Longevity Tianque

Chapter 1587 Abyss Altar

The mountain ranger has been crossing the universe, passing through a few small worlds in the middle, but the mountain ranger has no intention of letting Wang Changsheng go, instead, he speeds up again and again, even if he passes through small worlds, he doesn't look much glance.

On the contrary, it was Wang Changsheng who stopped clamoring at this meeting and kept silent instead.

Because, Wang Changsheng was completely shocked by those small worlds.


After a long time, Wang Changsheng came back to his senses, still shocked.

Wang Changsheng has seen many small worlds, whether it is the Shangyang branch of Weitian Realm back then, or the ruins of the Three Immortals, they all belong to the type of small worlds.

Small worlds are formed in various ways, some are formed by themselves, some are formed by powerful monks stripped from the realm, and some are formed after the death of monks who cultivated the world like Wang Changsheng!

No matter what kind, what Wang Changsheng saw was a small world that had died.

And now?

Where the mountain patroller carried Wang Changsheng, there were many small worlds moving slowly.

If Wang Changsheng guessed correctly, the direction in which these small worlds move is the direction of Zhanjie, and soon they will merge with Zhanjie to increase the area of ​​Zhanjie.

"According to this, there will be more and more small worlds, and they will all merge into the battle world. Doesn't it mean that the future battle world can also form its own world?" Wang Changsheng said in his heart.

The Nine Heavens Realm, there are nine heavens in total, divided into the lower three days, the middle three days and the upper three days. The battle world is only shrouded in it. A large part of the reason is that the area of ​​the battle world is smaller than that of the nine days. Words are still too small

However, no matter how small it is, it cannot stop these small worlds from constantly merging with the battle world.

Looking at the small world slowly moving in the stars, even in the small world, there are still many tyrannical auras sweeping outside the small world, indicating that there are strong people stationed in it.

Can Wang Changsheng not be shocked?

This was indeed the first time Wang Changsheng had seen such a situation.

Not long after, Wang Changsheng felt that the speed of the black-robed monk slowed down a bit, and finally, the black-robed monk stopped in front of a huge abyss.

"What is this for?"

Wang Changsheng was a little frightened.

For the abyss, Wang Changsheng was a little frightened. When he was in Jiuyou City, with the help of the mystery of Jiuyou City, Wang Changsheng was fortunate to return to the time when Jiuyou City had not been refined.

In that period of memory, Wang Changsheng could see clearly, whether it was Jiuyou City or Huangquan, they were all strong people who were dragged out of a huge abyss back then.

For this reason, the two strong men who made the Langcang sword and scabbard were buried in the hands of the abyss.

What that abyss is, Wang Changsheng doesn't know. These are also the two huge causes and effects involved in Langcang Sword and Jiuyou City, and Wang Changsheng doesn't have the strength to pursue the answer.

However, after that incident, Wang Changsheng had an instinctive fear of the abyss.

Even those strong men were buried in the hands of the abyss, let alone Wang Changsheng, a little monk like an ant.

That's right, even if he breaks through to the peak of the young master, he is like an ant in the entire Nine Heavens Realm.

Wang Changsheng knew that the abyss in front of him was not the abyss he saw by chance. The reason why Wang Changsheng was frightened was because he was afraid of the abyss. Wang Changsheng didn't know what this black-robed monk was going to do.

call out...

Suddenly, the black-robed monk standing above the abyss rushed directly into the abyss with Wang Changsheng in his arms.

"What are you going to do?"

Wang Changsheng immediately roared: "Senior, even if you want to kill me, can you find me a bright place..."

"Don't let me die here!"

The abyss is very mysterious, swallowing all the light, even with Wang Changsheng's eyesight, he can't see clearly what's going on inside the abyss. In such a strange place, Wang Changsheng dare not release his consciousness to investigate.

He was blind, he could see everything, Wang Changsheng could only judge that he was moving fast, but he didn't know the surrounding situation at all.

Not long after, Wang Changsheng felt the black-robed monk stop.


Wang Changsheng was directly thrown to the ground by the black-robed monk. After a few breaths, without moving, Wang Changsheng could see the surrounding situation slightly.

This place is indeed an abyss, bottomless, swallowed by darkness.

"The abyss should be the result of the turbulence of the void..."

Wang Changsheng said in his heart.

Wang Changsheng also knows a little about the formation of the abyss. Most of the abyss are the result of the turbulent flow of the void. The space cannot be healed for a long time, leaving the abyss to absorb all things in the world.

Even if it is light, the abyss can swallow it.

Of course, not every abyss is formed by the turbulence of the void. The abyss in the pictures seen in Jiuyou City is definitely not formed by the turbulence of the void, but there is great terror in it.

As time went by, Wang Changsheng saw more and more clearly that he was in an abyss, he couldn't see the exit from the top, and he couldn't see the bottom from the bottom, so he should be in the middle of the abyss.

Wang Changsheng didn't know where this abyss could lead from crossing from Zhanjie Xingyu.

Instead, not far from Wang Changsheng, there was an altar.

The altar was flickering and dark, the black-robed monk was standing on the altar at this moment, his body was shining with power, and the altar was also emitting bursts of mysterious light under the flickering power of the black-robed monk!


Wang Changsheng was puzzled.

In the cultivation world, altars have many uses, but it is not like ordinary people who can only be used for sacrifices.

In addition to offering sacrifices, the altar can also be used as a teleportation array.

Seeing the black-robed monk standing on the altar now, Wang Changsheng knew that the black-robed monk should be activating the teleportation array.

"What is this for? Is it taking me out of the battle world?"

Wang Changsheng guessed in his heart.

Thinking of this possibility, Wang Changsheng's face turned even darker.

It took me so much effort to finally come to Zhanjie. In the ruins of the Three Immortals, I experienced many hardships before I ended my trip to the ruins.

Although he was targeted by many great venerables, Wang Changsheng believed that with his own concealment skills, as long as the great venerables were not in front of him, he should not be able to recognize himself.

Therefore, after finally coming to Zhanjie, Wang Changsheng naturally wanted to stay in this place.

And the action of the black-robed monk, is he still going to take himself out of the battle world?

That won't work!

call out!

Immediately, the Peng Strike Technique was used, and Wang Changsheng's figure disappeared instantly, flying towards the outside of the abyss.

However, just after flying a certain distance, a huge force directly pressed on Wang Changsheng.


After falling, Wang Changsheng escaped for a distance, and was suppressed by the black-robed monk again.

"It's over..."

When escaping, Wang Changsheng knew that he might not be able to escape, but he had to try, right?

Unexpectedly, without even a little resistance, he was directly suppressed.

The difference in strength is too great!

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