Longevity Tianque

Chapter 1589 You Can't Take Him With You

"of course I know!"

The elder of the Li family said: "Because this abyss altar is a passage leading to the upper three days!"

Although the elders of the Li family were explaining to Wang Changsheng, their eyes remained on the black-robed monk without any fluctuation.

"Last three days?"

Wang Changsheng was immediately taken aback.

It seems that the amount of information is a bit large, this altar is actually leading to the upper three days?

Wang Changsheng couldn't react. With his own strength, he hadn't gained a firm foothold in Zhongtian for three days, and was in danger of falling at any time. How could someone want to take him for three days?

Of course, it doesn't mean that the strength of the last three days is stronger than that of the middle three days, and it is almost the same in cutting-edge combat power, but the average strength of the last three days is higher than that of the middle three days.

"As a mountain patroller, if you don't patrol Xingyu properly, you actually rob people in the ruins. What is your purpose?"

The elders of the Li family didn't continue to pay attention to Wang Changsheng, but looked at the mountain patroller and asked.

Wang Changsheng has always maintained a shocked expression, the information just now has not been fully digested, and now another mountain ranger has come?

Wang Changsheng is no stranger to the title of Mountain Ranger. When he first arrived in the Battle Realm, he cultivated in the territory of the Three Immortals Cult, waiting for the later monks of the Three Immortals Cult to arrive. Zhang Daoyuan mentioned the title of Mountain Ranger.

However, with Zhang Daoyuan's strength and realm, his knowledge is extremely limited, and he is not sure whether the mountain patrol really exists, so he didn't go into it.

Unexpectedly, the mountain patrol turned out to be real!

Not only that, but now this powerful mountain ranger actually wants to rob him?

No matter how Wang Changsheng guessed, he couldn't guess why the mountain ranger wanted to rob him?There is nothing in him that is worth coveting for a mountain ranger.

"It's not robbery!"

The mountain ranger finally spoke, his voice was still hoarse, but there was no such cold breath.

"Not robbery?"

Wang Changsheng was stunned, slumped on the spot, and wanted to speak, but when he looked at the black-robed monk, he chose to remain silent.

If it wasn't robbery, could it be that he came to this place because he was sleepwalking in a daze?

The elders of the Li family also snorted angrily, Wang Changsheng is here all over the place, isn't the mountain patroller talking nonsense with his eyes open?

Although Dazun is powerful, he is far from being able to follow his words, so even if he is lying, it will not come true!

"Fellow Daoist, explain your purpose directly!" The old Li family said angrily, "I don't want to see you mountain patrollers, if you are in a hurry, I will definitely not make it easier for you! "

With the background and strength of the Shangyang lineage, although they may not be able to take advantage of the Shangshan Patrolman, they will definitely not suffer a disadvantage. This is the confidence of the innate family.

"Don't worry!"

The mountain patroller's voice was hoarse, and he could hear the calmness in his tone. Obviously, he didn't take the threat from the old Li family to heart.

The threshold for becoming a mountain ranger is not low. If you have never opposed the supreme religion or the innate clan, you have no qualifications to become a mountain ranger.

Confronting the Supreme Religion and the Innate Great Clan is a prerequisite for becoming a mountain ranger.

"If there is something to talk about, if it's okay, then I will take Wang Changsheng away!" The elder of the Li family said directly.

After grinding and chirping for so long without getting any results, this is completely inconsistent with the temper of the Li family monk.

If it weren't for the fact that the other party was a mountain ranger, the Li family would have made a move a long time ago.

From this point alone, it can be seen that the Li family is afraid of the mountain patrollers.

Who said the Li family can only be grumpy?The bad temper is also aimed at forces that are not as good as the Li family. When encountering forces with equal strength, the Li family is still able to restrain their temper.

"You can't take him away!"

The mountain ranger said directly.

Wang Changsheng: "..."

The elder of the Li family: "..."

Hearing the mountain patroller's words, Wang Changsheng and the elders of the Li family were speechless.

The mountain ranger always spoke in such a lukewarm manner, if not for the cold tone of the mountain ranger, both Wang Changsheng and the elders of the Li family would have thought they were dealing with a dead person.

Indeed, if the mountain patroller wanted to take Wang Changsheng away, the elders of the Li family would not even have the chance to see him, because this altar was kept by the mountain ranger for three days, and the elders of the Li family could not use it. altar.

If Shangyang Yimai wants to go to the school for three days, there will be other means.


The Li family didn't intend to continue to ink, and there was a neighing sound from the body, and the phantom of the fire phoenix solidified instantly, and crushed directly at the mountain patroller.

The true meaning of boxing!

Mountain Ranger's attack is the true meaning of boxing. With Mountain Ranger's strength, he can suppress the elders of the Li family in their heyday, not to mention the fact that the elders of the Li family are expending a lot now.

bang bang...

After just a few fights, the elders of the Li family were at a disadvantage. This was because of Huofeng Xuying. Otherwise, the elders of the Li family might have already lost. This is the powerful strength of the mountain patrollers.

"It turns out that what I said is true, you can't take him away!"

said the ranger.

The elder of the Li family: "..."

As the elder of the Li family, this is the first time I feel a little aggrieved. Although he is not a one-word titled grand lord, the Li family elder has the strength to suppress the one-word titled grand master. However, when encountering mountain patrollers, he is still exhausted. Under the extreme state, it is not an opponent at all.

Judging from the current confrontation, the elders of the Li family really couldn't take Wang Changsheng away.

"Just tell me your purpose!"

The elder of the Li family said in a deep voice: "You deliberately stayed here to wait for me, it can't be because you want to humiliate me, right?"

When they were chasing, the Li family had reported the situation back to the clan long ago, and the strong members of the clan were coming, and when the rest of the Li family arrived, they would definitely be able to keep the mountain patroller behind.

The question is, will the Rangers give this time?

"My purpose is to wait for you!"

The mountain patrol said, "The purpose of waiting for you is to tell you that I took Wang Changsheng away, so you don't have to worry too much!"

The elder of the Li family: "..."

Wang Changsheng: "..."

Wang Changsheng and the elders of the Li family didn't know what to say when they heard the mountain patroller's words.

The reason why the mountain rangers stayed here was to tell the elders of the Li family that he had taken Wang Changsheng away?

Might as well not wait!

For the elders of the Li family, a powerful person at the peak of the great master can touch the existence of the Taoist level with one step. Now watching Wang Changsheng being taken by others, isn't this equivalent to humiliation?

What's more, the mountain patroller deliberately stayed here to humiliate him!


There was another neighing sound from the old body of the Li family. After the fire phoenix phantom condensed, this time, the fire phoenix phantom did not directly crush the mountain patroller, and the whole phantom directly poured into Li's body. In the body of the old man of the family, a scorching aura of the Li family of Shangyang spread instantly.

The real body of the fire phoenix!

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