Wild Romance

Chapter 204 The Ten Thousand Beasts and Monster Country May Attack

"Besides, yesterday at the court, this Li Chaoqian made a big fuss about me and my little brother. I don't know what's going on!" Zhang Xiaoyan said slightly angrily.

Wei Xiaoping said: "Yan'er, don't talk about this anymore. Li Chaoqian did this for the good of our Qingfeng country. Besides, what we did was really wrong."

After listening to Xiaoyan's words, Master Xuanzhe said that Zhang Xiaoyan and Xiaoping's punishment was a foregone conclusion, so he didn't say anything else. What he cared about was who told Li Xiaoping that Wei Xiaofan made three moves in the battle between Wei Xiaoping's Twin Peaks and did not fight back. Ahead?Moreover, Li Chaoqian also knew that Wei Xiaoping was a rare general in the Qingfeng army camp, why did he want to get rid of Wei Xiaoping just because of this incident?

"Unexpectedly, so many things happened the day before yesterday! Yan'er, what else happened?" Xuan Zhe asked.

Zhang Xiaoyan thought for a while, and said: "There is another thing to be thankful for, that is, the ten big wolf eagles that subdued the Ten Thousand Beasts Demon Kingdom the day before yesterday."

Master Xuanzhe said in surprise, "The Kingdom of the Thousand Beasts? The Kingdom of the Thousand Beasts is more than 8000 miles away from here. Why do they come here from such a distance?"

Wei Xiaoping said: "They came to the wild continent to travel around, and plundered some people from all over the place to live and reproduce in their place."

Zhang Xiaoyan said: "Uncle Master also knows about the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Beasts and Demons?"

Master Xuanzhe said: "The Kingdom of Beasts and Demons was founded by a couple named Zhang Tongming and Tao Wenyun. This Tongming is also a person who cultivates immortality and Taoism. I naturally know him, and I also know something about his abnormal relationship with Tao Wenyun. ——In the past, I only knew that they created this kingdom, which was mostly beast members, and when the couple practiced a kind of fairy art kung fu, because they did not practice according to the sequence, and in the process of cultivation, their luck was random. The vitality in his body was disordered, and he trained himself to be crazy, so he practiced magic skills all over his body. Later, when the couple founded this country, because there were no humans living in Wanshou Mountain, there were only Zhang Tong and his wife. After being captured and domesticated, he also taught those wild beasts all of his magic skills, and let those beasts learn magic skills to serve Zhang Tong and his wife. As more and more beasts were captured, the couple sprouted Their group formed a country, so they called this country the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Beasts and Demons. come to form."

"What Wei Zhong said is the same as what you said, uncle." Zhang Xiaoyan said.

"Wei Zhong? Who is Wei Zhong? How can he understand the affairs of the Ten Thousand Beasts and Demon Kingdom?" Daoist Xuanzhe asked.

Xiaoping said: "Master, Wei Zhong, is the leader who brought ten wolf eagles to our Qingfeng country to arrest people this time. He is also the beast trainer of the Wanshou Yao kingdom."

"Wolf sculpture? What is this wolf sculpture? I have lived as a teacher for so many years, and I have traveled many mountains and rivers in the country, but this is the first time I hear this name!" Xuanzhe said.

Wei Xiaoping and Zhang Xiaoyan discussed how to subdue Wei Zhong and the ten wolf eagles, how the beast tamers mated the giant eagle with the big wild wolf to produce wolf eagles, how Wei Zhong was captured and sent to the kingdom of ten thousand beasts and demons, etc. The matter, I briefly told it and listened to Xuan Zhe.

Master Xuanzhe listened and nodded frequently. When he heard how Wanshou Yaoguo punished the defectors, he became serious and said: "Pinger Yaner, this time I surrendered Wei Zhong and his ten wolf eagles. In terms of military, Qingfeng Kingdom has improved its military strength, but from now on, it may be against the Ten Thousand Beasts and Demon Kingdom."

Xiaoping thought about it carefully and said: "Master is right. Wei Zhong said that there was a beast trainer who used the opportunity of coming out to arrest people and escaped from the Ten Thousand Beasts and Demon Kingdom. Find the person who defected, and then take him back to be sentenced to death, and then feed the wolves."

Master Xuanzhe said: "Only one person escaped, and a department was sent to search for it for a year. After the person was found, he was sentenced to death. This shows how strict the regulations of this kingdom of beasts and demons are. Sending them a training beast and ten wolf eagles with such strong fighting power would be a greater loss to them. If they knew that Wei Zhong and the ten wolf eagles had surrendered to Qingfeng Kingdom, they would definitely not let it go. The person who came to ask for the surrender and the ten wolf eagles. It may be inevitable to fight them!"

Zhang Xiaoyan said: "Uncle Master is right. Just imagine, if only one animal trainer escaped, they would send someone to search for it for a year. What's more, there were ten wolf eagles this time, which caused them a lot of loss. Therefore, Wan Beast Monster The country may not let it go!"

"It seems that we need to remind General Zhang and Brother Xianlin to prepare in advance!" Wei Xiaoping said.

Master Xuanzhe said: "Judging from what Wei Zhong said, the military strength of the current Ten Thousand Beasts and Monsters Kingdom should not be considered weak, and may even rival any gang from any country on the Wild Continent."

Xiaoping said: "The Kingdom of Beasts and Monsters has been established for so many years. If it is true what Wei Zhong said, they would go to the wild land every month to arrest people. They have been arresting for decades, and they have also captured all kinds of beasts. If we train, then their strength is really strong now. Take the ten wolf eagles from the day before yesterday, without me and the two ghost dogs, it would be difficult for ordinary soldiers to deal with them!"

Zhang Xiaoyan also said: "I heard from Wei Zhong that if his ten wolf eagles are dealing with ordinary soldiers, one can kill a thousand soldiers, that is to say, one wolf eagle can kill at least a thousand soldiers. Wei Zhong said that the fighting power of his ten wolf eagles is only above the middle level among all the monsters in the Beast Kingdom. Kill thousands of ordinary soldiers."

Wei Xiaoping said: "Of course, as for the current strength of the Ten Thousand Beasts and Monster Kingdom, we are only guessing. The exact number is unknown, but it is better to be prepared to prevent being attacked than to be unprepared. !"

Master Xuanzhe said: "Teacher Xiaoping, Yan'er, you are right. You should remind General Zhang Lingpu and Huang Xianlin to prepare in advance. Also, since that person named Wei Zhong can train wild animals, let him Arrange a suitable job for him, ask him to take people to some deep mountains and wild forests, capture some wild animals and let him train them, which may come in handy in the future.”

Wei Xiaoping heard this, and immediately said: "That's right, since that Wei Zhong knows how to train animals, let him take people to the deep mountains and wild forests to catch some wild animals and bring them back for training. After training, they can also go out to kill the enemy in the future. And notify the Armament Department Tell them to make more fiery arrows. These fiery arrows are very lethal against giant flying birds! The day before yesterday, it was General Zhang who asked the archers to shoot those wolf sculptures with fiery arrows, causing the abdomen of those wolf sculptures to be crushed. Only when the fire burns can they be forced to surrender!"

Hearing what Wei Xiaoping said, Zhang Xiaoyan remembered seeing the abdomens of the seven wolf carvings the day before yesterday. They were all black as if they had been burned, and they smelled like they were burnt. They were used by his father's archers Hit by a fiery arrow.

"These wolf eagles shot by the fiery arrows, I don't know when they will grow full of feathers!" Zhang Xiaoyan smirked when she thought of this.

Master Xuanzhe heard this, stroked his beard and laughed, and said, "Disciple Xiaoping, your explosive arrow is well designed, hahahaha..."

Xiaoping felt a little embarrassed, and said: "Master, it's not too late, Yan'er and I will go back and tell General Zhang and Brother Xianlin that we will be prepared in advance no matter whether the kingdom of beasts and demons comes to attack us or not! "

Zhang Xiaoyan also said: "Yes, after we come out, we will go directly to Shi Huiguo to find Brother Xiaofan's whereabouts!"

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