknowingly, Wang Changsheng has been in the cultivation world for three or four hundred years.

These three 400 years, if placed on ordinary people, would be enough to live for several lifetimes, but it is really nothing if placed on monks.

Not to mention that Wang Changsheng is now at the peak of the young master, even a cultivator at the Jindan realm would not care about this time.

This is the difference between ordinary people and monks.

Back in the small world, what Wang Changsheng wanted all his life was to survive. Now this goal has been accomplished, but the fatigue experienced by the cultivation world is definitely incomparable to the small world.

These years, Chang Wang lived a very tiring life. Without the protection of the strong, he was completely living in the cracks, and he took every step carefully.

According to Wang Changsheng's own estimate, if he made a wrong step, he would face death.


Hu Zun shook his head and said, "For you, it's only a few hundred years, but for me, it's been more than 2000 years..."

"More than 2000 years?"

Hearing Hu Zun's words, Wang Changsheng's expression immediately changed. Some didn't understand what Second Uncle meant. It was only a few hundred years ago, how could it be more than 2000 years?


Hu Zun nodded and said: "Otherwise, do you think that I can become a Great Senior in just a few hundred years?"

"Among the entire Nine Heavens Realm, the youngest monk who can cultivate to the realm of the Great Master is more than 1000 years old..."

The more Wang Changsheng listened, the more confused he became, and he didn't quite understand what Second Uncle meant.

Originally, Wang Changsheng felt that his second uncle was able to achieve the cultivation level of the Grand Master within hundreds of years, and he was also the top Grand Master.

However, the meaning heard from the second uncle's words now is not only a few hundred years, but more than 2000 years?

It is impossible for me to remember wrongly!

"Time velocity ratio!"

Hu Zun said: "The time flow rate ratio of the Nine Heavens Realm is different from the time flow rate ratio of the small world we talked about at the beginning, about one to ten!"

"That is to say, ten years have passed in the Nine Heavens Realm for one year in our small world!"

Wang Changsheng: "..."

Hearing what the second uncle said, Wang Changsheng was so shocked that he froze in place, not knowing what to say.

In other words, I lived in the small world for more than 200 years, but in those 200 years, more than 2000 years have passed in the Nine Heavens Realm?

After he regained his strength, Wang Changsheng could also understand why his second uncle was able to cultivate so well.

He has cultivated more than 2000 years more than himself!

That's more than 2000 years!

Since I was born until now, I have not lived for more than 2000 years...

With a long sigh, Wang Changsheng looked at Second Uncle and said, "Second Uncle, I want to ask a question..."

"My father..."

In the end, Wang Changsheng still raised this question. After hearing the words of the elders of the Li family, Wang Changsheng knew what might have happened to his father.

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