Wild Romance

Chapter 186

Chapter 180 Six, Wei Zhong is the Beastmaster of Ten Thousand Beasts and Monsters

Wei Xiaoping, Wei Zhong and Ma Boss are digging a hole together to bury the wolf eagle that was killed by the wolves.

At this time, the dead wolf eagle was very large. According to Wei Zhong's request, when burying the dead eagle, the dead eagle should spread its wings on both sides and fly high. The reason for burying it like this is Wei The crowd said that it took him a long time and a lot of energy to train these eleven wolf eagles to become like this. They are very loyal to Wei Zhong. The tasks assigned to him by the King of the Demon Kingdom, these eleven wolf eagles, can help him complete them smoothly. Every time the Wanshou Demon Kingdom assigns Wei Zhong, many tasks are difficult for ordinary people to complete. It is difficult to complete, which proves that this task is quite difficult. Every time it is because of the help of these eleven wolf eagles that it can be successfully completed. Yu Weizhong is very grateful to them. Without their help, he would not know how many times he has been punished by the Beast and Monster Kingdom. Therefore, Wei Zhong treats these eleven wolf sculptures as close as his own brothers, so Now one has been bitten to death by wolves, Wei Zhong must respectfully bury it, so as not to be bitten and eaten by other wild animals; the reason why it spread its wings is because these wolf eagles like to fly in the sky, the sky is their Free space, if you close their wings and bury them, it is disrespectful to them.

Just because spreading the wings and burying them requires digging a big hole, Wei Zhong, Wei Xiaoping, Ma Boss, etc., while digging a hole, asked Wei Zhong to tell Wei Xiaoping, Ma Boss, Niu Dahua, and Rhubarb what he is. The matter of being caught in the kingdom of ten thousand beasts...

Wei Zhong continued: "After I was caught by the seven giant eagles and the man, I flew in the air with the giant eagle, and flew towards an unknown direction. Looking down from such a high place, I opened my eyes and looked down, feeling very scared. I immediately closed my eyes and got up, not daring to struggle, because this giant eagle grabbed me with its claws, and I was afraid of struggling If I annoy this giant eagle, as soon as it releases its claws, I will fall from the air to the ground. What a miserable scene it will be if I fall from such a high air to the ground. Close my eyes and let it catch me and fly.

"Because I closed my eyes, I didn't know which direction they were taking me and where I was going! After about five or six hours, they landed in a huge forest where many birds and beasts gathered. As for how big the forest is, It is difficult to calculate, but it is estimated to be about a thousand square miles. It is composed of a high mountain, hundreds of hills of different heights and a large forest. The mountain and its surroundings are covered with towering ancient trees, exotic flowers and plants , the Quhe River runs through it, it is a good place for all things to live..."

Daoist Wei Xiaoping said: "Listen to you, this place is really a good place!"

Wei Zhong continued: "Because the mountains and rivers are good here, and the environment is suitable for rare birds and animals to live and live, so many kinds of birds and beasts have gathered here to live and breed——After a while, these giant eagles and that man continued to hold I flew forward and came to a cave. The entrance of the cave was as big as a house. The front of the cave was covered with dense weeds and trees. At the entrance of the cave, there were a dozen or so people wearing clothes made of animal skins and leaves, with hair coiled. Each of the guards at the entrance of the cave is holding a ferocious-looking beast in their hands. The man pushes me into the cave, and when he pushes me into the cave, guards Everyone at the entrance of the cave nodded and bowed to him. The man and I walked in front, followed by the seven giant eagles and the six people. I looked back, and when the seven giant eagles came in, the guards Those people at the entrance of the cave also nodded and bowed to the seven giant eagles..."

Hearing from the Wei people that those guarding the entrance of the cave also nodded and bowed to the seven giant eagles, Wei Xiao said: "Judging from the fact that the gatekeepers all nodded and bowed to the man and the seven giant eagles, this man and the seven giant eagles The eagle's status here is not low!"

Wei Zhong said: "That's right! After the man and I entered the cave, about tens of meters into the cave, the inside began to gradually darken, and at the same time, we began to slowly see some flames flickering on the rocks on both sides. I followed the flames , Looking inside, I saw that the inside was about the size of several houses, filled with stools and dining tables made of stone. Dozens of people were busy lighting a fire and cooking something."

Wei Zhong continued: "The man continued to push me forward, and after walking about a hundred meters, I gradually saw the light of the sun shining in from outside, and began to hear the roar of people, and Some wild beasts roared, and after a while, we came out of the cave. At the entrance of the cave, there was a mountain valley the size of dozens of villages in front of my eyes, and many houses made of stones and trees were built inside. The place where we are located is relatively high, so we can see many places in the valley. At the lowest point of the valley, there are about [-] people in a circle, and a few people in the middle surround a huge beast. They are fighting with this During the fight with the wild beast, some people were bitten by that beast and broke their legs and arms, and at the same time, the people around them screamed wildly."

"At the entrance of the cave here, the man pushed me to the left, but the seven giant eagles and the seven people walked to the right. The man took me to the left for half an hour, and then I came to the crowd at the lowest point of the col. There, the man took me to the highest point of a crowd, where an old couple was sitting. Next to the couple stood twenty soldiers guarding both sides. The man took me to the couple and knelt down and said, King, this time We set off and brought back a good product. The man said, what good product? The man turned to me and shouted, boy, come here and meet our king. Then the man said to the king, king, this time When we set off, we met this child and saw him hunting with a small pack of wolves. After a few days of observation, we found that this child could communicate with wolves in various languages. Those wolves respected him. When he saw those wolves Those wolves can do whatever they want. Moreover, he can not only speak wolf language, but also several other animal languages. Great king, if we have such a talent, we want him to help us train all kinds of wild beasts, and then put the trained Beast, as our soldier, help us kill the enemy. Okay? The old man said, if this is the case, then ask him to train the beasts in the wolf cave. If he can train the beasts in the wolf cave well, Let him be the animal trainer there, if not, then take him to the soldier camp, receive training, and then become a soldier of our Myriad Beasts and Monster Kingdom!"

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