Wild Romance

Chapter 202 Talking about Xiaofan and Tears Again

"Disciple Wei Xiaoping pays homage to Master!"

"Meet Master!"

Just as Wei Xiaoping and Zhang Xiaoyan walked into the practice square of Qingfeng Temple, they saw Master Xuanzhe come out with a few disciples, and they immediately stepped forward to see him.

Some disciples in the Qingfeng Temple saw Wei Xiaoping and Zhang Xiaoyan bringing two three-headed monsters in. Although these two monsters were even ugly, they were docile and not afraid, so they gathered around and pointed to discuss.

"Ping'er, are you fully recovered?" Master Xuanzhe saw Wei Xiaoping walking lightly, with a radiant face and high spirits, and knew that his body had recovered well, maybe even better than before the injury.

"Thank you, Master, for your concern! My disciple is as good as ever." Then, he turned around and said to Boss Ma and Niu: "Boss Ma and Niu Dahua, come and pay respects to Master!"

Boss Ma and Niu Dahua heard the master's call, immediately yelled at the Taoist disciple standing in front, and walked towards Master Xuanzhe.

The Taoist disciples watching saw the two monsters bark suddenly, thinking they were going to attack them, so they backed away in fear.

Boss Ma Niu Dahua walked towards Master Xuanzhe, walked up to him, bent his legs towards Master Xuanzhe, and knelt down.

Master Xuanzhe immediately said: "Boss Ma, Niu Dahua, you all get up!"

Seeing this, a newly arrived student next to him thought to himself, aren't these two monsters just animals?What can make a beast bow down to the master?

The new disciple immediately said: "Brother, why do you make these two beasts kneel down to worship the master? Let others see it and think that the master really accepts two monster beasts as apprentices. What do you want others to think of the master? "

The two ghost dogs, Horse Boss and Niu Dahua, were reincarnated from three couples, and they always thought they were human beings. Now when they heard that they were called animals, they became angry and immediately barked at the person who said they were animals.

Master Xuanzhe heard Xiaoping talk about the origin of these two ghost dogs before, and knew that they were also human beings, so he immediately told his disciples: "To be moral, don't be disrespectful to the horse boss! In fact, they are also reincarnated from human beings. You cursed people for no reason. .Apologize to them quickly!"

The disciple named Daoyi heard this and immediately apologized to Boss Ma and Niu Dahua.

Then Master Xuanzhe dismissed his disciples and told Wei Xiaoping, Zhang Xiaoyan and the two ghost dogs to enter the house.

"Yan'er, Xiaoping, you came here this time, are you discussing with me as a teacher to find Xiaofan?" After everyone was done, Master Xuanzhe asked.

"Master's Fayan is amazing! Exactly!" Wei Xiaoping said.

"Uncle, what did you tell?" Zhang Xiaoyan asked.

"Look at the luggage you are carrying, it's just a guess!"

"Master, apart from saying goodbye to the master, the most important thing is to ask the master for advice. Is there a way to find my younger brother Xiaofan so that the disciple can use it as a reference." Xiaoping said.

Master Xuanzhe said: "Disciple Xiaoping, I have been thinking about finding Xiaofan for a while now, and I can't find a good way. However, my teacher believes that through this battle with Shi Huiguo, The other party knows, and we have already learned that Xiao Fan is in Shi Huiguo. In order to avoid our search, the other party may transfer Xiao Fan to other places-this is just my guess, but no matter what, if you want to find Xiao Fan, the first step must be Start with Shi Hui Nation!"

Wei Xiaoping said: "I think so too."

Master Xuanzhe said: "Xiaoping, why didn't I see you bring rhubarb here?"

"Rhubarb was called by me to help senior brother Huang Xianlin. These two ghost dogs have just become my subordinates. Moreover, when they were in the underworld, they were specially sent by Lord Yan to do things with me. Therefore, I want to take them here temporarily. Be around for a while."

Master Xuanzhe said: "

do not you know?Rhubarb's nose is very powerful. Didn't you take Rhubarb with you to the battle of Twin Peaks that day?Rhubarb probably remembered Xiaofan's smell, and if he took Rhubarb there, he might soon know where Xiaofan was with his nose. "

Wei Xiaoping suddenly realized, and said: "That's right! If Master didn't mention it, I really couldn't think of this method. That day Rhubarb was fighting with Xiaofan's mount. I guess it should be Xiaofan's mount smell!"

Zhang Xiaoyan also said: "Since this is the case, brother Xiaoping, can you also ask Dahuang to go with you?"

Wei Xiaoping was about to say something, but Master Xuanzhe said: "How about this, Ping'er, you and Yan'er, I will take Da Huang with me later."

Xiaoping was surprised and said: "Master is also going together? That's great! But Master has gone, for fear of delaying the affairs of the Taoist temple!"

Master Xuanzhe said: "Disciple Xiaoping, you don't have to worry. Since you can talk about it as a teacher, you must first make arrangements for the Taoist temple!"

Xiaoping immediately knelt down and said, "Master! Xiaofan and I are too unfilial! Let Master worry about it!"

Master Xuanzhe said: "Indeed! Among all the disciples of Quan Qingfeng Temple, you and Xiaofan are indeed the couple that worries me the most! Especially Xiaofan! After so many years of disappearance, there is not a single day when Master Rang does not miss him. !"

Xiaoping immediately knelt down and said, "I'm sorry, Master! I'm sorry, Master! This disciple is unfilial!" As he spoke, tears fell like rain.

Zhang Xiaoyan on the side also burst into tears, turned her head away, and kept wiping her face with her sleeve.

Master Xuanzhe helped Xiaoping up and said, "Why are you crying? Don't cry! Although I said this as a teacher, I didn't really blame you in my heart! If I really blamed you and thought you were troublesome, I wouldn't take you up the mountain as a teacher. "

Hearing this, Xiaoping remembered something, and said, "Master, I remember that when you brought me and my brother here, you told us that at a certain age, my brother and I would suffer from serious diseases that would last a long time. , or encounter natural disasters and man-made disasters, the only way to avoid this disaster is to follow Master to go up the mountain to practice Taoism, martial arts and fitness. I don’t know, what Master said at that time, is it the two things that my brother and I encountered this time? thing?"

Master Xuanzhe thought for a while, and said: "Actually, as a teacher, I am not very accurate in predicting this, but it is just about the same. Let's forget it at that time, and now you two brothers are on each side and hurt each other. predict!"

Zhang Xiaoyan said: "What the uncle measured at the beginning may be the disaster that Brother Xiaoping and Brother Xiaofan have encountered now, but, Brother Xiaoping, you have Master and Uncle to rescue you, so you will be out of danger soon, and you will be rescued soon. It’s good to come here, but Brother Xiaofan is not here, no one can help him, so I don’t know what’s going on now!”

Zhang Xiaoyan said, thinking of Xiaofan leaving everyone so quickly, not knowing why he came here, couldn't help but shed tears again.

When Wei Xiaoping heard Xiaoyan say this, tears filled his eyes again.

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