Longevity Tianque

Chapter 1586 I Know

Regardless of what happened in the ruins of the Three Immortals, Wang Changsheng at this moment can only feel a sense of sorrow in his heart!


Wang Changsheng felt bitter and helpless.

Falling into the hands of those great lords, although the end will not be good, but for the sake of my blood, to be precise, for the sake of the Li family in Shangyang, those great lords should not kill me .

Because in his body is the true blood of the ancestral blood of the Shangyang Li family, once he kills himself, he will completely hate the Shangyang Li family.

Of course, in the best case, it must fall into the hands of the elders of the Li family. From the attitude of the head of the Li family, it can be seen that with the true blood of his ancestors, he will receive preferential treatment in the Li family in Shangyang.

Unexpectedly, he would end up in the hands of a monk who didn't know his origin.

"Senior, can you let me go..."

Wang Changsheng carefully probed.

From the time this strong man took action until he robbed himself, he never stayed in the ruins at all. Wang Changsheng knew that he was finished. Difference.

Wang Changsheng didn't see the fight between the mountain patroller and the Li family elders, otherwise he would be even more desperate. Isn't the mountain patroller no worse than the titled grand lord?Even stronger three points!

The ranger remained silent and did not speak.

"Senior, I really don't know how Jianmu entered Taoism. I am just a little cultivator in the realm of Shaozun. Let alone entering Taoism, even Dazun is an existence that is beyond reach for me. !"

The mountain ranger remained silent. No matter what Wang Changsheng said, the mountain ranger would not answer anything. It was precisely in this situation that Wang Changsheng found it even more difficult.

The mountain patroller completely refused to communicate, and it was useless to let Wang Changsheng talk about it.

After a lot of tossing, Wang Changsheng discovered that this strong man was just carrying himself along the road at an extremely fast speed. Moreover, he didn't need to distinguish the direction at all when he was driving in Xingyu, which showed that this strong man was very familiar with Xingyu.

However, Wang Changsheng was a little unwilling to let Wang Changsheng wait for death in silence.

From the beginning of cultivation until now, no matter how big the crisis is, Wang Changsheng will choose to resist and sit and wait for death, which is not Wang Changsheng's behavior style.

It's just that when encountering a monk like Mountain Ranger who doesn't respond at all, and whose strength is ridiculously strong, Wang Changsheng can be suppressed with a single thought, and Wang Changsheng can't think of a way to break the situation.


After thinking for a while, Wang Changsheng gritted his teeth and said, "I am a member of the Shangyang Li family, and I have the true blood of the Shangyang Li family's ancestral blood. If you are against me, the Shangyang Li family will not let you go!"

Since his own means cannot break free from the current predicament, Wang Changsheng can only rely on external forces, and the Shangyang lineage is the only powerful force Wang Changsheng can rely on.

As for the Qingshanmen, Wang Changsheng simply ignored it.

The strongest person in the Qingshan Gate, the Great Master Qingshan is only at the level of a great master. If Wang Changsheng's guess is correct, the strength of the Great Master Qingshan is also relatively low among the great masters.

In the face of this mysterious strongman, Qingshan Gate is obviously not easy to use, so it depends on the name of Shangyang Yimai.

The mountain patroller remained silent and did not respond to Wang Changsheng's threat, but Wang Changsheng felt that his speed had sped up a bit.

"Senior, don't you know the Shangyang vein?!"

Wang Changsheng continued to speak. As long as the mountain rangers don't suppress him, Wang Changsheng intends to keep talking. There is no way, for the sake of his own life, Wang Changsheng just wants to let himself live.

"Senior, let me tell you about the Shangyang lineage. They are a great clan with great strength and tyrannical strength. There are countless great masters in the clan!"

"You have seen the ruins of the Three Immortals, right? It is the ancestral land of the Mu Clan. The Mu Clan has been exterminated for so many years, and the preserved power can still be so strong. The Shangyang lineage must be stronger!"

"Senior, if you let me go, I can make Shangyang's lineage forget the past!"

"Senior, believe me, I have the true blood of the ancestral blood of the Shangyang lineage, and my status in the Shangyang lineage is not low!"


Voices kept coming out of Wang Changsheng's mouth. These words were all adding weight to the Shangyang Meridian. As long as this mysterious strong man feared the Shangyang Meridian, he would have the hope of surviving.

"Senior, no matter where you take me, I have the ancestral true blood of the Shangyang lineage in my body, and they all know where I am!"

Wang Changsheng continued: "You can't escape!"

"Once I die, the bloodline induction will remain on your body, and you will face the pursuit of the entire Shangyang lineage!"

"Senior, why don't you just put me down in front of me, so that everyone can get together and relax..."

The Ranger remained silent.

Even Wang Changsheng felt that the mountain ranger was deaf?

I said so much, didn't the mountain patroller listen to a word?

lay down?

Gather or go away?

I'm afraid Wang Changsheng is confused. If other monks heard Wang Changsheng's words, they might really let Wang Changsheng go out of fear of Shangyang's lineage.

Just like the previous strong man in the later stage of the Great Master, he did not threaten Wang Changsheng, but instead regarded Wang Changsheng as a hot potato. Isn't it because of the fear of Shangyang's lineage?

At least the Three Immortals Sect is reasonable, but the Shangyang School does not make sense at all.

It's a pity that the one who robbed Wang Changsheng was a mountain patroller, an existence that even some great masters don't know about.

From the old words of the Li family, we can also see the fear of mountain patrollers.

It is simply impossible for Wang Changsheng to escape in this way.

"Senior, I am a member of the Shangyang lineage, and I have the true blood of my ancestors..."

Wang Changsheng continued to mutter.

"I know..."

Just when Wang Changsheng didn't have any hope, suddenly, a hoarse voice came from the ranger's throat. Just hearing this voice, Wang Changsheng knew that the ranger's voice had been processed, and he hid himself original voice.


Hearing the voice of the mountain patroller, Wang Changsheng was immediately stunned. He babbled here for a long time, and finally got a response. Wang Changsheng instantly felt tears welling up in his eyes.

Even, Wang Changsheng felt that asking the mountain ranger to respond to him was like seeing the hope of living.

"Senior, do you know?"

Wang Changsheng immediately said: "It's good to know, how about this, you just find a place in front and put me down, and I will find the way back by myself!"

Although Wang Changsheng didn't know where he was in Xingyu, it was better than falling into the hands of this mysterious strongman!

Therefore, as long as he can get out of the clutches of the devil, it doesn't matter even if he throws himself in the Xingyu.

However, after the mountain patroller only said the three words "I know", he didn't make any response. He carried Wang Changsheng and crossed the universe at an extremely fast speed.

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