Wild Romance

Chapter 201 Rhubarb Jealous

Wei Xiaoping continued to think about the process of being taken in by his master Xuan Zhe when he was about five years old.

Wei Xiaoping still remembers what his master said when he was about five years old, after taking him from his parents to go to Qingfeng Temple.

At that time, Master Xuanzhe said that his two brothers had strange looks, extraordinary intelligence, and extraordinary understanding, but after they reached a certain age, they would suffer from serious diseases that could not be cured for a long time, or natural and man-made disasters; According to Taoism, only by practicing martial arts and keeping fit, and often doing things that benefit the country and the people, can this disaster be avoided.

"Could it be that my disaster that the master said before was the incident of being pierced through the heart by my brother this time? If so, then I'm already healed now, have I survived that disaster?

Where is my brother?Since he was plundered by everyone more than ten years ago, and he still doesn't know what will happen to him, does this count as your brother's fate?

"Brother Xiaoping, what are you thinking?" Seeing Wei Xiaoping's misty eyes, Zhang Xiaoyan seemed to be thinking about something and asked.

"I was thinking about how to find my younger brother faster!" Wei Xiaoping said.

At this time, two ghost dogs and Da Huang came to Xiaoping and Zhang Xiaoyan.

When the three beasts came to Wei Xiaoping, they babbled and yelled at Wei Xiaoping, as if they were fighting to talk to Wei Xiaoping.

Wei Xiaoping touched Rhubarb with his hand and said, "Brother Huang, this time I'm going to take Boss Ma and Niu Dahua on a long journey. I'm not in the barracks. You can go to Senior Brother Huang Xianlin and let him take you temporarily."

When Da Huang heard that Wei Xiaoping didn't let him go out with him, he immediately became sad, and then thought, it's because of the existence of these two three-headed monsters that the master wouldn't let me go out with him.

Since I have known my master for more than ten years, there have not been many days when I have not been with him. These two three-headed monsters have just arrived for less than two days, but the master left them behind and let them follow. They are so ugly, why did the master still bring them back.

Rhubarb really couldn't figure it out, so he turned his head away and yelled at Boss Ma and Niu, meaning, you two ugly monsters, what kind of insane method did you use to make my master follow you?Go away, as far as you can, than the master who came here to seduce me.

The two ghost dogs were not reconciled to being scolded. Boss Ma said: "We were entrusted by Lord Yan to follow our master to Yangjian to help him make meritorious deeds and kill demons. What are we seducing the master? Besides, we are not What kind of monster, we were reincarnated by six people and became like this, according to the ranking of wisdom, our humans are much smarter than beasts like you! I don’t know how to be polite, and I can only curse when I speak.”

Niu Dahua also barked at the rhubarb and said, "That's right! A beast is a beast! If it's not for the sake of the person, we two will make you look good!"

When Da Huang heard Niu's big talk, he also retorted: "My good looks, what did you give me? My good looks are born, what did you two give me?"

Wei Xiaoping laughed when he heard this.

Zhang Xiaoyan, who was nearby, saw Wei Xiaoping and asked Wei Xiaoping why he was laughing.

Wei Xiaoping translated Niu Dahua and Dahuang's words to Zhang Xiaoyan, and Zhang Xiaoyan giggled when she heard it.

Rhubarb saw Zhang Xiaoyan and the owner Wei Xiaoping petting it, and also saw the two ghost dogs barking non-stop, seeming to be laughing at it, and thought, maybe he said something wrong, which made the owner endure it. I couldn't help laughing at me, so I lowered my head.

Wei Xiaoping patted Rhubarb's head, and said: "Brother Huang, these two ghost dogs were sent by Lord Yan to come back with me. They came back with me for the first time and have never seen the world. I have something to go out and take them away by the way." Let's go, don't be jealous! Be good! Hurry up and find Senior Brother Huang Xianlin and see if he needs help!"

Seeing what the master said, Rhubarb shook his head and nodded, showing helplessness, then nodded to Wei Xiaoping, then backed up a few steps, turned around, threw himself on the ground, leaped into the air, and spread his huge wings , Flying away one by one, stretching and closing, and disappearing into the air after only a dozen or so stretches and closes.

Looking at the rhubarb flying away, Wei Xiaoping suddenly felt distressed.

Ever since he met Da Huang, in Wei Xiaoping's memory, it seems that there has never been a day when he would ask Da Huang to leave him!

Even if there was, it would only be a day or two away, not to mention that before, he only had Dahuang as a pet beast, unlike today, he had two ghost dogs competing for favor with him.

Now, I brought back the ghost dog horse boss and Niu Dahua from the underworld. In order to let the two ghost dogs follow me to find my younger brother, I actually asked Da Huang to leave me, which made Da Huang sad.

Wei Xiaoping curled the thumb and index finger of his right palm into a circle, and whistled sadly in the direction where Rhubarb was flying.

Before Wei Xiaoping finished his whistle, the sound of rhubarb crackling came from the air.

It turned out that Wei Xiaoping said to Da Huang, brother Huang, don't be sad, be magnanimous, don't have conflicts with Boss Ma and Niu Dahua, the three of you are my good partners!I will be back soon.

Rhubarb also responded in the air, Master, don’t worry, I won’t be sad, just whistle to let me know if there is anything wrong, and I will come to you soon.

After hearing Rhubarb's reply, Xiaoping asked Ma Boss and Niu Dahua to come forward, then asked Zhang Xiaoyan to ride on Niu Dahua's back, and jumped on Ma Boss' back, then taught Zhang Xiaoyan to hold on to the chain around Niu Dahua's neck, and he also held on to the horse. The boss put a chain around his neck and said, Boss Ma, the cow is talking big, fly up, and fly in the direction of Qingfeng Mountain.

"Brother Xiaoping, the flying skills of these two Nether Dogs are quite powerful, probably not inferior to Rhubarb!" Zhang Xiaoyan saw that Niu Dahua was flying too fast, and was afraid of accidentally falling off, so he held onto Niu Dahua's iron chain tightly. And the desire to pinch the cow and the big flower with both legs, said.

Wei Xiaoping said: "In the previous life, the two of them foraged alone in the deep mountains and old forests to support themselves. When they grew up, they often hunted by themselves, fighting with wild animals in the forest every day. The three bodies are concentrated on one body, which is equivalent to the power of three big dogs, so the power is huge; later, it was a gatekeeper for the consultation of the crossing of all things in the underworld. After watching it for hundreds of years, sometimes it often fights with some things in the underworld , As time goes by, the strength will become stronger and stronger. After hundreds of years of training, it is conceivable that the strength is so great!"

After hearing this, Zhang Xiaoyan thought the same thing, after such a long period of training and experience, it is strange that her strength is not so great!

Because Boss Ma's flying speed is fast, the distance from the military camp to Qingfeng Temple on Qingfeng Mountain is hundreds of miles away, and the two of them arrived at Qingfeng Temple only after eating a bowl of rice without sweeping.

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