"One more thing, you have to be mentally prepared!" Hu Zun said.

"Second Uncle, tell me!" Wang Changsheng said.

"It's still about your father!" Hu Zun said: "Brother is now the Buddha of Gaya Temple, you should know the meaning of the Buddha in the Buddha Kingdom!"

Wang Changsheng: "..."

Wang Changsheng was speechless right away. After Hu Zun's reminder, Wang Changsheng was mentally prepared. No matter what, Wang Changsheng never expected that even if his father escaped into the Buddhist kingdom, he was still a Buddha in the Buddhist kingdom?

The Buddha of the Buddha Kingdom is definitely a very terrifying existence in the Nine Heavens Realm.

More importantly, if my father doesn't deal with the Buddha Kingdom, can he still become a Buddha?

Just kidding!

"So, I can be regarded as the second generation of Xiu with a great background, right?" Wang Changsheng said mockingly.

When Hu Zun heard Wang Changsheng's words, he was taken aback for a moment, and then showed a helpless expression.

Hu Zun is not a fool to be able to cultivate to the current state in such a short period of time, of course he understands what Wang Changsheng means.

Regardless of whether it was Wang Changsheng's father or Hu Zun, as Wang Changsheng's elders, they could be considered a very powerful group of monks in the Nine Heavens Realm.

However, since Wang Changsheng stepped into the path of cultivation, apart from bringing Wang Changsheng into the Nine Heavens Realm, basically he has no help for Wang Changsheng, and Wang Changsheng is allowed to develop on his own.

As for the spirit stones given back then, Zun Hu picked them up at will!

"Changsheng, you can't blame us for this matter..." Hu Zun said helplessly, "Brother escaped into the Buddhist kingdom, there must be a problem, and he can't get away now, as for me..."

"After becoming a mountain patroller, I was able to find the original small world, otherwise, I would not have the opportunity to bring you to the cultivation world!"

"However, once you become a mountain patroller, you have responsibilities on your shoulders. Under normal circumstances, you can't leave your post without authorization!"

What Hu Zun said was true, and Wang Changsheng didn't doubt it.

It can be seen from the fact that it took the second uncle more than 2000 years to cultivate to the peak of the Dazun, the second uncle has also worked very hard these years.

However, what Wang Changsheng didn't like was that he clearly had a strong background, but he struggled like an ant in the cultivation world, and almost fell down several times.

"That's fine..."

Wang Changsheng sighed, looked at his second uncle and said with relief: "If it weren't for these experiences, my cultivation path wouldn't be so exciting!"

The most important thing is that Wang Changsheng has experienced so many things along the way, and Wang Changsheng's heart has been polished to be extremely tough. As long as he is not dead, Wang Changsheng has the mentality to fight against any danger.

In the former small world, Wang Changsheng had already reached the peak, even in his state of mind. However, after coming to the cultivation world, Wang Changsheng realized that the capital he was proud of was nothing but the pride of ordinary people.

If he were to be placed in the cultivation world, even his age of over 200 would be no more than the age of a child.

When I came to the world of cultivation, like a baby, all cognitions were overturned, and I carefully accepted the news from the outside world...

"It's best if you think so!"

Hu Zun said: "When your father and I came to the Nine Heavens Realm, wasn't it also the Innate Realm?"

"After so many years of struggling and fighting, I have experienced countless life and death crises before I have the strength I have today!"

"We are all children of the old Wang's family. My eldest brother and I believe that you will grow up!"

Wang Changsheng nodded slightly.

It is true that he has grown up. Young Master's cultivation at the peak level is not considered a strong one in the Nine Heavens Realm, but compared with his peers, Wang Changsheng has already surpassed most monks.

Having said so much, Hu Zun saw that Wang Changsheng was silent, and did not continue to speak. This information needs to be given Wang Changsheng time to digest.

After a whole stick of incense passed, Hu Zun said: "Okay, we will stop here about your father, but when you walk in the Nine Heavens Realm in the future, if you don't have the realm of Dazun, don't mention it." Our relationship!"

"Your father and I had many enemies back then, and half of the Supreme Sect was offended by us!"

Wang Changsheng: "..."

Wang Changsheng, who had just regained his strength, didn't know what to say other than silence and a wry smile when he heard what his second uncle said!

Originally, he thought that if he found the second uncle, he would have a backing in the future, but now that the second uncle said this, Wang Changsheng knew that he still had to rely on himself in the future.

Wang Changsheng suffered a lot of calculations just because he offended the Three Immortals Sect. The second uncle and his father actually offended nearly half of the Supreme Great Sect in the entire Nine Heavens Realm?

If the relationship was exposed, Wang Changsheng would have unimaginable consequences.

"If you have any questions, you can ask them directly, and I will tell you!" Hu Zun said.

Wang Changsheng was silent again.

It's not that there are no problems, but there are too many problems!

"Second uncle, how did you communicate with Li Yunqing back then?" Wang Changsheng asked, "As far as I know, the true blood of the fire phoenix is ​​the most precious thing of the Li family in Shangyang!"

"What's more, it seems that it is still the true blood of the ancestors?!"

"Maybe, Li Yunqing didn't know it was the true blood of the ancestral blood?" Hu Zun said.

Hearing the second uncle's explanation, Wang Changsheng frowned.

do not know?

How could you not know?

From Wang Changsheng's current point of view, Li Yunqing's cultivation level is not high, but the power of his blood is extremely strong, not weaker than the blood of the head of the Li family in the Nine Heavens Realm.

Li Yunqing must know about those ancestral true blood!

The truth is definitely not what the second uncle said.

What Wang Changsheng didn't know was that Hu Zun really didn't know.

Hu Zun once practiced the Longevity Kungfu, and he knew that the polishing of the Longevity Kungfu requires a strong body, and even the strength of the body required is definitely not much worse than physical training.

Therefore, Hu Zun took a fancy to the Fire Phoenix Art and Fire Phoenix True Blood!

After paying a huge price, Li Yunqing agreed to the deal, but why the true blood of the fire phoenix turned into the true blood of the ancestral veins, this point is not even clear to Hu Zun himself.

However, Hu Zun can be sure of one thing, that is, Shangyang Yimai has its own plan for Wang Changsheng!

To be precise, it was not the Shangyang lineage, but the undead lineage, and had other thoughts about Wang Changsheng.

Knowing these situations, Master Hu didn't take it seriously, the undead were dormant, and with the current strength of the tiger, if the undead didn't use their background, he might not be afraid of the undead.

What's more, Wang Changsheng also has a father who is a Buddha.

Hu Zun didn't believe it anymore, Wang Changsheng had already come to the Nine Heavens Realm, right under the eyes of the eldest brother, if Wang Changsheng encountered any danger, wouldn't the eldest brother even care about his own parents and children?

"Second uncle, there are three ancestors of the Li family in Weitian Realm, all the way to the war world..." Wang Changsheng said: "Since the undead are not in the same line as the current Shangyang Li family, how will they get along?"

The reason why Wang Changsheng cared about this issue was not only because of the ancestral true blood in his body, but also because there was a token lying in Wang Changsheng's dantian Xingyu!

Young Master Order!

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