Wild Romance

Chapter 203 Doing Good Deeds Extends Life

"Master, since my brother and I are destined to have bad luck, then our fates are not the same?" Wei Xiaoping asked.

"You two are twin brothers, and the hours of animals are about the same. As a teacher, I guess they are about the same!" Master Xuanzhe asked.

"This time I was injured and fell into a coma. I went to the underworld. When I returned to the underworld, Lord Yan said something to my apprentice. I will never forget it, and I have been thinking about it..."

Master Xuanzhe and Zhang Xiaoyan were immediately curious when they heard Xiaoping mentioning the matter of him in the underworld, because neither Master Xuanzhe nor Zhang Xiaoyan had experienced past events in the underworld, and even rarely heard of them. Not only have they heard about the underworld, but people they know have experienced it, and even brought back two ghost dogs from the underworld...

Master Xuan Zhe said: "What did Lord Yan say to you?"

Wei Xiaoping said: "When my two ghost dogs were about to come back, Lord Yan told me that my lifespan should have ended the day before yesterday, but because my conduct was praised by the world both in the previous life and in the present life, So the old man was also touched by me. In order to allow people of such noble qualities as me to do more useful things for the world, Lord Yan made an exception to extend my lifespan in this world. As for how much to extend my lifespan, Lord Yan said that this is a matter of time. The secret is also a secret, so I don’t need to know it! He asked that after returning to the yang world, he must do more good deeds for the human beings in the world, so that my yang life will be automatically extended or shortened according to the amount of good deeds I do!”

Master Xuanzhe thought for a while, and said: "In this way, it is not me and your uncle who really saved your life, but the god of life and death who is in charge of the lives of gods and gods—Yan Wangye, he prolongs your life, so you Don't die for now."

Zhang Xiaoyan also said: "Unexpectedly, there is such a thing as hell! Brother Xiaoping, if your lifespan is extended by Lord Yan, and he asks you to do more good deeds for mankind, then your lifespan will be automatically extended. In this way, it seems It’s not difficult, if you do good deeds often, you’ll get it? Has he asked you to do enough good deeds?”

Xiaoping said: "This Lord Yan didn't say anything! I was wondering if Xiaoping should have the same experience as me, and then Lord Yan made an exception to prolong his life..."

Master Xuanzhe heard what Xiaoping said, and thought to himself, the reason why Lord Yan extended Xiaoping's life was because Xiaoping's character was good, whether in the previous life or in this life, which moved Lord Yan deeply and broke his life. Doing more good deeds for human beings can prolong life.But, Wei Xiaofan, what he is doing now, how can it be a good deed?He is helping the enemy country to attack the country where he grew up!Is this a good thing?He stabbed his brother seriously, is this a good thing?Before Wei Xiaofan was kidnapped, he had been cultivating in the Qingfeng temple. He helped the temple to do good deeds, but he didn't go out and do any good deeds!As for whether he often did good deeds in his previous life, it is even more unknown.

Master Xuanzhe said: "Teacher Xiaoping, according to what you said, Lord Yan made an exception to prolong your life because he saw that you often did good deeds and good character in your previous and present lives. Before, he usually practiced in Guanli. Ken didn’t go anywhere to do any good deeds, but we don’t know what he has been like since he was taken away. The enemy army came to attack the country where you grew up. Such a thing should not be regarded as a good deed. According to the condition that Lord Yama gave you to prolong your life, my teacher believes that the little fan student may not have the same experience as you. "

After hearing this, Xiaoping felt a little more at ease. If it is true as what Master said, Brother Xiaofan may not have the experience that I met Lord Yama, and if he did not meet Lord Yama, it means that his life span may not be as short as mine... …

Master is right, maybe Xiaofan brother may not have experienced life and death, and may not have met the Lord Hades, if this is the case, it proves that his life span is longer than mine, so...

"Didn't you say, Master, that a person's lifespan is determined by the time of birth, even if the time of birth is slightly different, it is different, so my brother's lifespan should be different from mine." Xiaoping said.

Master Xuan Zhe said: "Maybe not necessarily, but we still find him as soon as possible and bring him back, so that we can rest assured."

Zhang Xiaoyan said: "Yes, Uncle Master is right, Brother Xiaoping, shouldn't we go earlier?"

Master Xuanzhe said: "Yes, I'll go first. I'll tell you about Guanli as a teacher, so I'll go out. In order to expand the scope of the search, the teacher will search separately from you. ——You use a whistle to send a message Give Rhubarb and tell him to come to me."

Wei Xiaoping immediately whistled a message to Rhubarb.

Immortal Xuanzhe suddenly thought of something, and said, "Xiaoping, the fact that you came out to look for Xiaofan is a private matter, did you tell the king or General Zhang Lingpu?"

Wei Xiaoping then said that the king wanted to talk to him alone, and simply said that he would listen to Master Xuanzhe, but he didn't say anything about Huang Jingrui asking him to inquire about Shi Huiguo's military situation.

Master Xuanzhe heard this, and said: "The king Huang Jingrui is not bad. The matter of looking for Xiaofan is not about public or private. As long as you find Xiaofan and bring Xiaofan back, it will be beneficial to Qingfeng Kingdom!"

Zhang Xiaoyan remembered being demoted yesterday, and said, "What's so good about the king, because of a small matter, I demoted brother Xiaoping's position!"

Xiaoping heard that Zhang Xiaoyan was going to talk about being demoted, and wanted to stop Zhang Xiaoyan, but it was too late.

Master Xuanzhe heard this and felt something was wrong, so he asked what was going on.

Seeing that Xiaoping couldn't hide it, he told his master about his demotion in detail.

Immediately, Master Xuanzhe was furious and said, "Huang Jingrui seems to have done nothing wrong at ordinary times, what did he do so stupidly this time? Xiaoping, what you did this time was indeed wrong, but Yan'er went in to see when you were still awake. There is nothing wrong with you! You actually demoted Yan'er because of this matter? What's more, the two of you did not bring actual losses to Qingfeng Country!"

Zhang Xiaoyan also said: "That's right, it's really too much to demote brother Xiaoping to an ordinary soldier because of this."

Immortal Xuanzhe suddenly thought of something, was puzzled for a while, and said: "It's strange, you deliberately asked Xiaofan to hit you with three tricks in the battle of Twin Peaks, your uncle has already told Huang Xianlin to tell his subordinates not to say anything, and your uncle also told Huang Xianlin that Xiaofan is your younger brother. Instruct Huang Xianlin to instruct his subordinates not to reveal themselves, why did Li Chaoqian know about it? On the other hand, General Zhang Lingpu is your superior, but you don't know?"

Hearing what Master Xuanzhe said, Zhang Xiaoyan also felt that it made sense. Why didn't my father know about it first because my brother Xiaoping and I were superiors?On the contrary, Li Chaoqian knew it first?

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