Longevity Tianque

Chapter 1590 Let's see who I am

The qualifications of the elders of the Li family are not the best in the entire clan. The reason why they can become the elders of the Li family is because they are relatively old. After so many years of precipitation, they did not die in battle. status.

Of course, the strength of the elders of the Li family is not bad at all compared to other monks in the Nine Heavens Realm, and even much stronger.

Therefore, the elders of the Li family found a new way to cultivate the power of the bloodline with the cultivation method of the ancient relics, and their strength has indeed been greatly improved.

However, it is undeniable that the most powerful performance of the Li family elders is still the avatar of the fire phoenix, and the blood is like this, which cannot be changed.

Now the phantom of the fire phoenix returned to the body, and directly sacrificed the real body of the fire phoenix.


The Li family's old fire phoenix avatar let out a neighing sound, and it didn't talk nonsense with the mountain patroller at all, and directly crushed the mountain patroller away.

As the elder of the Li family, how could he endure such humiliation from the mountain patroller?

Seeing the two strong men attacking, Wang Changsheng was also helpless.

Fortunately, when the two powerhouses fought against each other, they deliberately avoided Wang Changsheng's direction. Otherwise, with Wang Changsheng's cultivation level of only a few venerables, when the Li family elders fought against the mountain patrollers, the distance would be so close. Even the spreading power is enough to kill Wang Changsheng.

"It's over..."

After a stick of incense time, Wang Changsheng watched a fiery red figure fly upside down, almost being sucked into the turbulent void by the abyss, Wang Changsheng knew he was finished.

Because, the figure that flew out was the elder of the Li family, and the huge Huofeng real body was also put away.

The two peak powerhouses fought against each other twice in the abyss within a short period of time, and both times they were defeated by the elders of the Li family. Facts have proved that the elders of the Li family are indeed no match for the mountain patrollers.

Then, as a trophy, Wang Changsheng must be taken away by the mountain rangers.

However, Wang Changsheng didn't know who the mountain patrol was at all. The origin of this kind of monk wrapped in black robes was unknown, and Wang Changsheng didn't know where he would be taken.

"It's still not strong enough..."

Wang Changsheng said helplessly in his heart.

If he is strong enough, no matter what kind of black-robed monk he is, no matter what kind of upper-yang meridian he is, he will be overturned with a slap.

The Li family was defeated, escaped from the turbulence of the void, returned from the abyss not far from the altar, and looked at the mountain patroller with a gloomy expression.

The relationship between the Xiantian clan and the mountain patrollers is not very good, and the Shangyang lineage has always hated the mountain patrollers. However, the mountain patrollers have been patrolling the stars and completing their missions without colliding with each other. .

Therefore, so many eras have passed, and there is no problem between Shangyang Yimai and the mountain patroller.

"I can tell you with certainty, if you take Wang Changsheng away today, the Shangyang lineage will definitely not give up with your mountain patrolling lineage!"

The old man of the Li family said fiercely.

As the elder of the Li family, he has lived for several generations, so how can he not be a bit ruthless?

But the mountain patroller was unmoved.


In the end, the mountain patrol sighed, and said softly, "I have already said that I will take Wang Changsheng away, and even if the head of the Li family comes, I will take Wang Changsheng away!"

"The most important point is that Wang Changsheng will definitely follow me!"

"Go with you?"

The elders of the Li family didn't react yet, but Wang Changsheng was stunned.

Wang Changsheng didn't understand. He and this mountain patroller were neither relatives nor relatives, and he had never met him before. After he was kidnapped by the Sanxian ruins, now facing the elders of the Li family, the mountain patroller actually had confidence in himself. go with him?

As the person involved, Wang Changsheng felt that he wanted to express his opinion.

"I won't go with you!"

Wang Changsheng stood up, looked at the black-robed monk and said, "I, Wang Changsheng, have the blood of the Shangyang Li family, and it is the true blood of the ancestral blood. I must devote myself to the return of the Li family blood to the ancestors before I die!"

Hearing Wang Changsheng's statement, not only the mountain patroller was stunned and remained silent, but even the elders of the Li family who were not far away looked at Wang Changsheng incredulously after hearing Wang Changsheng's words.

The Li family is not stupid. From the moment they saw Wang Changsheng in the ruins, even if they didn't communicate much, they knew that Wang Changsheng would definitely not want to return to the Shangyang lineage. Even the patriarch had raised this question.

Mr. Wang is very deceitful!

Otherwise, why would Wang Changsheng hide his Shangyang bloodline after so many years?

And now?

Such loyal words, even some clansmen from the Shangyang lineage could not utter them.

No idea!

At this moment, Wang Changsheng felt helpless. Faced with the robbery of the black-robed monks, the only thing Wang Changsheng could rely on was the Shangyang Li family. If the Li family was defeated and he was taken away by the black-robed monks, the only person who could save Wang Changsheng was Shangyang Lee's.

Wang Changsheng didn't know whether the Li family in Shangyang was willing to attack the mountain rangers for himself, and now he could only give it a go.

"Are you sincere when you say this?"

A hoarse voice came from the ranger's throat.

Even the elders of the Li family looked at Wang Changsheng with a burning expression, waiting for Wang Changsheng's answer.


In the end, Wang Changsheng nodded, affirming his attitude.

"Ha ha..."

Seeing Wang Changsheng's statement, the old Li family immediately laughed out loud, looked at the mountain patroller and said, "Did you see it? This is my clan member of the Li family in Shangyang!"

"As a mountain patroller, you actually robbed the clansmen of the Xiantian lineage. If this incident gets out, you know what the result will be!"

As he said that, a jade slip appeared in the hands of the old Li family.

In this jade slip, it is recorded that the mountain rangers robbed Wang Changsheng. If Wang Changsheng hadn't expressed his opinion, this jade slip would be useless, so the elders of the Li family never threatened with the jade slip.

Now that Wang Changsheng has made his statement, this jade slip is a great threat to the mountain patrollers.

The ranger remained silent, apparently pondering a countermeasure.

It took a whole stick of incense before the mountain patroller looked at Wang Changsheng and said hoarsely, "Since I said you are willing to follow me, then you will definitely follow me!"

Wang Changsheng also saw the current situation. The mountain patroller should be restrained by some problem, and immediately said: "Senior, with all due respect, I don't know where your self-confidence comes from. I don't even know you. Why do you So sure, I will follow you and leave?"

Wang Changsheng couldn't figure it out, would I leave with you just because of your strength?

Once the elders of the Li family keep themselves at this moment and enter the territory of the Shangyang lineage, even mountain patrollers will not dare to presumptuously in the ancestral land of the Shangyang lineage!

"Do not..."

The mountain patroller shook his head lightly, stretched out his hand, and slowly placed it on his black robe, uncovering his black robe!

"Look at who I am..."

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