Wild Romance

Chapter 185 Wei Zhong Comes from the Beast and Demon Kingdom

Chapter 180 Five, Wei Zhong is a Beast Trainer

When Wei Xiaoping saw that Wei Zhong called him a general, he immediately said: "Hey, brother Wei Zhong, I told you in Jiangjia Village just now that I am no longer a general! From now on, you and I will be called brothers! This way we will not be separated from each other. It is easier for everyone to get along with the subordinates and subordinates, and if the subordinates are separated, there will be divisions."

Seeing what Wei Xiaoping said, Wei Zhong became excited and said, "What's the matter, General!—"

"Hey, Brother Wei, stop it! Please call me Brother Xiaoping, okay?" Wei Xiaoping hurriedly said.

Wei Zhong became embarrassed, and said hesitantly: "—Okay—Okay! But—Xiaoping—brother, since this is the case, then we should call each other brothers from now on. But, I personally think that we should call each other brothers, Sometimes, it depends on the occasion. No matter what you say, your ability is better than all of us here. Moreover, although you have been cut off as a general now, or even reduced to an ordinary soldier, that is just For the time being, I believe that with your noble principles and superb skills, it will be a matter of time before you make meritorious service on the battlefield. After you have made meritorious service, the king will definitely restore you to your position. At that time, in public, We still call you according to your position, brother Xiaoping, and in private, we call you brother, brother Xiaoping, what do you think?"

Hearing what Wei Zhong said, Wei Xiaoping thought for a while, and said, "Brother Wei, you are right! After all, the state owns the state law. At that time, if everyone can really be granted a position by the king, everyone will be commensurate with their position in public and privately. Call them brothers, it will be easier for everyone to get along with each other."

Wei Zhong said: "Okay, then in private, we will call you brothers. If you are restored to your post by the king in the future, brother, I will call you by your position in public!"

Wei Xiaoping said: "Well, this makes it appear that we get along with each other on an equal footing! Well, Brother Wei, in order to make it easier for everyone to get along and meet each other in the future, let me introduce their situation to you."

As Wei Xiaoping said, he took Wei Zhong to the Nether Dog Horse Boss and Niu Dahua and said: "These two monsters with three heads are the subordinates I just brought back from the underworld to the underworld last night. It's called Ma Boss, and it's called Niu Dahua—”

Wei Zhong was surprised when Wei Xiaoping said that he had just returned from the underworld, and said, "Brother Xiaoping, what did you just say? Back from the underworld?"

Wei Xiaoping smiled slightly, and said: "This is a long story, I will tell you later when I have time. Now let me introduce you to the two bosses of the ghost dog, Niu Dahua and Dahuang, so that we can meet and say hello in the future. !"

Wei Zhong said: "Okay! Thank you Brother Xiaoping!" After finishing speaking, he thought to himself, what did Wei Xiaoping just say that he had just returned from the underworld?Is there really a place like hell in this world?I have heard people say that there is a hell in this world before, but I didn't take it seriously at the time, but Wei Xiaoping, who just met him now, even said that he just came back from the hell!

After Wei Xiaoping introduced the monster Rhubarb, Nether Dog Horse Boss and Niu Dahua to Wei Zhong, Wei Zhong introduced himself and his ten wolf eagles to Ma Boss, Niu Dahua and Da Huang.

After Wei Zhong introduced himself, Boss Ma, Niu Dahua and Rhubarb, he knew that the man who brought these wolf eagles to attack Jiangjia Village came from the kingdom of ten thousand beasts and demons five or six thousand miles away.

This Wei Zhong is in his 30s and was born in a small village in Shi Huiguo. His father, Wei Tao, is a senior animal trainer in Shi Huiguo.

When Yang Sancheng, the king of Shihui Kingdom, first established Shihui Kingdom in Shili, there were too few soldiers, and Shili's population was not large, so he recruited few soldiers.

Once, when Yang Sancheng led his troops to fight against a gang, when he passed a valley, he suddenly heard the cries of wild wolves and giant eagles not far ahead, mixed with the roar of tigers.

Yang Sancheng sent his men to investigate.After a while, the spies came back and said that a man was commanding a dozen wild wolves and a dozen giant eagles to besiege the two tigers. Under the command of the man, the two tigers had been subdued by the wild wolves and the giant eagles.

When Yang Sancheng heard this, he suddenly had a whim, I just established the Shihui Gang, because the local personnel are scarce and there is a shortage of soldiers. In addition to forcing some local villagers to join, the usual source of soldiers is that on the battlefield, after working hard to defeat the enemy , try to kill as few prisoners as possible, bring back the captured enemy soldiers, and use various lures or threats to coerce the prisoners into the Shihui Gang, but in this way, the source of soldiers is still not easy to find.On the Wild Continent, there are many wild beasts in the deep mountains. If we can capture them and train them to become the fierce beasts for our gang, wouldn't that solve part of the source of troops?

So Yang Sancheng sent soldiers to negotiate with the man who commanded the wolves and the giant eagle to defeat the two tigers, intending to recruit him into the Shi Hui Gang as a beast trainer.

That man didn't want to make romances at first, and Yang Sancheng threatened to kill his whole family and lured him with a generous reward. In the end, this man had no choice but to agree to Yang Sancheng.

This man is Wei Tao, Wei Zhong's father.

After Yang Sancheng recruited Wei Tao to Shi Huibang as a beast trainer, only Wei Zhong and his mother were left in Wei Zhong's family. Wei Zhong was already nine years old at that time and had already learned a lot.Wei Zhong's father, Wei Tao, can train beasts, and he takes animal training as a profession. As his son, Wei Zhong also inherited his father Wei Tao's genes, and he has also developed an interest in wild animals since childhood. How the people trained the wild beasts, and how they hunted the wild beasts.

Therefore, when Wei Zhong was nine years old, he knew some language and behaviors that could communicate with some wild women.

Since his father was recruited by Shi Huibang to be a beast trainer, he couldn't come back often. He could come back about once a month. Wei Zhong's mother was a bedridden patient. After his father was coerced by Shi Huibang to become a beast trainer, he took care of his mother. The burden fell on Wei Zhong.

Although Shi Huibang promised to give Wei Tao the so-called generous remuneration, because of Wei Zhong's mother's illness, the medicine needed to be changed frequently, and the remuneration given by Shi Huibang could only be used to exchange Wei Zhong's mother's medicine. Go to the wild to catch some wild wolves, train them to be your own men, take them out to hunt every day, and then exchange the prey with the villagers for food.

Unfortunately, when Wei Zhong was ten years old, he went hunting in the mountains one day, and suddenly met a man riding a giant eagle flying towards him, followed by six giant eagles of the same size. carved.

Wei Zhong looked at the big eagles flying towards him at that time, and saw that except for one accident, the claws under the other big eagles had a person caught in their claws, and those people kept crying loudly under the big eagle's claws, Or yelling loudly, paddling back and forth in the air with both hands and feet, as if swimming in water.

Wei Zhong saw the man flying towards him with a group of eagles, and suspected that he wanted to catch him, so he let out a whining sound, trying to call his wolves back to protect him.

However, before his wolves came back, he was caught by a giant vulture, and his whole body flew up into the air with that giant vulture, and then flew away with the other six giant vultures. far away from home...

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