Wild Romance

Chapter 184 Beasts from the Beast Kingdom

Since the boss of the horse is very close to the wolf eagle, and the wolf eagle attacked the boss of the horse with the sadness of the death of the same kind, so the speed of its flying is very fast, and the impact force of the forward jump is also very strong. Big, it can be said that he almost used his whole body to pounce on Boss Ma.

Boss Ma saw that the monster rushed over too fast, and he was very close to it. He wanted to avoid it, but it was too late, so he also jumped towards the wolf eagle with all his strength.

Niu Dahua, who was on the side, saw the monster wolf eagle jumping at Boss Ma so fast, so he also rushed to the place.

Boss Ma collided with the wolf eagle in the air, and because both sides used almost the same strength, they both fell at a height of one or two feet.

However, when the two sides were falling, the wolf eagle flapped its wings, and the upward buoyancy of the wings made its body slightly above, and the horse boss dragged it down.

When the wolf eagle and the horse boss collided with each other, the three mouths of the horse boss bit into the wolf eagle's chest at the same time, and the wolf eagle bit the horse boss's left neck. Grabbed a pair of front feet of Ma Boss.

When Boss Ma and the wolf eagle were about to fall to the ground, Niu Dahua also threw himself on the wolf eagle's back, biting the wolf eagle's back with three mouths at the same time.

Boss Ma and Niu Dahua didn't dare to bite the wolf eagle with great force because they were afraid of seriously injuring the wolf eagle, but bit the wolf eagle so hard that it couldn't move.

But the wolf eagle was resentful of his companion's death, and bit the boss's back of the horse's neck fiercely towards the boss.

The wolf eagle bit hard, which made Boss Ma's left neck hurt and he gnashed his teeth. Fortunately, the wolf eagle only bit the face of the neck, not the throat, so Boss Ma could still breathe on the left neck.

In order to prevent the wolf eagle from moving its teeth to the throat, Ma Boss immediately bit the back of the wolf eagle's neck with the right and upper mouths, and then pushed and pulled it; the right mouth also bit the wolf eagle from below. jaw, and push it forward.

After Boss Ma, Niu Dahua and the wolf eagle landed together, Niu Dahua saw the eagle biting one of Boss Ma's necks, and quickly swung down from the wolf eagle's back, went over and bit the head of the wolf eagle, Then pull back.

Because the wolf eagle bit the boss Ma with great force, it didn't care what the other two mouths of the boss Ma pulled or pushed, and it didn't matter how Niu Dahua pulled the wolf eagle's back. Ministry, this wolf eagle just refused to relax a little bit.

At this moment, a whistle suddenly sounded.

Immediately afterwards, Boss Ma and Niu Dahua also received Wei Xiaoping's special way of talking to them, sending a message to them to stop attacking the wolf eagles.

After the wolf eagle heard the whistle, it let go of the mouth that was biting the left neck of the horse boss.

Boss Ma and Niu Dahua also loosened their grip on the wolf eagle's mouth.

Then the two sides stood up, separated from each other by a distance of one zhang, stared blankly at each other, motionless.

After a while, I saw Wei Xiaoping flying towards him on a rhubarb, followed by seven wolf eagles, flying towards this side together.

Of the seven wolf eagles in the back, the one flying in front is the bigger one, with a man sitting on it.

Wei Xiaoping arrived with Dahuang and the seven wolf eagles.

When Boss Ma and Niu Dahua saw Wei Xiaoping coming together with that man and the seven wolf eagles, they knew that Wei Xiaoping had conquered this man and the seven wolf eagles, and they also obeyed Wei Xiaoping's will.

Boss Ma and Niu Dahua looked at the seven wolf eagles, and saw that the seven wolf eagles had no feathers under their abdomens, and instead, there were patches of black bumps.

After the man and the seven wolf eagles arrived, they saw their dead companions lying on the ground, and immediately walked up to them, stroked them affectionately for a while, with a very sad expression on their faces, and the seven wolf eagles also They made a whining sound in unison, as if paying tribute to the dead companion.

At this time, the one that was bitten by Niu Dahua and fell unconscious also flew over with the other one.

As soon as these two came here and saw their dead companions lying on the ground, they immediately flew towards Ma Boss and Niu Dahua, intending to attack Ma Boss and Niu Dahua.

Seeing this, the man immediately whistled.

The two wolf eagles, who wanted to attack Ma Boda and Niu Dahua, flew in front of Ma Boda and Niu Dahua, and when they heard the whistle, they immediately stopped and folded their wings.

Wei Xiaoping saw that a wolf eagle had died, so he asked Ma Boss and Niu Dahua what it was.

Boss Ma immediately told Wei Xiaoping what happened briefly, and finally said: "Master, I was careless. I bit off one of its legs and one wing at that time to prevent it from waking up and coming to talk to the other three." Attack us together, when we fight against them, we are also afraid that they will be seriously injured, and we dare not hit us hard, and when they attack us, they want to kill us, so when they attack us, they have nothing to do. Scruples, strikes are often ruthless. So in order to conquer them, we thought it was very tricky, so we came up with such a method, but I didn't expect that there would be wolves in the end, and when the wolves appeared, it was in the We were in an inextricable fight with three other wolf vultures, so when we heard the cry of this wolf vulture and the howling of the wolves, I remembered that the wolf vulture whose leg I had bitten off was placed on the ground. It's something here, so I'm late..."

After listening to Boss Ma's words, Wei Xiaoping explained to the man what Boss Ma said.

In the process of explaining to the man, Wei Xiaoping expressed a lot of apology in his tone, and apologized to the man on behalf of Boss Ma and Niu Dahua.

Seeing this, the man immediately said: "General Wei doesn't need to apologize for them, after all, we also made mistakes first, and we were deceived by the king of the Ten Thousand Beast Demon Kingdom when we were in the Ten Thousand Beast Demon Kingdom. Bad things, for Zhang Tongming, the king of Ten Thousand Beasts and Monster Kingdom, captured and killed many people from various countries—and the bad things that General Wei did to our past today will not be held accountable. ..."

Wei Xiaoping immediately stopped the man from saying anything, and said: "Brother Wei, don't say such things anymore, when everyone makes mistakes, as long as they can correct their mistakes in the future, walk on the right path, and do more good deeds for the world's human beings! From now on, you, Ma Boss, Niu Dahua, and Dahuang and I will all work under the Qingfeng Kingdom. We are all colleagues, we should help each other, and our relationship with each other is like brothers! Since everyone will be like brothers in the future, don’t talk about seeing outsiders. words."

After hearing Wei Xiaoping's words, the man named Wei Zhong clasped his fists and said, "Thank you, General Wei! Thank you, General Wei, for taking me in! From now on, my wolf eagles and I will all obey General Wei's orders!"

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