Longevity Tianque

Chapter 1588 You fight first, I'll go first

"Little guy, don't run around, this is an abyss formed by the turbulent flow of the void, with your strength, if you are drawn into the depths of the abyss, no one can save you!"

The hoarse voice of the mountain ranger came from his throat, which made Wang Changsheng feel panicky.

"If you stay here, you will die!"

Wang Changsheng also muttered.

Wang Changsheng could see that this cultivator wrapped in black robe would not kill him for the time being, maybe he wanted to take him to a certain place, otherwise, he wouldn't just run away after robbing him Come to this altar.

The destination of this black-robed monk has always been clear.

"What is it for?"

Wang Changsheng was puzzled.

Wang Changsheng doesn't know the origin of the black-robed cultivator, isn't he also aware of his own situation?

I am just a little cultivator in the realm of the Young Master, and in the eyes of the Great Master, I am like an ant, and I have no chance to resist at all.

There are indeed places worthy of planning in myself, such as Huangquan and Jiuyou City, but those things are hidden in Wang Changsheng's dantian Xingyu, not to mention the great venerable, even a strong person at the level of Taoism may not be able to see it. the whole picture.

"Could it be Jianmu?"

Wang Changsheng guessed in his heart.

Before Wang Changsheng asked for confirmation, this guess was directly vetoed by Wang Changsheng himself.


Because this black-robed monk came for him. If it was for Jianmu, he should have been severely tortured after robbing him.

Now it is obvious that he is taking himself to other places, which is completely different from the Dazun who seeks Jianmu information.

After thinking about it for a while, Wang Changsheng didn't know the purpose of the black-robed monk, so he had no choice but to give up.

bang bang...

Just as Wang Changsheng was still thinking, bursts of roaring sounds came from the altar.

Immediately afterwards, I saw a breath spreading from the altar.

"What a rich spiritual energy!"

What Wang Changsheng felt most strongly in this aura was the huge aura.

"The other side of the altar, could it be a holy place for cultivation?" Wang Changsheng guessed in his mind.

Sensing this situation, Wang Changsheng's eyes became more distressed. Since the opposite of the altar is a holy place for cultivation, it is undeniable that there must be strong people on the opposite side.

A black-robed monk is not enough, do you still have to take yourself to the lair?

Wang Changsheng was not stupid, of course he would not think that the other party took him away, and he could not have a kind attitude towards him.


Just when Wang Changsheng didn't know what to do, suddenly a hissing sound entered Wang Changsheng's ears, and immediately after that, a scorching breath spread in from outside the abyss.

"It's the strong man of the Li family!"

Feeling this aura, Wang Changsheng was instantly excited.

Originally, I thought that I was bound to die, but I didn't expect that at this most critical moment, a strong man from the Li family would arrive?

And, judging from this aura, he is the elder of the Li family!

The old aura of the Li family had already been verified when they were in Mucheng. It was extremely powerful. Although one person alone fought against the three one-word titled masters, although he was at a disadvantage, it was enough to prove the strength of the old Li family.

Wang Changsheng hadn't seen the fight between the elders of the Li family and the mountain patrollers, otherwise he would have known that although the elders of the Li family were powerful, they were not the opponents of the mountain rangers.

What's more, it would be difficult for the elders of the Li family to fight alone against three great masters with one title. If it weren't for another great master of the Li family to share the pressure, it would be a matter of time before the elders of the Li family would lose.

And what about the Rangers now?

After defeating the powerful late stage master with one punch, he didn't fight anyone and remained at the peak state all the time. The old man of the Li family was much worse than the mountain patroller.

"Here, here I am..."

A cry for help came from Wang Changsheng's mouth, and after the agitation of his true energy, the voice came directly out of the abyss.

Of course the elders of the Li family heard such a loud voice clearly, and rushed into the abyss in an instant, standing directly not far from Wang Changsheng.

What made Wang Changsheng feel a little strange was that when he called for help, the black-robed monk didn't stop him?

What does this mean?

Wang Changsheng couldn't understand it!

Now that the altar has been fully opened, the black-robed cultivator only needs to wave his hand to take Wang Changsheng away, and the elders of the Li family can't catch up at all.

However, seeing that the black-robed monk didn't stop at all, Wang Changsheng guessed that things were not as simple as he thought.

"You're the only one chasing here?"

The mountain patroller looked at the elders of the Li family, and said in a hoarse voice: "I have slowed down, is the strength of the three-day titled Grand Master so weak?"

"I shook them off!"

The elder of the Li family said, with the phantom of the fire and phoenix lingering on his body, the powerful force directly offset the suppressing power of the mountain patroller, Wang Changsheng felt relieved instantly, and stood up directly.

At this moment, Wang Changsheng was standing between the mountain patroller and the elders of the Li family, not daring to make the slightest movement.

The two big shots didn't do it directly, maybe they were afraid of each other, what if Wang Changsheng made a strange move, which became the opportunity for the two big shots to do it?

Wang Changsheng stood where he was, his back sweating profusely.

"Two... seniors..."

Seeing the two Great Seniors staring at each other, Wang Changsheng spoke first: "Why don't you guys fight first...I'll go first?"


The reason why the two great masters are confronting each other here is because of Wang Changsheng. If Wang Changsheng is gone, why are they still confronting each other?

The old Li family spoke up, looked at the mountain patroller and said, "You can obviously leave, why did you deliberately stay here and wait for me to come?"


Hearing what the elders of the Li family said, the mountain patrollers didn't react yet. Instead, Wang Changsheng spoke out first: "Senior, do you mean that he is waiting for you here on purpose?"

"You know this place?"

Wang Changsheng thought it was his own voice that attracted the elders of the Li family. Unexpectedly, this was not the case at all. The elders of the Li family knew this place themselves, and they also knew that the black-robed monks would come to this place.

What I didn't expect was that the black-robed monk could leave early, but he was still waiting for him here?

Wang Changsheng was stunned.

Therefore, Wang Changsheng didn't care how the two big shots confronted each other, and just slumped on the spot.

Anyway, with my own strength, I can't resist. In the end, my belonging is determined by the strength of these two big brothers, and I can just see the result for myself.

Of course, if he had a choice, Wang Changsheng would still leave with the elders of the Li family.

Judging from the two strong men, the black-robed cultivator has been shrouded in the black robe all the time, without revealing it at all. It is obvious that he is shameless. On the contrary, he is an old man of the Li family, at least he knows something about it.

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